I really didn’t plan on hitting any yardsales this weekend (no neighborhood sales near me), but spotted an estate sale in the paper Friday night close to home, so decided I should pop by there & see what they had. It was actually a lady whose yardsale I had visited last year (and bought a very nice bronze light fixture from then) and she had tons of stuff out there. I didn’t buy a lot of stuff, but it was sort of serendipitious nonetheless.
See this chair below with the beautiful needlepoint chair cover? I bought it several years ago at a yardsale. It actually had another needlepoint cover on it & I bought this one on Ebay & switched them out. This cute little harp-backed chair is sitting in my livingroom next to the console table. I had just told myself not too long ago that if I ever found another one for a decent price, I’d get one for the other side of the table. Well, as luck would have it, this lady had a chair very, very similar to mine for $8. It has a funky fabric on there, which I can’t wait to change out & it needs gluing on one side joint, but for that price, I don’t mind! My first chair is a little prettier & better made, but they really look so close that I’m tickled to have them both now. I’ll probably look for another needlepoint for this one too, since I love needlepoint so much.
I used to work for Ethan Allen & managed to snag some discontinued fabrics, so I may put this one to good use until I can find another needlepoint.
Here’s a shot of both of them in place. Aren’t they a nice addition to the livingroom?
Found this pretty aqua plate at Petals from the Past flea market for $4.00. I’ve been adding this aqua color to my entertainment center in the den & it’s such a nice addition to the seashells.
Found 2 more pieces (finial & candlestick) in this color from the chair lady…these were $2.00 each, so I had to have them.
And, one more cute little red transferware plate from the Petals flea market for 50 cents. When I find another one, I’ll add these 2 to my foyer wall, where I have 4 in this color already displayed.So, all in all, a fun weekend. I went on Sat. with a friend to the Tannehill Trade Days, a once a month flea market. There were so many people out that we waited in line for 30 minutes just to get inside the gate. It’s a state park & very pretty, so I’m not surprised that there were a lot of people out on a weekend like this…perfect weather. We had to laugh though….only in Alabama will you find flower vendors who sell the tackiest flowers for gravesites. I have never seen anything like this in my life, but we saw several vendors with the ugliest, tackiest, gawdiest, brightest flowers you’ve ever seen, in styrofoam vases ( or sprays), just right for those gravesites! Have you ever? I have not! I told my friend that I can just see Bubba walking along checking out all the junk at the flea market & then saying to wifey, “Honey, what say we pick up some flowers for Mama’s grave? These are so purty!” I actually saw people hauling them out to their cars (or trucks, maybe!). I had to laugh!! I wish I had taken a picture…they were so very bad!
What a great chair and for $8! It looks so much like the one you already have which is neat that you found the other one.
I love your chairs. I have a little harp table to match. I also love those aqua pieces. How lucky you were to find them!
That’s what I call the mother load.
Hi there Rhoda, I’ve just recently started blogging and found your blog. I’ve really enjoyed reading it ~ I collect aqua pottery too!
Take Care and have a beautiful day~*~
Beautiful finds! The chair was a deal and looks great with the other. Looking forward to seeing what fabric you choose for it!
Rhoda, You did it again! You find the most amazing stuff.
I’m into the red and white dishes. I have so much blue and white that I started the red and white willow and black and white to use as accents in a white bathroom that has a black and white toile shower curtains and white towels with black monogram.
Decorating is so much fun and the hunt to find accessories so satisfying……..Keep up the good work……..
The chair is nice but I really find the aqua (surf green) plate interesting. It looks like Luray in the picture. I collect Luray and $4.00 for that was a bargain too!