Spring is here in Atlanta and everything looks so lush and green right now. I love this time of year when all those fresh green shoots pop up everywhere and the trees leaf out with new growth. Â It just feels so good to see all of that happen after the gloom and dreary days of Winter. Â Bring on the Spring!
The landscaping in my yard has really taken off too and it’s been almost 2 years since it was installed by Southern Living plants and Carmen Johnston. Â What a difference this landscaping has made to my house. Â I showed you progress last year and of course, there’s another huge difference in year two’s growth spurt. It’s really looking good!
That above link has all the plant names that I have in my yard.
I still love to look back to the beginning, right when I bought this house. Â Wow, what a difference 4 years can make. Can you believe it’s been 4 years already since the purchase and renovation?
These pictures are a little glary, because I took them in early morning when the sun was sharp,but it really shows the colors nicely. Â Both the Quanzan cherry and pink dogwood are blooming right now and I have to capture them as soon as they bloom or they are gone too fast. Â Wish spring lasted longer!
All the plants are really filling in nicely and spreading out. Â I’ve only lost a few of them so far and most are doing well. We got a lot of rain last summer and Fall.
The cherry tree has those fluffy pink flowers and are just so gorgeous.
Against the blue sky, there is nothing prettier than pink blooms.
Gorgeous, aren’t they?
I tried to capture their beauty and I think you can get an idea. Â Of course, you probably have your own blooming trees too.
One more shot against that sunshine blue sky.
The plants around the mailbox are doing well. Â For a look at all the plants that went in here, check out the first link above.
You can see they are all filling out nicely under the trees and against the house.
These Emerald Snow Loropetalum against the house have a pretty white bloom.
They look fluffy right now too.
Sweeping against the house, they really make the house look great. Â It’s amazing the impact that plants have on a house, but they totally do make a huge difference.
The pink azaleas are coming out now too and look beautiful.
All the hydrangeas are leafing out and I can’t wait to see their blooms this year.
Capturing the beauty of my pink dogwood.  When I first looked at this house, the pink dogwood tree and cherry tree had been in bloom and it was such a wonderful treasure to have this in my fixer upper yard.
I lost one of my Encore Azaleas, so when Southern Living Plants asked me if I wanted a couple more to add to my landscape, I said yes and just planted a couple of these Autumn Fire Encore azaleas.
They are smaller now and only get about 3′ tall and wide, so are considered dwarf.
Pieris Mountain Snow is looking good.
Pink dogwood
So happy to have this in my yard. A pink dogwood is not the norm around here, white is.
I love throwing in a shot of the house in its Before state, just to see the stunning changes around here! Â From April of 2012 til now…..
April of 2016. Â I think you’d agree with me that she has definitely come a long way baby! Â The addition of that stone retaining wall was a good one too.
No sun and after the rain gives a better look at everything without the shadows of the sun.
One of my sweet readers, Jean, gave me that white Candytuft after I moved in and it’s doing great. Â Jean, I wanted you to see this, thank you! Â I’ll be planting all my outdoor planters again soon and can’t wait to get some flowers in here. Â The sedum in these planters make it all the way through Winter and when spring comes, they go green again.
The Angyo Star vine has done a wonderful job of covering the trellis system and the floating fireplace. I periodically cut the tops as it grows upward and also weave it in and out the trellis to keep it all in place.
Corner by the house all filled in now.
Cute concrete bunny I’ve had for a long time.
I love this time of year when the Hosta start peeking their little heads out of the ground. Â These are the best plants and I will always have Hosta around. Â I usually get starts from friends.
My friend, Rachel, here in Marietta gave me a cutting last year of her hydrangeas and it’s doing well. Â She gave me some Lenton Rose too and I forgot to take pics of it, but it’s under the trees and doing great.
Those plants we planted above the block wall are all growing and spreading out. Â My sister and brother-in-law have some vinca vine that I’m going to dig up a few and start them over the wall this year.
There is pollen everywhere right now and I can’t wait until it stops and I can get out and clean everything off. Â I’ll be scrubbing down my front porch and back porch soon!
Still love my turquoise front door, so happy and cheery!
One more look at the front yard without the glaring sun!
I did hire a landscape company last summer to start taking care of my yard, with mowing, trimming and edging and that was a great decision. Â He’s going to keep working on my grass and try to kill the weeds and get the grass growing better and it should really look nice this year with all the rain we’ve had.
Hope you enjoyed the update of my yard and landscaping. Â A yard is an ever changing thing and it’s been so nice to see mine grow and mature. Â This time of year is extra sweet with the blooms bursting out!
Landscaping looks good. The basement windows really add to the appearance of the house!
Love the bunnies!
Your house looks amazing. The before and after photos are a tribute to your talent and hard work.
Pink Dogwoods are my favorite, so pretty, and I really love how the plants around your chimney look. I’ve always hated those “floating chimneys” and this was a great looking, clever improvement.
Love the color of your front door! What brand and color is it?
Sherri, the color is an Annie Sloan chalk paint, called Provence.
Hi Rhoda! Oh, my goodness, your yard and plants look amazing. Those cherry tree blossoms are gorgeous! I can’t believe it’s been 4 years since you bought your home! You have totally changed and made it you! I’m sure your neighbors just love you! Hope you’re doing well.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia 😉
What a treat to see this each day! Your yard is gorgeous!
Hi Rhoda –
4 Years?? My goodness…….
So many enhancements – your beautiful home literally smiles now.
Was wondering if you happen to know if any former residents know of your blog and have followed the many transitions of your lovely home.
HI, Janice, I had comment last year from a lady in my neighborhood who somehow found my blog and saw that my house was in her neighborhood. She made some very positive comments about it inspiring the other neighbors, so I’m happy about that. Unfortunately, my neighborhood is really large and so many residents do not care to take care of their homes. It’s sad, but true. I’m so glad I live on the first street in.
Your yard looks wonderful! Don’t you love having pass along plants? I have Lenten roses from my mom and she has a vinca vine that I may try to get started in my yard. I’ll be interested to hear how that works for you.
Wow, Rhoda, your landscape has really filled in in just one year! Another year or so and you’ll be having some high maintenance. I really like that Emerald Snow Lorapetulum, and don’t think I’ve seen it before. Beautiful house & garden!
It really has come a long way Rhoda!! Beautiful!!!
Your renovation decisions on the house proper have made such a huge difference on the exterior…new color is great, as are the window additions and porch. Went from the ugly step-child to a beauty.
You have breathed new life into this home! Thank you for sharing. Oh how I wish I could bring you to my place for some help.
A Master Gardener friend gave me this sage advice about plants and my impatience…first they sleep, then they creep, finally they leap! You are entering the leaping phase. Your yard looks marvelous and will only get better and better!!!
Hey Roxanne, I’ve heard that one too and it is so true! They are definitely leaping now.
Looks wonderful, Rhoda! I know you’re enjoying it!
xo Heidi
What did you put in the black urns at the front steps?
Peggy, I haven’t added my summer plants yet but they have sedum in them from before. I’ll add some color soon!
Such a beautiful home….I love all the plants and it’s really inspired my hubby and I to make some changes in the front area of our home….we just did some digging and moving a stone edging…this coming weekend, begins our planting!! I do have to say that the darker color on your home just makes it look so rich..and the I still love the sidewalk treatment that created the patchwork design……
Absolutely amazing what a difference you made to this house! What an inspiration!
It looks beautiful.
Such a beautiful improvement Rhoda!
Whenever you show before and after photos I’m amazed at the huge difference you’ve made in this home both inside and out. You and your Father put in a lot of sweat equity and have made this home is such a great example of what can be accomplished with an older home with hard work and perseverance. Wonderful job!!
You’ve done some amazing work! I was really surprised to see your hydrangeas so advanced, mine in Guernsey are only just starting to sprout little leaves. Lucky you to have green in your garden so early.
Plants add so much to a home, both inside & out. Your home is lovely & I just love the color of your door. I bet your neighbors love all the improvements too. Happy Spring Rhoda!