I’ve been tagged by Manuela to tell 7 weird or random things about myself. I’ve been thinking & thinking on what I could share that would be interesting & I’m not coming up with all that much, but here goes:
- I was born in W. VA, but we actually lived in VA. The town we lived in was 1/2 in one state and 1/2 in the other. We lived on the VA side, but the hospital was on the W. VA side, so I get to claim W. VA as my birthplace (on the birth certificate). No offense to anyone in W. VA, but it’s not my favorite state to claim…hillbillies and all! I was raised in Atlanta since I was 6, so I feel like that makes me a native by sheer number of years.
- I am so dang near-sighted and have worn hard contacts (now gas-perm) since I was 17. I do not like to drive at night anymore, cause the lights just glare off my contacts something fierce & it makes me nervous. My depth perception isn’t what it used to be at night, so I prefer not to drive that much after dark. I sound like an old lady, I know.
- I have a strange little round bone on the top of my right foot. My sister has it and my dad has it and he said his mama had it too. Funny thing, how those genes are.
- I do not like men in sandals. I just think that most of them look goofy in sandals. Just a personal preference, I know, but that’s how I feel. My hubby doesn’t like them either, so I never have to worry about him. He won’t even wear flip-flops, which I don’t have a problem with. It’s those strappy, ugly sandals that I can’t stand…you know, sort of Birkenstock looking, with the tire tread bottoms?
- I love to travel. Tell me we are going somewhere and my bags will be packed pronto! I don’t even care where it is, I just love to go places.
- This is not that strange, but I love to work out (well, not all the time, but I do it anyway). I’ve been exercising for 25 years and I hope that I keep up with it for the next 25. I know it promotes better health and I want to stay healthy for a long time.
- My musical tastes stopped somewhere back in the late 70’s. I do not enjoy hardly any new music much at all, so I don’t bother buying CD’s anymore. I have a lot of older CD’s that I still love, but my musical taste is so not like everyone else’s that I have a hard time keeping up with music conversations these days. I still love Motown, Philly soul, old R&B, and smooth Jazz, so smooth Jazz is what I listen to most when I just want to listen to music. I do enjoy a lot of Christian music, but not the really contemporary kind. I love good choir music, like Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir & the Christ Church Choir out of Nashville…now that’s some great Christian music! Good Southern Gospel still gets me right in the heart, as I grew up with this kind of music and when it’s done well, it’s great! The Crabb Family is one that I really enjoy now, but most people think they are too twangy. I went to the Bill Gaither Homecoming tour here in B’ham last year & loved every minute of it. Oh, and I’m a preacher’s daughter too.
That’s all for now…hope you enjoyed hearing some of my quirks! LOL
I did go yardsaling this weekend and found a few little things, but nothing spectacular. I did find a nice piece of black rolling luggage that we can definitely use. It’s in perfect condition, for $5. Picked up a spare hair dryer for $2 (since my good one burned out a couple of weeks ago & I’ve been using another yardsale one), a Conair curling iron for $1, and 2 bottles of nail polish for $1.00 each (Mary Kay & OPI), both brand new & colors I will enjoy. Also found a cute little palm tree print that I put in the guest bathroom, for $2.00. I don’t like to get too themey, but I do have a little bit of a tropical look in there with a leopard rug and all. Here it is above the towel rack:
I found you through Lidy and her sweet post about blogging. I can see why she likes coming here to visit!
Hi Rhoda! I know I mentioned it before, but really love the way you integrate natural things like shells into your displays. Your display case is a really nice example of it.
Glad you found such great yardsale finds. We’re having an enormous neighborhood yardsale in a couple of weeks and I have to admit, I’m pretty excited.
Have a great week.
Rhoda,my parents were born and raised in West Virginia! LOL They married and moved as far south as they could to get away from the state and ended up in Miami, Florida. That’s when I came into the picture! I so agree about men in sandals – unfortunately my hubby doesn’t always listen! I love your new vase! That is just gorgeous! Lovely vignette with it too! Thanks for the fun post!
How fun Rhoda to read your tag list. We have several things in common. I adore your treasures, especially the aqua marbled piece. I found the cutest aqua Pyrex bowl this weekend at a Goodwill store and I’m thrilled with it. I so love that color mixed in with my other fave, pink. All of my photos on blogger are clickable. I’m not sure why yours aren’t. xoxo
You scored, girl! Fun stuff! 🙂
Rhoda, that was fun to read. I finally got my husband to wear some of those ugly sandals, so I’m not going to let him read it. LOL I promise not to post any pics 😉 Oh, my father was born in West Virginia. Great heritage their for my family but his family moved to Florida when he was young.
I like the palm tree picture. Looks like it is done on wicker or rattan?
I don’t know about the picture problem. It hasn’t happened to me. I load my pictures straight from my hard drive if that helps.
Now I really feel like I know you!!!
Cool beans! We’ve got a couple of things in common! your quirks are NOT so quirky! glad you found some sales too! I’m around Rhoda oh yes taking a breather now here for a bit…glad to hear from you!xo