Rocks….I really do like rocks! Since I was a kid growing up as a tomboy, (I loved being outside more than anything!) I picked up rocks & was facinated by them. I had a rock collection that I kept in a shoebox for the longest time. Wish I’d kept those for the long haul…whenever I’d see an interesting rock, in my shoebox it would go. My family used to go to NC on vacation when we were kids & there were all sorts of neat rocks there…in the streams especially. We’d visit the gem shops & I was in heaven…all those neat gemstones were so pretty. Once we even found some rocks that had nuggets of garnets in theme & we chipped out the garnets & fancied ourselves having something very valuable. Never did anything with the round red garnets, but they were pretty to look at. So, now I love to add rocks to my garden beds for the texture & just the plain ole’ pretty look they have. I picked these 3 up in the neighborhood (an empty lot). We have huge boulders of rocks around here, some houses have nothing but rocks in the frontyard, which makes landscaping very challenging. We don’t have any boulders in our yard (I really wish we did!), so I’ll have to make due with the ones I can actually pick up & carry!
Here’s the yardsale armillary… I’ll leave it in this frontbed so it can be seen well. The rocks will probably be moved around the yard to different areas…we’ve got a lot to do in this yard, as I only started planting things last year. I’ll have lots of places to put the rocks. Here are a few things starting to bloom in the yard this week. Purple verbena is coming back strong from last year & my Endless Summer hydrangea is putting out some nice green growth! Those reddish leaves right below the armillary are Double Knockout roses…they are really bursting forth with new leaves, so I’m really excited to see how well they do this year…they bloomed all summer last year. Looking forward to seeing more out there soon. Have a great weekend everyone!
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PAT says
Rhoda…I like rocks, too. When we moved here, we brought a truckload of rocks from the farm. We have them around the beds and berms in the front yard. We found another rock cache, last fall. They are for the backyard. Not sure how we’ll use them.
One of the rocks in the front yard, is a sizable chunk of granite. No idea how J. managed to get that home!!
Isn’t it fun, finding rocks of different sizes, shapes and colors? I love to find them with fossils, too!
I like what you did with the armillary…!!
No flowers here, yet. And, it’s snowing here, today!
TheFeatheredNest says
Hi – I wish I had some big boulders in my yard too. Love your blog. I’ve been visiting for a while but I don’t think I’ve left a comment before. BTW, I made your banana bread last week and it was…as Rachel Ray says…deeelish!
Southern Heart says
Hi Rhoda….I’ve missed visiting while I was away this week. I loved hearing about your garage sale finds (great finds!), and your rocks are wonderful! I like rocks, also…my parents removed a rock garden this year, and my sister and I took the rocks for beds in our yards (courtesy of my sons—they deserve the credit for moving them). Every time I see them, they bring back happy memories of playing in my yard while growing up.
I always enjoy visiting you!
willzmom says
It’s about time to start digging in the dirt. I love rocks too. I have been finding lots that I love lately, have them all piled up next to the garage wall, waiting to be inspired as to where to use them.
Christy says
What a fun thing to collect. I should have started something like that when I was a kid b/c we traveled quite a bit and I could have a really cool collection by now. Your yard is going to be so pretty!
annewithane65 (Kim) says
I also like rocks…at our other home we had three huge rocks in the front yard with a flower bed around them…I miss it!
The Decorated House says
Oh yes, ROCKS! You found some good ones. Living on a sandbar down here, I don’t come across too many. Look at your rose popping out the new leaves. I bet it will bloom so nicely this year.