I’ve told you before how much I enjoy getting emails from all of you who read my blog, especially those that let me know that something I’ve done on my blog inspired them to try it too. That makes me SO giddy, so again, I received one of those emails recently from Sheila, another reader in Ontario, Canada (you Canadian girls are really paying attention, THANK you, you rock!) So, please read Sheila’s email to me and enjoy HER wonderful DIY project that she and her hubby completed:
Hi Rhoda,
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sheila and I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I am 56 years of age and I love decorating my home even though I have no formal schooling on the matter.
I am a faithful follower of your blog and it is my number 1 site that I visit each day. I consider myself a “stalker” of sorts because I always visit but never leave any comments. One evening not too long ago, I lauded your decorating style and mentioned that we had just finished installing picture molding to our dining room after being inspired by your own makeover. I promised to send photos that evening, so I am pleased to be sending them today.
Occasionally I feel we are kindred spirits of sorts because I have always been intrigued by the south. Maybe it’s a fascination from that great movie “Gone with the Wind” but the stately homes, sipping mint juleps on beautiful porches and southern belles have always captured my attention. Someday soon, I hope to visit the lovely cities of Charleston and Savannah.
My dear hubby had always wanted to try this effect but I was never a big fan of moldings until I saw your makeover. I’m the one with most of the decorating ideas for our home, but he’s always the one who carries them out. Guaranteed if I had done the work, those moldings would not even be straight- hehe. We actually make a great team but I guess that goes without saying after 36 years of marriage.
So in closing, I hope you enjoy our photos and maybe I’ll become less of a “stalker” now and start leaving some comments on your blog. Keep up the great work and thanks again for all the sharing you do!!
Kind regards,
Look at those perfectly straight moldings and what a beautiful dining room. Sheila, it’s gorgeous!
Inspired by this project that I did earlier this year, if you want to try something new in your dining room and add some picture frame molding, what are you waiting for? If WE can do it, YOU can too. Sheila, thanks so much for your note and for sharing your beautiful dining room project with me. I just know everyone else will love it too.
My dining room project was also featured over the weekend at One Project Closer, so go over and take a look there too. They are doing a summer contest of Before and After projects, so if you have something to submit, send in your pics. I won a $25 giftcard for entering and being featured, so that’s exciting!
Inspired to post because I am a fellow stalker—Your dining room is beautiful!
I love moldings and am feeling the inspiration rise in me to maybe take on this project myself! I'll keep you updated.
Beautiful! Way t go Sheila and hubby. 🙂
The mouldings turned out beautiful, and I love the color of the walls.
Wow! Sheila's moldings look perfect!
Shelia the dinning room is beautiful. congratulations!
Great job Sheila!
You guys are making it look 'easy'. I'm inspired! 🙂
Great job Shelia. Got to get
back out to the veranda before
my mint jelup welts.
How very fun!
It looks great!
Oh, that is just one of those things that make me say "aaahhhhhh"; just what it needed to make it gorgeous!! I love it!
This is so beautiful. They did an awesome job!
You are truly an inspiration to us all!
Thank you…
Lou Cinda 🙂
Rhoda, your global! Your inspiring people from other countries too!
Sheila and hubby did a beautiful job! It's so clean and elegant looking. Great Job!
Oh no! Now I feel the urge to go to Lowes! LOL
Have a great day Ya'll!
Lovely room! Love those warm butterscotch walls!
So pretty and well done, which many are not. I love it.
Looks great – so kind of you to share your readers' projects!
We just got done putting all new moldings in our home, what a wonderful transformation, particularly in the dining area like this. Love it! TTFN~Marydon
Wow – so elegant looking! I love it.
Bravo, Sheila!
I'm a Rhoda-wannabe decorator too. 🙂
Wow! Sheila and hubby did a great job! Rhoda, you are such an inspiration! Keep it up cause we all enjoy following your blog. 🙂