After a couple of months of preparation and planning, our Open House at work turned out really nice and the food table in the boardroom was magnificent. I figured you would be mostly interested in the food, right?? We used a local, well-known caterer, Kathy G, and they really had spread it out nicely. They know how to do it up right! We chose a Tuscan theme for the food and decor and our boardroom table was filled with delightful tidbits.
We ordered these 3 floral arrangements from a local floral design place in Homewood, called Dorothy McDaniels, and they did a fabulous job as well. The table was beautiful!
We had a nice variety of food, from paninis, imported cheeses with crackers, marinated olives & artichokes, mini-BLT’s, stuffed mushrooms, mini-tenderloin beef sandwiches, Thai chicken tarts, and a nice array of sweets. I didn’t get a great shot of all the florals lined up, but they really created a WOW when you walked in the room.
Some of you asked me if I ever get tired….oh yeah, I sure do. I’m always in bed by 9:30 or 10 each night & luckily as I’ve gotten older, I don’t require as much sleep as I used to. But, some days I just crash & can’t do another thing. Like many of you working girls, I struggle to keep the house clean, do laundry, and cook meals each day. It’s a whirlwind. The projects are fun for me though & I’d rather do those than housework any day! I could use a few extra hours in the day some days, couldn’t you?
Hi Rhoda! Thank for visiting my blog and for your sweet words…I LOVE your blog…very beautiful…the open house spread looks wonderful! I am going to go back and read some of your earlier posts and I will for sure be back,,,I am going to add you to my blogroll if that’s OK.
Looks like it was a wonderful event, Rhoda!
what a beautiful setting and great spread…love those floral arrangements…you are blessed to have found such a warm place to work…blessings, rebecca
Hi Rhoda! Looks like a beautiful Open House with yummy food!
Hi Rhoda. Everything looks beautiful and delicious! Diane
I am sooo hungry. Everything was so well presented. Have a blessed night. Mary
Hi Rhoda,
It was great to stop by and catch up with you. Was wonderful to see what you’ve been up to. You’ve been very busy. Can’t wait to see your finished projects. You’re so smart and handy!! Was wonderful to go “yard saling” with you and also furniture shopping. I loved “visiting” Mt. Laurel. I had read about it in a magazine awhile back. Was neat to see your pictures and take on it though. Hope everything is going great with you and the Holidays are good to you.
Wow Rhoda! I enlarged all the photos and loved seeing it ALL…the food, the room decor, the florals, etc. It all looks yummy too. Thanks for sharing.
Looks like a lot of fun! Why wasn’t I invited? Love, Esther
What a fabulous display – of course I love anything Tuscan since visiting there – it’s one place I long to go back to SOON!
Bet the food was delicious Rhoda – and those florals are awesome. I know they must love having you working there if you can organize such a super Open House!
Hope they gave you a raise, ha! ha!!!
Not only is the presentation beautiful but the food looks delish also. I clicked on a couple of the photos and you can really see how beautiful and yummy it looks. Thanks.
Yummmmm….. And it’s all presented so prettily! Must have been fun to be there.
Now that is a party! The arrangements are nice, too! I love the use of the twigs.
Everything looks so yummy and beautiful—you always have the touch!
Oh, those lovely photos give such a vivid record of the event. Brings to mind all the receptions and staff functions at my workplace in the 1990’s.
Everything looks so yummy & gorgeous! The theme is the best! Love your blog~ chris
Quite the spread for sure! Love the centre piece! My home is painted in Ben. Moores Tuscan colors!!hugs NG
O.K. I’m drooling now. Beautiful spread!
Rhoda, this looks absolutely delightful AND delicious! Great job! I know everyone must have enjoyed it immensely!
I did enjoy your open house.
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