One of my dear friends from Atlanta, Judy, decided she needed a little girl-time getaway this weekend and came over for a vist. I told her Friday night that we had a couple of yardsales to hit first thing Saturday a.m., so she was game (of course she wasn’t surprised, she knows me well). We went to 4 that were nearby and Judy found a cute little garden plaque and I found only a couple of things…totally opposite end of the spectrum things, but I’m thrilled with them both.
This cute Harold’s skirt was $5.00 & I couldn’t pass it up (I get SO excited when I find bargains like this…let someone else pay retail & I get it for a pittance at their yardsale…she even let me try it on & it fits perfect!). And, on the garden tool side, I found a Black & Decker lawn edger for $6.00 right in my neighborhood at a sale. This was one little item that was on our list of must-buys one of these days, so I was tickled to find a used one so cheap. It appears to work too! I was just as excited about the lawn edger as I was the skirt. My hubby will put that edger to good use! Next on the agenda, we headed down to the Pepper Place market, which is in an older part of town and used to be a Dr. Pepper plant. The old buildings now house some really nice antiques stores, with wonderful architectural items & we enjoyed browsing through the above store with all it’s salvaged doors & fragments. Pricey, but much fun to look at!
Hello Rhoda,
What a beautiful friend you are to take a friend around town. It looks like you gal’s had a blast. Enjoyed the picks very much. I envy you when you get to go too yardsales LOL! 🙂 Not many here where we are. BUMMER! Happy Monday…Nicole from Cedar Creek Texas
Rhoda, it sounds like you had so much fun! Great YS buys too!
Rhoda! Pepper Place looks like Pat’s kind of place! B’ham is not so far from STL, right?
Great photos, loved the post!
Back Porch Musings
Wasn’t it great to get some rain! Woo-hoo! And today we’re suppose to get some too.
The Pepper Place Market sounds like a fun place to explore and all that fresh fruit looks so yummy.
$6 for the B&D is wonderful! I think soon the yardsales will slow down. It’s already too hot to be out after 11 a.m.
P.S. I just put up pictures of my guestroom. Let me know what you think.
Wow Rhoda, you found some great yard sale items, that skirt is cute. And what a fun day with your girlfriend, and a fun place to visit. Those peaches look yummy!
That skirt looks like you…pretty and fun!
The pictures are wonderful too…thanks for sharing.
Great pictures Rhoda. I love spending the day doing just as you and you friend did. We have tons of farmers marketes around here and you can always get the freshest produce.
That skirt is so cute…good score on the lawn edger too.
Hi Rhoda,
Sounds like a great time.
Love the skirt. You have so many great things to do around where you live.
I really want to see that movie too.
Have a great day!
I’m so glad your weekend was fun too. I’ve never been to Pepper Place, but it sounds like my kind of place. Good finds too!
What a wonderful jaunt — and a wonderful friend to share good times! Gorgeous skirt — LOVE the colors!
Jan x from a hot-and-sticky day at Rosemary Cottage!
Sounds like a great day! Those hydrangeas are so beautiful!
Cute skirt! I love the pictures of the produce and plants-those peaches make my mouth water. I’m looking forward to making some yummy peach cobbler soon!
love absolutely everything you shared! I wish we had a lovely farmer’s market here…I’d be a regular customer!
(love that mosaic sculpture, too…that would be a wonderful piece for my garden 🙂
How cheerful! What a beautiful place you live in! I just love when old factories are turned into antique shops! There is one called “Cordage Park” (it used to be a rope factory) right near the Mayflower in Plymouth that has fancy shops inside now.
I LOVE that little guy and his peaches in the wagon!
Oh- can I come see you for a little girls weekend getaway? 😉 What fun the two of you had!!!
Those fresh fruits had my mouth watering- yummy!
It is a good cake I posted in my blog, try it sometime when you want an easy cake thats very good cold on these hot southern nights!
What a funfilled day with your girlfriend!
Thanks for the sharing all the pics! I truely loved them! The mosaic lady is a hoot!
Loved the fun, sassy skirt!
What a great weekend you had! Looks like so much fun. Send some of that rain our way!
Now that sounded like an absolutely perfect day!
so glad you had a fun girlfriend weekend! I love those!
I have not been to the Pepper Place, but will have to check it out next time we’re in town…not to mention getting together with you at The Cheesecake Factory… wanna split some cheesecake?
I’m with Tracey. I haven’t heard of this place, but I will check it out the next time I am in B’ham. Sounds like my kind of place…as is The Cheesecake Factory! 🙂
I always stop in Clanton on my way home to buy peaches when they are in season….nothing finer!
Thanks for sharing!