We don’t get out to concerts much anymore, but we both love jazz and R&B (our absolute favorite!). So, when I noticed in the paper that a great group called 5 Men on a Stool, that we had heard twice in Atlanta was going to be in Birmingham & it just so happened that it was hubby’s birthday weekend, we got tickets & went Saturday night. We had never been to Workplay either, most of the groups that play there are not really our style, but we were pleasantly surprised at this venue & how small & intimate it is. There’s not a bad seat in the house. It’s also non-smoking which is a big plus for us.
Saturday Night Date
Here’s my Monday a.m. yardsale find of the weekend. There was a neighborhood sale really near mine, so I had to check it out (of course!).
Hope you all have a great week! I have several posts saved up to share with you, (come back later this week for a Before & After on a light fixture I painted) so I’ll be posting about the same as I always have at least for the next couple of weeks. So far, I haven’t run out of things to talk about, so I hope that doesn’t happen. Anyone else ready for Fall? I sure am!
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Ahhh, my SweetiPie and I have date night on Friday nights…sometimes it is a date lunch, but we don’t skip it.
As for the stool, remove the brads/nailheads from around the sides, you will probably find that under the fabric is the cushioning, the fabric held on by the nailheads. You can then redo the same way or with a separate cushion…great find!
Great yard sale find.
I have to say I was a bit disappointed when I saw that the band’s suits weren’t actually pink – oh well. Sam and I don’t get out much because of the kids. By the time we get them settled in bed at night, we are wiped out. Anymore we are just content with dinner, a glass of wine and a good episode of The Closer.
Your date night with your DH sounds wonderful! My hubby loves jazz and R&B too. If I ever see that these guys are coming to our area, we’ll have to go.
I love the stool you found. It fits in nicely.
Have a great week at work!
Actually, we are really good about having *date nights*. We’ve always made it a priority. Sometimes it’s not a night, but a breakfast, or lunch. Occasionally hubby will call me to meet for lunch during the work week and I just love that – knowing he is thinking of me.
Maybe remove the brass studs and remove the fabric that way?
Cute stool – I too have an antique vanity, but I don’t actually sit at it – so no chair, stool, etc. I have old hatboxes stacked underneath it.
Looking foward to seeing your light fixture!
Oh, I’ve been meaning to note here that I am “Tina” from the decorating board, the one you so graciously shared instructions for your kitchen curtains! I came here from Daisy Cottage, imagine my surprise when I found Georgiagal had a blog! Love it!!
Hubby and I went out last week. We didn’t get to do a lot because we were a bit limited on time, but it was time spent together without the other 3 kids (we had to take the youngest with us, who’s 16 mths). The best date I think we’ve ever had was when we went to see Harry Connick Jr. here in H’ville. It was a smaller setting…not at all like a concert. I was pleasantly surprised and thoroughly enjoyed it.
I love that stool! And I think it looks beautiful with your vanity. What color would you redo the cushion in? I like the gold. =)
how fun…and the bench is beautiful…i thought the bands suits should be pink…blessings, rebecca
He-man and I used to go out every Friday night, but now we’re moving and trying to get boxed up and save some $ for new things for the house! I’m looking forward to transforming our manufactured home into a beautiful space with ideas from your blog! Love it every day! You’re so inspiring! Lisa
Sounds like an amazing night – I love Jazz too … such a nice photo of you and your hubby.
Great bench! We don’t really have date nights. We go out to lunch or breakfast. The two of us going out at night is a rarity! But we only have a few more years with our daughter at home before she heads off to college and then we’ll have all our evenings free (and probably wish we didn’t LOL).
My hubby and I don’t go on dates often enough…but we have babysitting issues. I love it when we do get away…. And yes! Fall can’t get here soon enough for me.
My first visit. I see so many things here that it is hard to pick and choose what to dwell on. I like your photography and the idea of Southern Hospitality is appealing to everyone I think.
Nice blog.
Abraham Lincoln
You look beautiful on your date!
I love the stool…and the beautiful vanity that you are using it with!
Y’all look too cute…Happy Birthday to your dear husband!
Not married ..yet, so I can’t answer the question on date night. Just wanted to introduce myself as a new visitor. I love your blog already.
Rhoda, so glad you and your dh had a great date night!
I just love your vanity stool! Very nice.
Hi Rhoda,
Looks like a fun date with your sweetie.
Glad you had a good time.
I love your yardsale find. You did it again.
Have a wonderful week!
Rhoda…That sounds like a night we would have enjoyed…we love R&B and Jazz, also!
Great looking stool. I like the gold fabric but I know you will want it to be covered in your wonderful fabrics for the room. There is surely a way to get that seat off! I’m sure you will find a way.
Oh, that looks like a wonderful date night!! Yeah, that happens FAR too seldom now that we have kids and live 6 hours away from both sets of grandparents. And once again, congrats on your great thrifty finds!! What a beautiful stool!
Your date night sounds like so much fun and you look so pretty. My hubby and I have a date every week…sometimes dinner or a movie but always time together just the 2 of us.
Love the little bench. Great find.
Hi Rhoda! Just had a great date with my hubby — last week we went to an Asian rest. and the week before to dinner then a Cowboy Junkies and Joan Osbourne concert! We try to get out together once a week 🙂
Fun post. BTW, we love jazz too!