Have you read Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers? If you have not and I think I was probably one of the only one who hasn’t…..go and get it! My good friend, Vicki, in Atlanta has been after me forever to read this book and she finally loaned me her copy. It was so, so great…a wonderful story of Hosea in the Bible, it’s a portrait of God’s grace and redemption in our lives. If you enjoy historical romance and Christian fiction, this is a must-read book.
I could hardly put it down. Riveting and such a grace-filled book, you will come away with a profound sense of just how much God loves US and will go to the ends of the earth to bring us back to him. When we went to the Beth Moore conference back in June, my 25-year old neice and her friend had both read it and loved it too, so it bridges the generations.
If you haven’t already, read the book!
Great book and I’ve enjoyed browsing your blog!
Looks like an interesting read. I’m going to have to go and read that one.
I loved the Red Tent, historical fiction about Jacob’s wives.
Great blog!
This is probably in my top 5 books that I adore. I read it cover to cover in 3 days. She is a great author and I have heard her other books are wonderful, as well.
This is one of my favorite books…I’ve read several of Francine River’s books but I think this is the best.
Redeeming love is one of my all-time favorite books! I’ve read it every year since it has been out. (The one you’ve pictured is at least the second publishing of it, with a more beautiful cover.) Francine Rivers is one of my favorite writers, and I think you’d love every Christian fiction book she’s written.
I haven’t read this one, but Francine Rivers is one of my favorite authors. I’ll make sure I get this one~
thanks for the heads up, I am going to look out for Francine Rivers at the library
I recently read this book and loved it! Have you read And the Shofar Blew? That is a very good book too! And The Last Sin Eater is wonderful. She is an amazing author. If you are looking for a fun series with a wonderful message, read Yada Yada Prayer Group!
Oh My Gosh, Rhoda! We read this in our book club last year. Every one loved it! I highly recommend it too!
Oh Rhoda, Redeeming Love is my all time favorite book!!! My 23 year old daughter has read it many times.
So glad you enjoyed it too!
Thanks Rhonda for adding my blog to your blog roll! What an honor! I have written down the name of that book & will read it asap! It sure sounds like a great book! Thanks again!!
I loved this book. I read it in 2 days because I could not put it down either.
Redeeming Love is one of my favorite books of all times. She has several good books you should read also!
Love your blog!
I first read this book in high school and have read it two other times since. I love this book and all her books. If you haven’t read Francine Rivers Mark of the Lion Trilogy you must! It is soooo good!
Francine Rivers is my very MOST favorite author- I have ALL her books and have read each one 2-3 times!