You are at the right place, don’t leave! You’ll notice I have a new header. I had to get a new one made to accomodate Blogher ad rules, so my designer, Joanna, got it done for me. It’s a little less flashy than the other one, but I think I’ll grow to love it too.
Strolling through Homegoods recently, I spotted some funky and fresh spring dishes. Aren’t these fun? I could easily be a dish-aholic if I allowed myself. I have to stick to the white ones for now or my new brown and white transferware, that’s enough of an obsession. But, I could sure drool over these too.
And how about these oh-so-cute zebra ones?
The soft blue and green hues look beautiful on this bird dish and I thought this platter would look stunning hanging on a wall. It’s quite large.
This are just so colorful and springy.
And of course, there are plenty of bunnies out there this time of year, waiting for someone to take them home for Easter. Alas, I have too many bunnies already. Good time to pick these up, since Easter is over now.
And this spring display was front and center in the Pottery Barn store. How inspiring are these colors right now, greens, yellows, and whites. Love it!
Would you like to get involved in a worthwhile decorating project? My friend, Kelee, over at The Katillac Shack is starting a program called Design Gives Back and is encouraging our readers to get involved with a local project for a worthwhile cause. Go over and read it and if any of you would like to partner with Kelee on this, tell her you came over from Southern Hospitality. Take a look at the Habitat for Humanity house that Kelee designed, she has a video all about this colorful home. I may even be getting a local Birmingham project together that some of us could work on as a team sometime this year. Wouldn’t it be fun to help change the lives of someone in need by just sharing our creativity?!
Today will be the last chance, so don’t miss the giveaway on my Review Blog that is currently happening! It will be going on until early a.m. Wednesday and you don’t want to miss it.
So I am obsessed with dishes!! I know that as some have weakness for shoes, I have a weakness for dishes!! Those are great that you showed! My favorite was the lemonade jar!! I want one of those…we need to get a Home Goods here!! Thanks Rhoda for another great post, loved it!
Hugs to you,
I WISH we had a Home Goods store…OTOH, maybe not………..
I like the new header, it took way less time for your blog to load up onto my screen. Some folks put so many pictures on their side bar, tours of homes and rooms and such, that it takes forever to load up and some folks just click on by and go read the next one. Blogher knows this. Some folks with dial up or even broadband connections don’t connect as fast as folks with DSL and it puts you at a real disadvantage on their end.
I guess you have to think though, am I blogging for Blogher or for me?? I will wait sometimes, if the opening title sounds like it is worth waiting on. Again, like your new header, simple and elegant.
GM Rhonda…girl I loved that blue and brown you new hat you are sporting also..Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I really love the zebra print dishware. Its so much fun
I like your new design, Rhoda!
I also have the bird platter in the red bird pattern that was in our Marshall’s store. Mine is the large plate though, and it’s perched on the top of the refrigerator!
I have that glass jar with the spicket in the front from Pottery Barn. I always carry it to church, and make lemonade in it, and fill it with ice, sliced lemons, and limes. It always gets big compliments, and everyone wants to know where I got it and..can they borrow it!? LOL!! I bought it with a gift certificate from a graphic design project that I worked on, and I’ve loved it every day since. It makes me smile to think I bought myself somthing so beautiful by doing something that I love!!
Luuuuuv the brown and blue in the first photo. Soooo pretty! 🙂
Like the new header – but hate the thing that scrolls across your blog asking me to take a survey. It is very distracting from your lovely post. Just thought you would want to know.
I may have to venture out today to find a few ‘on sale’ bunnies and assorted Easter goodies! For next year.
Don’t you just love Home Goods! I am glad to hear someone else has the same sickness I do. I could have ten sets of dishes easily. I fall in love with a new one all the time!
Just popping in to say how much I enjoy your blog! Love those springy dishes..I too could buy them all..esp at Home Goods!
I will be sure to check out Kelees blogs!
Also..I tried yesterday to post on your neat before/after painting on cabinets. Great to know…have you ever restained over wood? or know of a good product that will let you w/o a lot of work? just wondering if you had come across anything.
Have a blessed day!
Rhoda, I’m so very proud of you. I thought you would have grabbed up those leopard dishes the way you adore leopard! Great self-control 🙂
I love the polka dot ones. I still have the dishes we registered for 13 years ago. I think I need some new ones. 🙂 I also love the oranges in the white pitcher. May have to steal that idea.
I love plates so much, too. Those polka dots ones are great and I love the PB store display! I think your idea of doing a project is a wonderful one. Wish I was close enough to participate with y’all. 🙂 Have a great week!
I went to Home Goods on Saturday for the first time. Good thing it’s not too close to me! What IS close is the Habitat Store and Mission Possible. I’m in one/both of those places weekly. Soon they will know my name! I would LOVE to hear more about your summer project!
Very cute dishes!! I love the blue and brown colors together.
Love the plates! I have never been to a Homegoods store, but think I would love it!
Your new header looks fabulous…and very classy!
Love those blue dishes with the yello and orange flowers…I think setting the table with those would make you feel rather cheerful!
Love your blog and the great things you share…you are a real inspiration to me 🙂
Thanks Rhoda- I haven’t gone to Homegoods in so long, I needed that! I love the bird dishes with the postage stamp, cute!