My very sweet friend, Kat, has just passed on these two lovely awards to me. Thank you SO much Kat! I’m amazed at all these awards, so I’ll proudly add these to the others I’ve received.
Wanted to properly thank Kat for that first……
***********************************************Look….I did it!
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I am currently having a love affair with my decorating notebooks…….but I need to pretty them up……thanks for the inspiration 🙂 Rosie
Good morning Rhoda! I love your cookbook/notebook organizer. I’m trying to get organized myself. I’ve always kept my decorating mags under the bed(s) in those long narrow under-the-bed plastic bins but also have lots of pages I’ve torn out of magazines. I bought a black portable file tote and put those hanging green files in there…I just put all my torn pages in there and it’s so nice! I also have a “love affair” with clothes and I have a three ring binder that I put pics in that show clothes I like and how to accessorize them, etc.
I’m working on a new project (revamping office/nursury/junk room) but I’ve put it on hold until after our vacation next week.
Love ya – Judy
Love that! You made it real pretty too!
I have a big closet where I can stash all the junque I can’t bear to part with too. It’s great to have a space like that.
Hugs, DebraK
PS. congrats on your well deserved awards!
Love the new recipe binder. Very organized and nice that you can change out the paper if you want a new look.
What a deal on the baker’s rack. Great for storage.
Hi! I’ve been reading your blog for a bit, but never posted. That bakers rack is just wonderful – especially at the price you paid. Even if it is lightweight metal. I have longed to find one of those for my entry hall at a yard sale. Of course, then I would have to remove the very nice antique oak dresser I have there, but it stays for now.
I like what you finally did with those recipes. Very spiffy!
Mary Lou
Hi Rhoda! This is my first comment to your blog. I enjoy it very much! We live on a limited budget so I love to frequent garage and yard sales too. I have both a Goodwill and a Salvation Army within five minutes so I’m there a few times a week also.
Anyway, I love your recipe binder. I have one similiar that I put the recipes in that my family has approved as “repeaters.” They are the ones they like and want again. I keep all the rest I pick up from websites, blogs, and friends in a file folders until I try them. If they like it, it goes in to my binder. If they don’t, it goes in the circular file.
I love your recipe binder. Great blog!
I love this. I need to do one. I have alot of my husbands Mother’s recipes and I need to get them in some kind of order…Mary
Oh I have wanted a new recipe binder for years and years. I don’t like to cook but if I was more organized I am sure I would make more interesting things!
Thanks for the inspiration, Rhoda!
The rest of us just stash stuff away~ you actually use it!
Good for you—actually good for us!!
What a great deal you found, yet again! And you did a great job with organizing those recipes. I have seen those exact materials at Walmart and they are very colorful! I was surprised they had so many different dividers and folders to choose from too! I need to make a list and go back soon And, you’ve reminded me I have to go collect some of the rewards that have been passed on to me and post them at my blog! I recall you passing some to me a while back!
5$!!!!! That’s almost FREE!!! What a great find..Ahhh, I yearn for yard sale season. Please keep us posted on your finds so I can live vicariously through you! Here in Chi town it’s about 5 degrees and we had some hail today….
Jen R
Looks like a good organizing time was had. Congrats on the award!!
Have a great week,
The recipe holder turned out great. I need to do the same thing. Maybe soon……
Hope your weekend was wonderful.
Great to know I’m not the only one with a craft closet that isn’t totally organized, but you are certainly getting there! And I love your recipe book! Great idea! Keep the ideas coming, Girl!
You always find the best deals at yard sales! I can’t wait for them to start around here. I’ll be going and looking at things differently now, thanks to you and seeing how you use things.
I did that with all my recipes last fall…I started out with one notebook and ended up with four. But at least there is some organization to the madness now! I love your shelving unit…I need more bookshelves, period!
You had an organizing weekend! I love the feeling I get when things are in order..and i never would have thought of using the baker’s rack as you did but it was perfect!!
Love your new cookbook and how you personalized it :o) The little iron piece is cute and looks great even as an organizing tool in your closet :o) I wish I had a little closet like yours…….
Have a great week!
Don’t you just feel GREAT after a job like that…like when all the beds have clean sheets on them !!!
The notebook came out great…would you mind posting a picture of it opened for the full effect 🙂
Hope you had a nice week-end.
Kathy 🙂
ps great find on the bakers rack..I have one that I used on my back deck, mine has solid shelving on some of the racks…it’s great for parties etc