Does your spice cabinet look like this? I use spices all the time in cooking and have collected quite a few over the years. They are not completely neat and organized, but at least they are labeled and on a tiered rack. Do you recognize the Tupperware spice containers from back in the 80’s? Yes, mauve was king.
One thing I’ve discovered is that Whole Foods sells spices in bulk….really CHEAP! I stock up on these bulk containers and then refill my smaller bottles. Each of these containers were either 99 cents or $1.09, to that’s quite a cost effective way to buy spices.
I buy dried basil, oregano, red pepper flakes, Herbs de provence, Cajun seasoning, black pepper, cinnamon and they have a whole lot more. Just thought I’d pass along this little tip for you in case you didn’t know. I heard you are supposed to throw out your spices after a year, but I never do. That seems a little wasteful to me, but I suppose they do lose some of their intensity. I love all these flavors in the kitchen!
Spice It Up!
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I never throw any spices out either but every time I make certain recipes, I buy new spices. I probably have 4 containers of pumpkin pie spice and I have no idea which one is the most recent. I’m rather hopeless in this department.
Your spice cabinet looks organized. I TRY to keep mine that way! I have a 2 tiered turntable that is handy for organizing small containers. The problem is that there are also large containers and everything gets shuffled around in there.
Sometimes I buy in bulk too, but I’ve never thrown anything away.
The chocolate pie looks so good!
Have great day! Hugs, DebraK
My mother’s rule of thumb was if you have to dig for it in the back of pantry, you need to either a. build a long shelf on the pantry door or b. admit you don’t cook and throw it all out, lol. I have the long wire shelf on the pantry door…ugly, but effienct.
Thanks for the tip. I usually buy and replace my spices in October/November.
We don’t have a WHOLE FOOD store. I would love to buy spices that way. xoRachel
Wow! I never would have thought it would be that inexpensive at Whole Foods. Thanks for the tip and thanks for sharing!
Love the idea of the bulk spices..we will have to check that out! Have a wonderful day!
kari & kijsa
I buy my nuts at Whole Foods, but I grow and dry a lot of my own herbs. I don’t think I’ve ever priced herbs there – thanks for the tip I’ll have to check it out.
That pie down below looks just decadent!
Wow that’s a great idea. I’ll have to take a look the next time I’m at Whole Foods!
I had no idea, there’s a Whole foods near me, thanks for the info!
Great idea. The photo makes me want to cook something spicy soon.
Thanks for sharing.
When we built our house, one of the things I wanted in my kitchen was a spice drawer with inset! It is fabulous, beside the stove in island, so convenient…I don’t throw away spices either! Have a blessed week…
I love the containers of spices you show. I can’t find them here,but when we go see Rian I go to the Amish Market and we go nuts!
Your spices are very organized.I think I have double that many.