If you’r stopping by from Julia’s Hooked on Houses home tour, welcome! You’ve caught me just after a family trip to Florida to see my Dad’s place of birth and we saw some wonderful beach cottages on the way. Enjoy & thanks for stopping by! I love home decorating too, so look around for some inspiration and come back and see me. Our whole day of exploring led us out to Spring Creek which is near where my dad was raised. As we were driving out that way, we saw Vickers Drive and of course had to stop to take a picture. My maiden name is Vickers and I’m sure there have to be many relatives still in the area. My dad lost contact with all of his large extended family over the years, since when he was 12 his family moved to Panama City, where he grew up and graduated from high school. Interestingly, he was the only one of 10 kids who did graduate from high school and went on to college too. His parents could neither read nor write. My dad became a preacher after he went to Bible College and preached for about 40 years until he retired over 15 years ago.
My daddy, Mr. Vickers and Vickers Drive, how cute is that?
Great photos Rhoda, your Dad looks so happy to be there.
I think you resemble your Dad 🙂
Thanks for sharing,
kathy 🙂
What a wonderful post on sharing your dad’s memories, by going down memory or Vickers land with him. i loved the old house and the pomgranite growing, first time for me. The cabbage, I am told is really good, I have friends in Cross City, FL and they keep saying when I go the will cook some up. What a blessing to have this trip , with your family.
Love your post about you dad and his growing up and the trip back to his stomping grounds. My dad loves to ride by the old home place when he goes back home (to Athens, Alabama). We took many drives with him while we were growing up and the few times we have made it there as adults. Funny, those drives often included stopping at a tiny store for a RC cola and some peanuts.
Your dad looks very happy. I know that must make you happy too. What a wonderful memory.
glad the comments are working again, I tried a few times and thought oh no my computer is playing up!
such a wonderful trip down memory lane, you guys look like you had such a beautiful day, oh what fun it must have been stopping by all those places like that…
I love the old houses, fantastic colours
and of course you look gorgeous and so like your dad!
I’m enjoying your family trip and the beautiful images; love the photo of the rooster and hen. This journey must be a joy for you all and especially for your father. Karen
Rhoda, I love the history lesson. This is a special post, and I appreciate you sharing it with us. Cherish every day you have with your parents. You’ll always be glad you did, but I think I’m preaching to the choir here. 🙂
I’ve been MIA, but am back for a few days.
OMG!! Those houses are beautiful!! I’d love having that view every morning!! Thanks for sharing:)
Wow, Great photos, Rhoda! I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it!!!….Great Post and btw I love your flat ironed hair! Looking good, girl!
Oh I loved this story. Reminds me of when my Grandparents were still alive and we would go to the different places they all lived in Missouri. They were farmers and they had lived in a few houses not to far apart from one another and some of the cousins and aunts. It was a wonderful time to see the history behind my mother and her family. Wonderful old farm houses, some standing barely and others torn down. Thank you for sharing a story of your family and being able to share it with your parents.
Loved the family history story!
Love your new blog header as well and your straight hair!
Have a wonderful weekend.
I’m loving going on this journey with you. Some of those homes on the beach look amazing. I can only imagine how they look on the inside!!
Your new banner is very nice too. Layla is very talented and I love her blog. I’ve gleaned many great ideas that I’m going to put in my own home.
I have to say though, the picture of your dad and Ms. Rozetta is precious. I can almost hear them talking about the “old days”.
Could never be bored! This was such fun to read and to see! I love that you share these memories with him and your niece. That makes it all the more sweet.
I love you rhair…but then, you always look beautiful!
Well, I’m glad I can finally leave a comment. Blogger wasn’t allowing me to earlier.
What a wonderful opportunity you had to go back and see where your dad was raised. It’s so insightful to see where we came from to understand where we are and where we are going. I adored, as a child, hearing stories from my dad of being raised with 13 brothers and sisters, being so dirt poor, living off the land. It gave me such an understanding of why my dad tooks such pride in what he had and earned and took such wonderful care of everything he worked for.
Really enjoyed the tour of your daddy’s old stomping grounds. I loved the pictures and the background stories…I believe I will now start calling Coke…sodie water!!! Keep up the enjoyable posts…all your topics are things I’m interested in.
Sheila from west Michigan
Honestly, I loved this post so much I devoured every word!! I love learning and reading about the histories (yes; plural — there are many) and cultures of our country. Thank you so much for sharing your family’s history (and contribution!). That Spring Creek area looks pretty charming to me — I can’t understand why it’s not been developed (mind you, I’d hope to not see it *too* developed).
P.S. – I have never, ever heard “swamp cabbage” — only Hearts of Palm. Love it!
I like your hair straight, Rhoda. I’ll bet you could get the hang of it.
What a fun post. It’s great to know more about our parents’ roots, especially as they get older.
I’m trying to get caught up on all my reading – this post is wonderful! 🙂
I love all the stories you shared – especially about the swamp cabbage and also the sodie water. I shared them with my son – he loves to hear stories from ‘the olden days’. haha
Hope you have a great weekend.
Loved the story about the Coke!! I have one Diet Coke everyday and that little can really does make me grateful for the little things. It would be strange to taste it for the first time!
Hey, Rhoda, I hope you’ll consider linking this post to my Hooked on House Tours blog party. These houses are so cool to look at–I think my readers would really enjoy them–as well as the trip down Memory Lane with your Dad! -Julia 🙂
Awesome adventure! Thanks for sharing!