How organized are you? Need help? (raising my hand, me too) 🙂
If you’d like to get MORE organized and have a chance to win a giveaway from my newest sponsor that will help you BE more organized, click over to my giveaway page today! You’ll need to leave comments over THERE to be in the giveaway.
Just in time for the New Year!
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Dorothy Stahlnecker says
I’ll stop over and see if I can pick up some organized tips.
Dorothy from grammology
pk @ Room Remix says
Organization? Ha! Definitely could use some of that!!!! 🙂 I’m clicking over to check out the giveaway. Hope you’re having a great weekend!
Stephanie Lynn says
Love organization! Off to check out your link =) Thanks!
Pat says
Getting organized for sure! 🙂
Molly says
I am so ready for this. I have spent this weekend organizing my decorating closet. Looking at the website what I could REALLY use help with is meal planning! I HATE thinking about what to make and making lists for the store. I love the tools available to make those tasks a little easier!
Pinky says
I left a comment earlier but don’t see it? So, I need help with meal planning. I just said to my hubby yesterday that I should put a list on our freezer of what is in there so I don’t rebuy things that I ahve! That would make meal planning easier too! This is a TERRIFIC giveaway! Merry Christmas!!! XO, Pinky
Barb Boyack says
Oh I need the meal planning BADLY! Hope I win Rhoda!
Merry Christmas and many blessings to you and yours…
Teresa says
Sounds wonderful. It has been such a blessing to meet you in blogland…You have enriched my life. Blessings to you and yours….Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with many blessings.
Grammy Girlfriend
kelly adams says
I need help with home management…this site is an organizer’s dream!!!
Jennifer Wedemeyer says
Family matters and home management are what I need to work on for 2010, whew I have a lot of work ahead of me!