Everything is bigger in NYC, including the stores. One afternoon, while in NYC, I took off with my friend, Kelly, and we hit the streets doing a little shopping not far from the Hilton. We were really close to lots of good shopping and I got to experience a little bit of that.
And while strolling the streets, I couldn’t help but look UP, at the beautiful and tall buildings of NYC. They are amazing, aren’t they?
Such beautiful architecture abounds.
This is how people live around here, in upper story apartments and penthouses. I bet that greenery up top of this building is a penthouse garden spot!
Rolex has its own building.
And we arrived at H & M. Have you heard of H & M? I had not until last year, when my sweet niece, Lauren, started talking about them. I had no idea what sort of store they are, but apparently they are a European chain and all the rage with the younger crowd. I had to check out my store in Marietta (in the mall) and was very impressed with the clothing. Not expensive, but trendy stuff and cost effective enough to add pieces to your wardrobe.
So imagine my excitement when I walked in and saw this: 3 floors of clothing and accessories. A bit overwhelming to say the least for this girl. I couldn’t help but text my niece while I was browsing with a pic, to share with her where I was. She immediately knew from my pic and answered back, “I’m jealous!”.
They have some very pretty clothing.
I found one top that I couldn’t pass up, a ruched top in black and white, which I love. You can see I was in a colorful mood with my skirt and top that day.
Next stop was Anthropologie, the vintage retail sensation that everyone loves. I haven’t bought much at Anthro, but I love to browse.
Their displays are always show-stoppers and magazine worthy. You can learn a lot about styling in an Anthropologie store. This beautiful chandy caught my eye right inside the door.
Their monogrammed mugs are always a treat and at $6 perfect for a gift. Love these!
This store was also HUGE and had plenty to look at.
Kelly and I decided that these letters were meant just for US. Ha! They apparently knew we were coming in.
More monogrammed coffee mugs, they are just the cutest things ever.
My sweet friend Kelly, was so thoughtful and gifted me with this adorable butter dish. It holds 1/2 a stick of butter and we had seen it in a display at BlogHer and looked it up when we got to the store. It will be adorable in my kitchen. Thank you, Kelly!!
This was the point that I broke something. I was over against that wall behind Kelly and they had stacks of jars with lids on top (you can see them there with red and blue lids). The fronts had chalkboard labels. I picked up one of them and the lids were loose and the jar crashed down on top of the bottom layer and about 3 of them fell to the floor and broke. I felt like a clumsy toddler, exclaiming so sorry to the sales people who rushed over to see if I was OK and brought brooms and pans to clean it up. They were very nice and I felt like a dolt. But, these things happen.
They do have such beautiful tablewares and so many things to entertain with.
Loved this whole display of dishes and filled to the brim cases.
Plants and white dishes always catch my eye.
These are such pretty colors too.
More lovelies.
This runner was really pretty with an iridescent thread running through.
This reminds me of blogland, empty frames all grouped on a wall. Love it!
Of course, they are known for their wide selection of knobs. Beautiful knobs!
This chair fabric is so pretty and they are all over the fake head trend. I don’t think I’m jumping on that one.
But wait, this cute guy could change my mind. I love him! You know how I feel about bunnies.
Pretty bed display
More white dishes and mirrors.
This hanging chandy with tassels was very stunning.
Side tables made of logs are so popular all over now too.
The window displays in NYC are something else! It’s not often that I get to see old storefronts like they used to do, but in New York, it is alive and well. The window dressing is gorgeous!
Hope you enjoyed a tour of a couple of stores in New York City. It sure was a treat for me!
There’s a new ebook coming out today by Dave and Mary Morris, from Front Porch Ideas and More, full of Fall inspiration projects from wreaths to door pockets (wow, my door pocket is on their cute cover). I have a door idea shared in there and there are 251 pages filled to the brim from all sorts of bloggers. I’m not likely to write an e-book, but I didn’t mind contributing to this one. They are selling for $6.97. This is an affiliate link, so if you choose to buy one, then I get a small commission. No pressure, but wanted to pass this along.
Rhoda – what great pics of our shopping storm over Manhattan! Maybe I should have bought you the bunny head instead of the butter dish! How did I miss that cool bed canopy?
Great day and maybe we can repeat our day of shopping at the Southern Bloggers Conference!
I loved the first picture looking up at the buildings. It made me feel like I was right there. On my trip to NYC my daughter and I went to a Forever 21 that was like H&M–three stories high, jam packed, and overwhelming. So different from the stores we were used to. Thanks for sharing your trip with us!
I believe there is nothing as exciting as a trip to NYC with all it’s beautifully tall buildings. The buildings themselves are art with all the designs incorporated in each and every building. It’s so impressive no matter where you are from.
I just want to say thank you for sharing all your experiences from tranforming your house to travels to New York and other places as well. Reading Southern Hospitality with my morning coffee is a daily ritual.
Aaaaaaaah, NYC….. love that city. The shopping, the excitement, the food scene, and of course all of that spells F-U-N! Thank you for sharing these pics…love that city…!! ~Nancy from OHIO
What a wonderful shopping trip! Thanks for sharing the Anthropologie pictures, I love that store.
I was told that New Yorkers can always spot those who are visiting their city…we are the ones who are looking up. Who can resist, though. Nice pictures. Thanks for letting us travel along.
Rhoda, thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures of NY. My local mall is revamping and will be putting in an H&M soon. I have a number of those rice bowls from Anthro…might need to go back for some more colors.
Your site is a must read every day! Love NYC ! The feel of the “city” is exciting & energizing and we do all look up and up and all around when we’re there too! Never get enough of looking at the skyscrapers, the brownstone homes and the sites and shops. Each area of the city brings its own culture and unique feel to their neighborhood. Thanks for sharing your experiences. How fun to be a part of your world everyday!
Absolutely love those blowfish dishes! So interesting, they’d make a great addition to any kitchen.
I’ll be visiting NYC in 10 days to celebrate my birthday. I already have plans to hit that H&M store and have dinner at one of Lidia Bastianich’s restaurants, Becco. Can’t wait! Thanks for sharing your pictures.
Rhoda, I loved this story and pictures. I love NYC. You can feel the excitement in the air there. I also love the architecture and ambience. And I love Anthropologie! I don’t like the fake animal heads either except the bunny. He is okay because he isn’t hanging on a wall! Glad you had a great time and didn’t tear up too much. You just can’t take us Southern girls nowhere! ;0
Shabby French Country Cottage Basement
As always, a great post. You take me to places and show things that I would not ordinarily have access to. I have learned a lot by stopping by here!
Rhoda, Oh my goodness, it happened to you too!? I had a similar accident with those same cute little jars while visiting my daughter in Birmingham. They had them precariously perched on these round pedestals which you would think would be secured so that if you took one from one side it wouldn’t tumble over from the weight left on the other side. But no, they didn’t think of that principle of physics I guess. Well, I picked one up and everything crashed. Thankfully, they fell onto the table and none broke, but it sure made a huge racket; the pedestals were metal. Quite embarrassing. I kinda felt like I was on Candid Camera and can only imagine how many more suckers had the same experience. Maybe we’ll all find out one day we were being filmed for an anthropolgie commercial and the outtakes will one day surface. Ha!
Loved your tour through the stores. I’m surprised no one stopped you from photographing. Last time I was doing video of some different aspects at our mall one of the stores called security on me and they were sent to find and stop me. Filming and taking pictures is against their rules supposedly. I was doing a video for my brother’s university class, he was a professor there at the time and I needed certain shots that were easiest to get there. Ever since getting schooled by security, I’m vary wary of taking photos in public, which is sad because that’s one of my mainstays. Glad you were able to get the shots for us!
My family just returned from NYC as well. I have 3 girls, and needless to say, the shopping is one of our favorite parts of New York! The window displays are just so inspiring! Our favorite store is Anthropology, but somehow we missed that one? We will have to make sure to see it next summer! Love the pictures!
I love Antropologie! I’m not fan of their clothes, but I could buy almost all of their dishes, glasses, and door knobs. There is so much I would want in there that I usually don’t buy much because I always think I should wait and treat myself after we move.
I didn’t know that monogram cups are only $6 – will keep that in mind the next time I’m in there.