Continuing the conversation this week on Bed and Bath, how about this question:
Is sheet thread count important to you? Would you rather have a high thread count sheet OR is the fabric content more important?
I have to say, I don’t think I have any sheets with a super high thread count, maybe 400 or so, but I do love soft sheets. I think I might have some Egyptian cotton sheets in my stash, but I’ve never really splurged on super high-end sheets, most of mine were under $60 or so, but you can spend upwards of $100-200 for the really expensive sets.
What do you think about thread count? Important or can you take it or leave it?
Speaking of soft sheets, here’s a peek of the room I stayed in at Ree’s lodge. Now, these were some comfortable beds with some very soft sheets and bedding. I loved the Lodge and will do a whole tour of it next week, so stay tuned for that. It is an amazing place and you will love it! I slept like a baby in this bed.
Ree is just a doll and as nice as you would imagine her to be. We all had the best time hanging out together and eating the fabulous pizza dinner that Ree prepared for us on Monday evening. What a treat, you know I was on cloud 9 with this one! I’ll share a TON more later of our video filming, the Lodge and our whole 2 day trip. What a blast it was! One of my blogging highlights, for sure.
We saw a bunch of these on the way to the ranch…that’s some beautiful country out there.
Head on over to the Putting it All Together page for more on this subject from the other girls who getting in on the discussion.
Rhoda, what a great trip, and she is just so adorable! I started reading her blog recently. You know, I said this recently, but sometimes I truly believe that I must live under a rock because I kept “hearing” about it and never made it over. But then I did and just love it! She’s got a wicked sense of humor and a darling family (human and animal), and her tales of life on the ranch are wonderful. Can’t wait to see your video and hear more about your trip! I’m so delighted for you that you had the chance to go to Oklahoma and visit Ree’s ranch. Did you get to ride one of those horses? Hope so!
Sheila 🙂
I went on a quest for good sheets a couple months ago. I thought I was after high thread count, but after feeling all the samples, I decided on some sheets made from bamboo (at Target) They are the softest best sheets I’ve ever owned. Will definitely get more! I’m jealous, wish I could go to the ranch! Love your blog too!
What a wonderful opportunity for you to get to go to the ranch and hang out with The Pioneer Woman! I’m so happy that you had such a wonderful time!
As for thread count…I guess I pay attention to it. I know I don’t like the less expensive (generally speaking) 180 thread count sheets. In any case the fit may be even more important to me. I started buying these Sealy Best Fit, 330TC Sheet Sets from JCPenney several years ago and just love them! But again, mostly because they have these cotton/spandex end panels for a secure fit!
Can’t wait to see more on your visit to the ranch!
Now I have to say, that thread count does not matter at all to me. I have bought some really cheap sheets that were wrinkly and soft. I do not purchase expensive ones because my family ruins them! How?? My son would bleach out all sheets because of this medicine he used for acne when he was a teen. It ruined spreads, towels, clothes, etc!! I finally went to all white with him. He is now done with that med!! FINALLY. My Hubby turns all sheets yellow–even if I wash them constantly. I have discovered I have to use dark sheets if I don’t want this to happen—I think it is the oil in his skin??? Not sure, but the pillows and sheets, and mattress cover all turns yellow on his side of the bed!! I like light colors… cheapo it is.
i have 400TC sheets and they are pretty soft. although i cannot bare to spend more than 60 bucks on my sheets too!
Ree is adorable! I love how she goes on about MM! (You don’t find too much of that these days).
I do love me some high thread count sheets. I think the extra money you pay for them is well worth it!!
I can’t wait to see and hear all about your Ranch adventures! I definitely believe in higher thread counts. I have both kinds of sheets and the ones over 500 are just more comfy.
I do like the higher threadcount sheets, but you have to check the feel of the sheets anyway. I have seen 400+ TC sheets that feel like cardboard. I find Tuesday Morning to be one of the best sources for good sheets (and bedding of most any kind). We have a King Sized Bed so sheets are pricier no matter what sheets you get but investing in quality sheets that really give you a restful feel and sleep is worth it to me. I do go for only 100% cotton, 450 to 600 TC, and white or off-white color. I always go with one of the Hotel Linen lines . . . simple and tailored . . . no lace or embroidery. Well worth the investment.
Rhonda…girl I just got done putting up the beadboard in my laundry room and I l♥ve it my friend…Thanks for all the information on it and how to…I now need to do more ha ha!! it really does look and feel like the real thing…Hope you have a GREAT fourth my friend…Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria ps you inspire me so much girlfriend…
High thread count sheets don’t have to be pricey… HomeGoods, Ross, Marshall’s, TJ Maxx… all great sources for 400+ count. But, as others have said, you can’t go on thread count alone since even 700 count can feel crispy. I just bought some 500 count queen sheets from HomeGoods for $50, and could not be happier. They are soft as flannel but still summer appropriate (and no pilling like flannel). xoxo, tanja
I usually end up with sheet between 300 and 400. I like my sheets soft but with a little body to them. Does that make sense? A little bit of crispness I guess you could say, especially in the summertime when I’m always warm.
I usually prefer a higher thread count, but the material used is also very important. We sleep on Egyptian Cotton 750TC, and have gotten quite spoiled to this. When we stay at my in-laws it’s difficult to sleep because the sheets are so scratchy. I’ve noticed with our sheets they also stay cooler against your skin so it’s easy to just snuggle down and drift off.
I couldn’t care less about thread count, but I do have to say that I got some sheets made out of a jersey t-shirt material for my wedding, and I am in love with them. They are a little stretchy, which is good if you sleep with a sheet hog (I do!). I love them so much, I almost never use any others! I just wash them and put them right back on. They came from Target, I think. I highly recommend them!
Looking forward to more of your visit with Ree. As to thread count….the highest thread count I have purchased is 600 and I spent about 60 dollars for the set. I must say that after sleeping on the high thread count sheets, I cannot go back to the cheapos. And believe me when we were young and struggling we had some cheap sheets. And my DH agrees…he likes the softer sheets! For a frugal man to allow you to buy expensive sheets, that really says it all!
Interesting question & one that I have had a real problem finding sheets that I like in the last few years. If they are too soft, they look like they have been piled in the basket for weeks & need ironing. When I married, 38 yrs ago, we received several sets of what was classified as percale. I grew up with similar. I realize that it is really more of the processing than content. I can also buy 300 count from one store & have rough sheets while another source has smoother sheets. I wish there were a better system in knowing what one gets out of the package.
I really don’t care about thread count. I have lower end sheets and real nice ones but I fall asleep fast so it doesn’t really matter to me. I guess I am weird:):) So lucky that you got to go to THE RANCH!!!!! I am going to go listen now and anxiously wait for your video! Have a GREAT weekend!!!! XO, Pinky
I definitely have to have soft sheets. I’m a real snob (real particular) about my bed linens and pillows. That doesn’t mean I go expensive though. I get my sheets at Homegoods and even our latest quilt was quite cheap from there too. I also have to have pillows that our half down/half feather pillows. I WILL spend a bit more for that.
LOVE the ceiling in that bedroom. I showed it to hubby and he loves it too (a rarity that he loves something I love with house related stuff). I asked if we could do that in our bedroom (we have high ceilings with a drop off on one side and that would look fabulous!! I think it may be a few years though. We’ve got quite a few projects to tackle before that one!
WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can NOT wait to see/read more of your journey there! And I have been loving all your Seattle pieces, too!!
When you go, girl, YOU GO!!! Seriously, as in goin’ all over the country!
And I’m thrilled to be able to “be along for the ride” on your blog!!!
Love/hugs/blessings to you,
Paint, paint, paint! That’s what I use to pull bedroom & bath together! That’s my makeover strategy. As far as thread count – I’m still using sheets that are a decade old so can’t comment on what I’ve never had! Ha ha, someday.
Hey everyone- I personally buy only 100% Cotton sheets- I know they can be a pain- but I do not like how they feel when they have Polyester in the mix. As for thread count- well people get way too hung up on that-Yes a high thread count is great-some of the time! What is really important is the QUALITY of the Cotton. Cotton is a staple fibre- which means it is a natural fibre that varies in length. The best Cotton sheets and towels are made from Cotton that has a LONG staple length. Years ago machines couldn’t manufacture a high thread count sheet without very high quality cotton. These days it is far easier to manufacture a high thread count with a lower quality Cotton- hence the glut of 500 and 600 thread count sheets everywhere at a decent price. But seriously folks- what is more important to you is how does it feel to you. Run your hand along it- grab it- see how you like its feel because ultimately you are going to be lying on those sheets. Hope this helps.