We are continuing our conversation this month on Bed and Bath ideas, so let’s keep it going by asking this question.
How often does your hubby get involved in your decorating decisions?
I’m pretty fortunate, in that my hubby doesn’t get too opinionated about things I do around the house decor-wise for the most part, but he will sometimes nix an idea or make his opinion known about certain things.  So, I’ve learned to listen to those ideas. When I redecorated our upstairs guestbath last year, which is right next to his office, I did take into consideration that he’s the main one who uses this bathroom, so I ran some ideas by him before I decided on changes. For one, I made it a little more masculine in here with earthy colors.
Green, brown and cream set the tone.
And I added this glassfront cabinet in there too to hold his reading material, which you can see is not inside the cabinet, but on TOP of it. Oh well, I tried!
So, how about at your house? Does your hubby get involved in the decisions about decorating OR does he leave those to you?
I’d love to get some feedback from all of you, since I’ll be heading to the ranch to meet Ree (YAY!!) and participate in my little video segment of our promotion, at the end of this month. We will be using reader’s comments for our video discussion, so chime in with me!
Head on over to the Putting it All Together page for more on this subject from the other girls who getting in on the discussion.
Hi Rhoda! We have talked before about Audley’s involvement in the decorating of our home. We have different tastes with his classic and my contemporary, but they compliment each other well. When we first married I always asked him what he thought and he spoke freely, but now he volunteers info. and so much of it is so appreciated! He actually has really good taste and is not afraid to try something new. While I would gladly decorate our entire house alone, I couldn’t imagine doing it without his finishing touches!
My hubby does leave the decor to me for the most part, but I always at least ask him for his opinion. We have very similar tastes – modern coastal style and bright colors. Even though he usually gives me the standard answer of “whatever you want”, I like to at least try to get his input on the decor because I want him to enjoy our home as much as I do!
My guy is such a sweetheart. Whatever colors…bedding….tile choices…furniture arrangement…whatever!!…he doesn’t mind…(I LOVE it!). He said if it was left up to him, we would still have brass fixtures, brass cabinet hardware, blue and mauve color scheme. However, I do not take advantage of that. I am the only female in this family of four…so I try to keep a happy balance between my taste and a walk on the masculine side. So far, after almost 25 years of marriage, it’s worked out pretty well. 🙂
My husband generally stays out of decorating decisions. However, I run all major furniture purchases through him first. I want to make sure he is comfortable with what I buy. As far as colors, accessories, art, that is usually all me.
We have a deal – any major purchases are discussed (ie I don’t run out and spend $600 on patio furniture) and NO purple.
Other than that I’m free as a bird and I love it that way. His motto is “The house is like your office and you’re the one here all day, so you should love it!”
Sigh…another reason I love that man!
Hi Rhoda!
My husband at first was very set in his ways, as I moved into the home that he already owned. At first, I couldn’t move a vase without it ending up back where it was (somehow! hmmm..). But, over time, I’ve completely changed color palettes, rearranged, purchased new items, and as it turns out, he likes everything I’ve done. Imagine that. So, he mostly leaves the decorating to me and I love it!
When my hubby and I first got married I wanted his imput on EVERYTHING to do with our house. Quickly I realized that he doesn’t have “visionary” skills. He’s an engineer. Enough said. It got to the point that we couldn’t decide how to do anything and the house just stayed the way it was. That was until I couldn’t take it anymore and just started doing things. Most of the time he likes what I come up with and understands what I meant when I explained it loooong ago, he just couldn’t see the vision. When he doesn’t like something, I try and rearrange it so it works for both of us. 🙂 Yes, I do all the demo, I use all the big-boy tools and do most of our repairs. He lives a good life.
We painted our bathroom a few years ago. I asked my hubby what his color choices were with what paint samples I had. Of course, the bathroom is painted purple and it looks nice. Although skeptics told us it would be too dark, even after telling them we have a skylight and a big mirror? He said it’s our bathroom and we can paint it what we want. We have a flower shower curtain with greens, mauves and it works! We like it! I usually ask his opinion in most stuff about the house since we live in it together!