I’ve got some fun and exciting news to share today! We’re having a new baby in the family. Lauren is pregnant and due in September and she just found out what the gender is. We are thrilled for the new addition! Click over to see what she’s having!
It’s a girl! They celebrated last week in New Orleans with a gender reveal cake with the family down there and then sent this to us to let us know.
Mama Lauren is looking good and that baby bump is really growing now. We are so excited for this new addition to the family and adding one more girl is just fine with us. We will have so much fun with this baby girl!
Parker and Iris will be great big sisters and hopefully are big enough now to help mom out when needed. Another baby to love and cuddle. We will all enjoy that! I couldn’t wait to share the news with you all too! You’ve watched these girls grow and grow and now there will be one more girl to add to the family. We are thrilled and feel so blessed!
I’ll be back tomorrow with a fashion post!
Congratulations and what a beautiful mom! God bless you all.
Congratulations to your whole family!! What a blessing. Thank you and them for letting us share in your joy!!!
Congratulations, Lauren and family. Girl’s are so fun…..
We have 7 grandsons 2 granddaughters and now expecting our second great grandson in May.
The 2 granddaughters are sister’s and they LOVE being the only Girls. 😃
Such a special announcement!!
Congratulations to your sweet family.
Just think, three weddings to plan for in the future. Congratulations on a new baby girl being added to the family. What will be the name for this little baby girl when she arrives?
HI, Francis, I’m sure that’s a sobering thought for the parents, three weddings! As far as I know, they haven’t picked out a name yet. I can’t wait to hear either.
Congratulations Lauren, Rhoda, and all the family!!
Congratulations to you all, so exciting!
How wonderful! Nothing like a sweet baby to bring joy everywhere.
Congratulations to your family on the new addition! Phillip may need some advice from Mark on handling the pink overload ;-)!!!
Hi, Audra, he just might! Mark made it through 4 girls!
So happy-happy-happy! Family is the best, and the bigger, the better.
Thanks for sharing the great news about the upcoming baby, Rhoda! So excited to see the new little one and all the fun surrounding her!
congratulations 🙂 so exciting, glad your parents are here to see the new addition – those girls cannot get any cuter!
Rhoda, thanks for sharing your wonderful news with us! We always look forward to the news you share with us on your family. How wonderful to look forward to this precious arrival!
Congratulations to Phillip, Lauren and those precious girls! So happy for them — and for all your family! Bless you all!