Our dear precious mother has gone to be with Jesus. How ironic it is that today is my 67th birthday and our mom is gone. She just passed away early this afternoon, after I had written this earlier update for today. We are heart broken and sad, but also relieved that she is out of pain and no longer suffering. The last few days have been so agonizing to watch her fade more and more from life. Yes, it’s sad, but also we are rejoicing that we know where she is. She is meeting Jesus face to face and that is the best gift of all.
It’s been so hard to watch her decline, but we are glad she is out of pain now and with her heavenly Father. We prayed that she would not have to suffer long and God honored those requests. As much as it hurts to lose her, she is no longer in a failing body.
She went peacefully after eating a bit of lunch today. I had just been there to see her about an hour before and a nurse care giver was with her when she passed. She went back to sleep and passed away. I knew she was getting bad, but even the hospice nurses were surprised she went this fast. I felt it in my heart that she was bad after I saw her this morning, but had no idea she would be going today on my birthday.
I will cry and grieve, but most of all I will rejoice in celebrating the best mother I could possibly have been gifted. She was an angel on earth and she loved her family so very much. My sister, Renee and niece, Lauren, will be home very soon and we’ll be planning a memorial service for her. I had to go and tell my daddy that she had passed and he took it well, in his state of dementia. I know he understood that she was sick and her body was failing and he was sad to hear she was gone. She was such a wonderful wife, mother and grandmother.
Thank you so much for loving our mom as much as you did! She was every bit the sweet and precious lady you thought she was and we will miss her dearly.
Rhoda I’m so sorry your mother has passed. It’s never easy to loose a parent no matter their age.
May the hope of heaven be your comfort. With love.
Oh Rhoda, I’m just reading this now. God bless your beautiful Mom and your dear Dad. Thank you for sharing their lives with your readers. I lost my parents 13 years ago, 8 months apart, we still have my mother in law who is 97 and at home with 24 hr care, but really wants to go to heaven. It’s always a dilemma. God bless her loving family.
Rhoda, I have followed your journey with your parents and I feel I know them. I pray The God of all comfort be with you and your family as your mother makes the transition from this earthly realm to the Heavenly Kingdom. God bless you all!
My sincere condolences to you and your family.
I was so sorry to hear of your sweet mother’s passing. I left a short message of sympathy on your Instagram account but wanted to write something longer and thank you and your family for sharing your parents’ lives with us over the years. Whether you know it or not, you helped so many of your readers who have gone through or going through the same health challenges and life changes as them with their parents.
I missed your Thanksgiving post, so I didn’t realize your mom was in hospice and her health had declined so much over the past months. I am thankful you and your family got to share once last Thanksgiving together. So many times, there will be one last rally and I have seen this with my own grandparents and my husband’s late parents.
I remember when my husband’s grandmother and mother as well were in assisted living and were starting to decline with one thing after another. We never knew if it was our last visit or not. I remember his grandmother saying when she turned 95, I won’t be here next year for 96 and she was right. They know. She passed away a month before her 96th birthday.
I am sending my prayers to your dad, you, Renee, Lauren and your entire family. Yes, it’s a time of sadness and loss but also a time to celebrate a life well lived and centered in Christ.
Thank you, Teresa, for such a sweet note! So many of you have expressed so many similar sentiments and I’m so glad our journey has helped other families along the way. Nothing prepares you for this time in life, that is for sure. We are so glad mom had such a long, good life and now her pain is over. I had just written that update post on Thanksgiving & posted the same day she passed, so I quickly wrote this post to let everyone know that she was gone. She will always be in our hearts.
I’ve been following your blog for several years now, rarely do I comment. Watching you with your parents and reading your posts has touched my heart. My father who is 86 now is in the last stages of dementia. It is so hard seeing them go through this and even worse I think is watching my mom going through it with him. My many prayers go out to you at this time.
Rhoda, Just saw today about your sweet mama. Thank you for sharing your family with us over the years. Time does heal. ❤️Debbie