(from Target.com, the Madaga gazebo)
Do you have one of these pretty things and do you like it? We are seriously considering adding one of these to our back deck so that we can enjoy the nice weather and stay out of the sun, but before we invest in anything, I’d love to get some opinions on how these things hold up. I got online at Target and they have many to choose from and there are so many different opinions, in that some of the frames are fairly stable, but big gusts of wind can create havoc with these gazebos and it was mentioned that the canvas tops are not particularly long lasting. I saw some reviews where the thing blew over and crumpled the frame and the canvas tops were torn to shreds. I would probably go ahead and purchase a replacement top, since it seems that they do not last more than 2 to 3 seasons at most. They aren’t cheap, so I don’t want to waste my money. I definitely want one that can be bolted to our deck for stablity.
When I saw this article in Better Homes and Garden’s May edition, called Tent Show, my wheels started turning and I thought it would be really great to have a version of this on our deck. I already have lots of wicker stored away in the garage just waiting to be used again. The ideal situation would be to build a screened porch on our existing deck, but that will cost thousands of dollars and it’s not in the picture right now, so I’d love an alternative.
Isn’t this dreamy? I would love to have just a simple version of this feel on our deck.
Any opinions on these? If you have one, I’d love to hear about it, pros and cons. Our deck is about 9 1/2 feet by 13 feet, so not too big. I’d love to get a 10×10’, but I don’t think it will work, since the frame has to bolt together and our deck is not 10′ wide, just under that. Ideally, this would be bolted to the wood deck for stability, but I don’t want it to be a throwaway thing after only one season. I know that taking the top down at the end of the season is a must. I’ve been online doing some research. My hubby wants me to find one with a hard top, but I’m not sure that exists.
So, let’s talk about gazebos! I’d love to hear your thoughts. What do you have on your deck to keep the sun out and to enjoy the Summer months outdoors?
Also, don’t forget the Burlap Par-tay on Thursday! (click the sidebar button for details) Get your posts ready to go and I’ll get Mr. Linky up early.
I saw one not too long ago that was fabulous and was PVC. It was the type that had beams across the top and a retractable canvas “roof” that almost looked like a roman shade that was mounted horizontally. I just can’t remember what catalog that I saw it in….I live on the gulf coast in Texas and it looked like it could withstand the weather as long as it was secured into the ground properly. We ended up going with a vinyl patio cover that we had professionally installed for about $1200. I love it and it has been windstorm certified, which makes me feel even better.
Okay, so I love that you looked for a thrifty alternative to a screened-in porch. 🙂 I think there are so many ways that you could make an amazing outdoor room, and wicker can be so versatile in colors/pillows, etc. 🙂
my neighbors have the first one from Target……it has held up remarkably well! There was only one incident in which it blew over into the swimming pool but that was because they had not secured it properly in a windstorm. After it was chained down to their fence, it has withstood the elements! It also looks very nice….
Rhoda, I bought one from Walmart four years ago and it’s the best thing ever! It’s like the first pic you have, only a little more beafy with wrought-iron corners coming around each corner (if that makes sense.)
It was originally $299, and I caught a sale of $199. We put it on our deck and bolted it in at the bottom corners.
We get a lot of wind, but it’s never moved. We do take the top cover off in the fall and store it for the winter.
You can’t go wrong with one of these things!
Hi Rhoda! Having an outdoor Gazebo is in my “Someday” wish list! lol. We are military and move around so often, that one day we will buy or build and plant some roots. When we do, this is part of my vision! Great post! I wanted to invite you to stop by and see my great giveaway I am having! I think you will like it!
Hugs to you,
sounds like you need to get your hubby to build a pergola…google that and you will see many long lasting ideas
We had one from Home Depot that we bought about 4 years ago on after season clearance for $150.00. It even came with mosquito netting to zip up on the sides. We didn't secure it down. It just sat on top of our cement in one little corner of our yard. We live in southern California but we do get some wind. But we don't get the real strong wind very often. Our yard is down in a valley from the neighbors so that helps. The neighbors above us did have one blow over their fence & get mangled, but ours never moved. We put a bed in ours & have slept outside in the canopy many nights in the summer time. It was fabulous!!! Finally the canvas roof tore to shreds a few months back. We never took the cover off in the 4 years we had it. I found a replacement top online for $100 but hubby decided he wanted to take down the canopy & make a raised bed garden instead. We loved ours (we at least I did), but we were lucky it lasted as long as it did. We do have a covered patio on the other side of the house that hubby built that we have now moved the bed too. And our back patio area we have one of those retractable awnings by Sunsetter. Hubby loves this the most. But I loved the intimate feeling of the gazebo. Hope that helps some.
Hey Ro! We got our gazebo at Target about 3 years ago. Last year the “top” part was in shreds so I ordered one on line. My gazebo is a 10×10 and fits perfectly on my patio. But we have a hard time keeping the new top on the frame. We have enjoyed the gazebo in the past but haven’t even put the top on it this year. The wooden supports will probably last one more year and then it will need to be replaced. I feel the cost is worthwhile as they are so pretty (like your pictures). We’ll either get another one next year or build some kind of structure.
Well, that’s my 2 cents worth!
I love gazebos! Hopefully we can get one someday.
We looked at a hard top gazebo at Sam’s last night. It looked quite sturdy but it was about $1000! That is not in our budget this year!!!
I agree that durability is the key to this, especially since you live in a warm climate and will probably keep it up year round. I just don't think you will find that in a free standing gazebo. If you look past the beauty of the wicker shades and curtains in the BH&G photo, you will see that the supposts are somewhat flimsy.
My opinion would be to find someone to draw out plans for a frame, find someone with handy carpentry skills to build a frame that stakes in and cements in to the ground. Use durable tarp for the roof. Screening material is cheap and simple to staple gun on (plus, your pretty curtains and blinds will cover that!).
I would rather spend a little extra than have the disappointment of having it blow into the neighbors yard!!! Good luck, Rhoda!
Hi Rhoda – love, love, love your website. Personally speaking, I’ve not owned one but I think thess look best in the store and in catalogue pictures only but you get what you pay for and I would hold out (and save your $$’s) for the real thing and your ultimate dream. Just my 2 cents, but I’ll be anxious to see where you land on this one. Good luck and Blessings to you always!
Hello! I LOVE your blog! We bought one from target 2 years ago. Hubby bolted it to the concrete pad and it stays up year round, we just take the fabric cover off. We LOVE it! it is our shade in the summer. It did get tears and holes the first year from the wind. We were able to order another one and I reinforced it with outdoor fabric. We just take the cover down with the weather get windy or stormy!
We purchased one this year that a co-worker of mine had on his property for about 5 years and would still have except we had a horrific winter (exceptional amounts of snow and some strong wind storms). He just took the cover off each year. It’s the Anchor model at Home Depot. I’m hoping we have as much fortune with ours as he did with his. One thing I should mention – I live near Seattle so my summers are not particularly hot or long so that might actually help extend the life of ours.
I know SAM’s club had one with a hard top-kind of like metal. Not sure if it is online or not but I do know they do make them.
I have never owned one, but my neighbor has gone through 3! We do get quit a bit of wind here and strong summer storms (we are a bit south of Atlanta).
She now has a new one and has started taking the top fabric off when they predict high winds. The problem is that it is very time consuming to do that and it takes 2 people. They are awesome to be able to sit under, though.
I want one, but I haven’t even been able to keep an umbrella through one season.
Thank you ALL for chiming in on this one. All of your comments really help me a lot. I'm probably going to be on the lookout for one & hopefully in June they will start putting them on sale & I can find a deal on one. After telling hubby about the $1000 hardtop one at Sams (there's a pic of it online), he said that one is not in the budget either right now. But, maybe I can find a sturdy one that I can bolt down and I'll def. take the canvas off at the end of the season. It seems like that is key: bolting & taking the top off.
You know I'll keep y'all posted on what we end up with.
I saw this same BH&G issue and wanted one for Mom's backyard. I found a lot of different models at Old Tyme Pottery, from really basic and cheap, to fairly nice, but more expensive. I don't know if you have an OTP close to you, but it may be worth checking their selection. We haven't been able to get Mom's together for all the rain, so I can't offer any feedback from there. Good luck!
I have never had one of these, but I did have a wooden one built for over the hottub and LOVED it!
We bought one from Wal-mart about six years ago. It was a cheapy, about $120. I absolutely loved it! It had curtains which would close you in on all four sides. We ate dinner under it every night. Then the winds came and I had to sit and watch the wind come between our canopy and house and literally push the canopy down. The frame completely bent. So we returned it and got another one. It lasted for the rest of the summer, we had it bolted to the deck but when the winds came, it did the same thing. All this being said, this was several years ago and I would think the frames are sturdier now. Also, even with having the wind tear the canopy up, it was worth it. When we built our new house, we added a roof over our deck!