We have a lower level den which I told you all about here, and it has a long wall right around the corner from the stairs coming into this room. You can see my office nook there through that little doorway.
So, I added 3 pretty blue botanicals that I found on Ebay, had them framed in black frames with white mats and also added 2 shelves underneath to hold a few of my seashell collection. I love the way it looks on this wall, but always felt it needed something underneath. I figured I add a piece of furniture one of these days. Turns out my sweet hubby really did not like that plan, since he is a big guy and needs plenty of room to walk and hates it when the traffic flow is impeded. And since that door to the left goes out to our garage, this is a well-used corridor and needed to stay open. Of course, a small little console table wouldn’t have made much difference, but to him it was ALL the difference in the world. You know the old saying, you need to pick your battles…well, this wasn’t one of them. So, my brilliant solution was to add something to the wall to balance out this space and ground this end of the room.
It did exactly as I hoped it would, it really balances out the wall and adds a grounding effect to that space, don’t you think? (Wallcolor is Believeable Buff by Sherwin Williams). My carpet is not really pink like it looks here.
It was a perfect solution and at only $55, a lot cheaper than buying a piece of furniture.
And it keeps my hubby happy. Of course, he doesn’t “get” the whole shabby old piece of architecture thing, but he indulges me anyway. His reaction: “It looks stupid, but at least it’s not in my way….”
And I just laughed. I happen to love old and shabby, so that’s fine with me. We both got our way.
Vintage mixed with new and fresh.
An unbeatable combo!
I got out my stud finder, found the studs and just hung it with 3 long nails, making sure it was level with my trusty little level. Easy! I’d love to add more of these things around my house, so I’ll be on the lookout for other ideas I can use. Every room needs something old, don’t you agree?
For more before and after projects today, go by Susan’s blog, Between Naps on the Porch. She’s hosting a Mr. Linky party with more fun things to see.
You Won the Custom Rug!!! Yippee!!
Let me know what 2 colors you have in mind and what initial you want. Once I hear from you…I’ll send you some font style choices…unless you have one in mind.
WOOHOO, what a great piece. This is amazing and I think it looks great what you did with it! Wow, I am amazed how you make something like this look so beautiful.
Glad you found the perfect place for your piece! I love all the sea shells. I’d like to get a glass container filled up with shells for my powder room but don’t have many shells right now. Actually I just posted on my blog about the makeover of the powder room. Come over and see. I figure you enjoy seeing room makeovers!
Rhonda, this looks great. Even though our guys don’t always get “it”, at least they go along with us.
You are absolutely right – it IS the unbeatable combo. I liked the grouping before but now it is Divine! What a great eye you have. Good balance. I have been inspired! Thanks 🙂
That looks great. You have a great eye.
P.S. Did you receive the book?
This looks fabulous. Don’t you just love architectural salvage finds? What a wonderful solution.
Looks just fantastic there. Love architectural pieces. My mom has a very similar wall and my dad feels the same way. I’ll have to be on the lookout for something like this.
That was the finishing touch! What a cool idea! ~ Robyn
As usual, it looks great. You have such an eye.
You’re right, that was the perfect solution. It looks great. I love the shells:)
What do hubbys know lol ??
I think it looks like it was always there !!
Kathy 🙂
I think it’s just perfect! As you say, it really grounds that wall so those shelves don’t just look like they’re floating in space. That was a lucky find!
it looks great! thanks for stopping by my blog — we need to get a B-ham blogger event together this spring!
It looks much better w/ that architectural piece. I hate he wouldn’t let you put a table there. It would have been so convenient for dropping off keys, mail, etc. But then that may have created clutter, so it’s for the best! :O)
Rhoda – this is such a great idea – and it really looks cute too. Great job!!!!
Hahahahaaha…” “It looks stupid, but at least it’s not in my way….” They SO do not get it, do they? 😉 I think it looks great! That’s a fabulous little vignette you’ve put together.
OMG it Looks AMAZING what a great spot!!!
hope all is well!
Oh my good gracious – LOVE this!! Just found your blog today & I am smitten – so enjoying reading backwards and "catching" up! Thanks for so much great inspiration!
Sure does the job. When you 1st mentioned the shutters I thought you where going to put them horizontal in that space. If you ever get ‘board’, you can swap it over. Hmmm…Nautical. I don’t know why but your arch. piece almost reminds me of the frame on a boat railing. If you ever decide to move it elsewhere you could hang/drape a really pretty fabric (for a punch of color) over it in the shape of a sail. Dream On…