We had another wonderful family Christmas. I always say we don’t take it for granted that mom and dad will be with us for another Christmas, but truly it is something we don’t know for sure. At anytime, health can decline, things change year to year and we are grateful that we had them again this year to celebrate with our family. My mom’s younger brother is experiencing a health decline and it’s so hard to watch that generation leave us. We must cherish each and every moment with them. In fact, we just got back from Central FL yesterday.
We (me, Renee, Lauren and Parker) decided on short notice to take mom down to visit her brother who is not in good health. We have no idea what the near future holds and it was important that she see him again. Mom and Dad are both getting to the point where they just can’t take long distance travel anymore, so those days will be coming to an end too. I’ll share that trip with you later this week. It’s been a long week (I’m tired!) and today I’m leaving for Hilton Head Island, SC where I’ll be touring the HGTV Dream Home tomorrow. Mark is going with me on this trip and I’ll have lots to share from that trip too, so stay tuned for that.
So with that, let’s get on to the pictures from Christmas. Lauren and her family were home and the girls, of course loved Christmas. They got too many gifts as usual and I think they enjoy opening the presents and ripping open the packages almost as much as what’s inside! It gets overwhelming after awhile.
They start out in pj’s, Parker with Bailey on the sofa.
Mark was with me for Christmas festivities at my sister’s house and then later that afternoon, we had Chinese with his girls and their families. It was a full day! We had a big breakfast that my sister made and it was delicious as usual.
Bruce, my brother-in-law dressed up for the part as the conductor in Polar Express. There’s a back story to this. He’s an engineer for Lockheed and they had a big fund raiser and departments made over wagons for the children’s hospital, Scottish Rite. Bruce’s team did Polar Express and they all decorated the wagon and also dressed up in character. So naturally, Bruce was the Conductor and looked great! They won the contest too!
Here’s their wagon and Bruce made this at home and painted it. So cute!
So that’s why Bruce is wearing a conductor outfit. There are the smiles!
Parker and Iris got a giant dollhouse from Renee and Bruce. I hear it’s staying here in GA, which is a good thing because it would take a truck to move it. I heard she got it at Costco.
When dad sat down, Bailey headed over and jumped in his lap. He likes daddy.
Mom, Dad and Bailey.
And the little photobomber who wanted in the picture, with powdered sugar on her mouth.
Mom and Dad are doing pretty well these days, thank goodness.
Lauren, Philip, Parker and Iris in their Christmas pj’s.
Bruce, Parker and Iris ready to open presents.
We all took turns getting pics in front of the tree. We have to document and take pics of special occasions while we have them.
Mark and I.
We managed to get a family picture this year, so that was a score!
The present opening commenced and that took awhile. Parker got a pogo stick. We’ll see how that works out, she’s not known for being graceful.
Iris and a light up star pillow. I think she likes it.
An arts and crafts library, that looks fun.
Renee got the girls princess dresses.
Parker had to try hers on.
Books for Iris.
Pop-up book for Parker.
And matching personalized cups with straws.
Iris made this for her mom in school and proudly pointed to the picture and said, “my picture is on there!”.
We’ve been talking about doing this for awhile and Dad got a marker board to keep at home. His memory is so bad these days that he can’t remember from one minute to the next what is going on. It’s sad, but that’s where we are these days. When mom leaves, he doesn’t remember when she’s coming back, so we thought a board would help and it has! She left last week for a couple of hours and wrote it all on the board so he can read it and watch the time. We should have done this ages ago, but it should really help from now on when she is out of the house.
So that’s a tip for you care givers, a marker board to write messages and keep them informed of the daily events so they can keep track of them. He really liked having the board when she was out. We are going to use it all the time now.
Mom did this for us growing up and continued the tradition with Lauren and now she is doing the same tradition with her girls. Lifesaver books, simple and easy. It would not have been Christmas without the Lifesaver books growing up. I am sorry to see they are not as big as they used to be, only one side is filled with Lifesavers now. No more ButterRum, boo!
The girls have a chance at their schools they go to, to buy gifts for their families, so the girls gave us our gifts. It was so cute and they got each other gifts too, hence the hugs.
Iris helped me open her present to me, this cute green and red jingle bell bracelet. I wore it the rest of the day.
Here are those Dr. Scholl shoes (affiliate link) I got! Love them!
I also got these pretty little glasses I had asked for. I saw these La Rochere French glasses (affiliate link) at the B&B we stayed at in Madison and loved them, so put them on my Christmas list. Here’s the link for those if you’re interested. I’m going to use two of these in our new bathroom makeover, we need a drinking glass in there and these are so cute.
I got the girls new outfits from Macy’s, they wore them the next day and look adorable in them!
On Mark’s side of the family, we didn’t get many pics from our gatherings, but here’s a cute one of Rose in her new Minnie dress that we got her. She loved it and she spun and spun in front of the mirror admiring herself.
She loves candy canes too and sucked on those after dinner.
We enjoyed Christmas with both our families and now it’s time for a New Year. It’s fun to celebrate, but I’m glad it’s over now and I can get the house back to normal. The Christmas season goes way too fast, but celebrating with our families is the best way to do it.
Happy New Year to you all! Thank you for hanging out with me all this time.
Beautiful! Your parents look great!
Such beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing. Looks like you all had a wonderful holiday. Best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! Your parents look wonderful. Take care.
Jeanie (from Pennsylvania)
Wonderful pictures Rhoda, your family is beautiful and we always enjoy seeing your mom and dad – Happy New Year 🎈🎊
Great family holiday pictures, Rhoda. I love the marker board gift for your parents! Happy New Year to you all.
So wonderful you were all together. I always enjoy seeing your mama and daddy. They look good and I know the little girls lifted their spirits. Have fun at the HGTV house.
What a beautiful and full day!! Such lovely photos to keep and frame…especially one of your Mom and Dad, all were so sweet, and all the family!! Such Blessings!!
My daughter has that same dollhouse and it did come from Costco. We got hers several years ago; she has moved on from Barbies, so it now houses all of her American Girl pets (the dolls live across the room in their own house, so the pups and kitties need a house too, right??!!!) 😉
I love all the Santas in Renee’s tree and the “Christmas Calories Don’t Count” sign is too cute! Thank you for sharing your family time with us! Hoping you have a blessed 2020!
Iris and Parker are getting so big! What a blessing your parents get to enjoy them. I took my grandchildren to see my parents once a week while they were growing up. They made a special bond with my parents and to this day they still talk of meMaw and pawpaw. My parents passed 9 years ago and the 21 yr old grandson still talks about memaw was his best friend. Treasure these times with your parents, as I know you do.
What great Christmas pics of your family gathering! Your parents look so good but I know its difficult seeing them struggle with memory issues and other health challenges as they age. The memory board is a great idea for your Dad and I am going to recommend that to my uncles wife as my uncle has Parkinson’s and has struggling this past year with his memory.
Parker & Iris are just adorable and it was so cute seeing them with Marks brother in his Polar Express conductors outfit. My husband lost his Dad in September at age 90 and his Dads first cousin passed away last year and was a Shriner. So we asked that all memorial contributions in his Dads memory be made to the Shiners Children Hospital which helps so many children.
Happy New Year! You are so blest to have both parents celebrating the holidays with you all! They look fantastic! A good tip you shared on the write-on board.
Love how your clothes coordinate in the family photo. My mom, who is in her 80’s, swears that Vitamin B12 helps with memory loss. I believe C also helps. I read an article on it recently. Will link if I can find it.
Thank you, he’s on medication for memory for the last 5 years. Hoping it helps to keep it from getting worse.
Love the colorful Christmas photos. Thank you for sharing. Beautiful family and those girls are adorable. As a child, I would have been over the moon with that doll house. I’m sure you remember the metal ‘doll houses’ from the late 60’s or so… I had one with the plastic furniture and most of the room decor painted on the metal walls. My youngest brother climbed up on the top of mine so he could be ‘in the house.’ I was crushed when he crushed it! Funny the things that remain with us a lifetime. Happy New “Blog” Year.
HI, Becky, you’re so right, all those childhood memories we all carry around are priceless. Oh how things have changed since we were kids.
Beautiful photos the girls are adorable and with their grandfather in the conductor’s suit is priceless.
Your dad with Bailey is great. Also the photo with Mom & Dad.
So wonderful to see family together enjoying Christmas.
Think your sister hides…..lol
Your family is extra special to me with their connection to my Aunt & cousin. They always loved you & your family.
Brenda from Boaz,AL
Thank you, Brenda, I’m so glad you enjoyed. Renee does hide, she doesn’t like taking pics of herself.
My mother made our doll houses and my daughter’s toy kitchen. We thought they were fantastic! She used cardboard boxes and regular wall paint, all kinds of fabric scraps and spools. She made all kinds of things, probably could have had a crafty blog if she were born … hmmm … 60 years later? Thanks for the family photos! They are precious. (My sister dodges the camera too, annoying little sister.)
It all sounds perfectly lovely!
And I couldn’t agree more about how hard it is to watch your family age and pass away. It has been surreal for me.
Happy New Year and much love to you!
Thanks for sharing your beautiful family.
Thanks for sharing your sweet family with us! Happy New Year!
Belated well wishes to you and your family. Loved these photos, you haven’t lost a bit of your magical touch. Always get wonderful ideas from your blog. Keep up the great work. Spending more trim in Blue Ridge these days. Happy New Year dear friend.
From Ellwood in Historic Marietta
Lynn Rechsteiner
Thank you, Lynn, Happy New year to you!
You have such a beautiful family and you are sooo blessed to have your parents with you to celebrate family get togethers!!! The Christmas tree is very pretty and the pjs make the perfect gathering attire. Young and old, our entire family love opening gifts on Christmas morning just like your family. Thank you for sharing such special memories with us. We get to see the girls growing up, your parents as the family matriarchs, beautiful decorations and the blessings of smiles and happiness on every person’s faces!!! Happy 2020 New Year to you, Mark and the extended family❤️❤️❤️
Rhoda, those are such wonderful pictures of your family! I have such a small family and have always been a bit of envious of big holiday gatherings. The big smile on your dad’s face with that precious pup is my favorite. Even though your parents are older, there are no guarantees for any of us. So here is to a healthy, happy 2020 for all of us!