For awhile now, I’ve been trying to figure out what I could do ministry-wise to get involved in my community. Having worked fulltime all my life, this is really the first time I’ve had the extra time to devote to something like this and I’m happy to say that God has opened a door for me to get involved. My friend, Debbie, told me about The Lovelady Center, a faith-based ministry that helps women coming out of prison, as well as domestic abuse, homeless women, and drug addicts. The gospel is shared with them and many of them have come to know Christ as a result and they are seeing many changed lives in the 4 short years that they’ve been open.

Wow, Rhoda, I love this! I bet those women just love your style, and what a blessing (for you and for them!)
Rhoda, what a perfect thing to do. I am so grateful to know people like you through blogging. God bless you!
Look at you! Look at God! I love that you’re using your gifts to bless others and can’t wait to see how those blessings flow both ways, Rhoda.
I’m so very excited for you and for those ladies. This is the very kind of thing we’re supposed to do with that which we’re given.
You Go, Girl.
Hi Rhoda,
I got involved with a Mentoring Program here in De. and it is very rewarding, I know you’ll love passing on your talent to others. I’m sure the young girl I mentored, could have used help in other directions, but those things were taken care of by teachers, and teachers aids, as they should have been. I too wanted to teach things to others that I love doing, and try to pass this pleasure of creating on to them. I’m afraid some people just don’t understand that, and how it can benefit people in life.
Wishing you the very best, GOD BLESS.
You can please some of the people some of the time. And please some of the people all of the time. But you can’t please all of the people all of the time.
I’m so sorry that one of those people hurt your feelings. I loved your reply. 😉
Double ((((((HUGS)))))
Rhoda, it is so great to hear about what you are doing at the Lovelady Center. The pastor and staff of my church, Bridge Christian Fellowship in Irondale, lead the Sunday evening service there once a month and several members of my church teach classes there regularly! I think the world of Melinda who is the founder’s daughter and a former member of our church. Make sure you meet her! I pray God will richly bless you as you minister to these women.
I am a resident at the Lovelady Center. It’s so refreshing to see people wanting to get involved. This is a wonderful place and it’s done amazing things for me spiritually. I did not truely know God before coming here and I honestly do not know of a more deserving place for whatever and whoever wants to help these women. I will graduate this week, but this place will forever be in my heart. I can’t thank you enough for giving your time!
rhoda, You are my kindred spirit .I came to you via, Susan,moonlight and magnolias.I am a faithful follower of Eddie Ross, I also love black and white with touches of green.But this post really is pulling at my heart.I have recently found out about a home for elderly women that literally have nothing but the clothes on their backs.They are provided with a room, similar to an assisted living facility.they get donations and I want to volunteer to take the donations and decorate some rooms for them.For whatever reason Life has taken a lot from these ladies and I feel everyone deserves a nice enviroment they can call home.I am also a Christian and the journey my life has taken me on to get me to this spot is interesting.I would love to be able to share it with you someday.If it is possible for emailing??? Anyhow I have not yet started this process,so I believe you post is the impetus for me to make a call, Thank you, You see how God is using you yet again. Kathysue/
I love the Lovelady Center! Our teen worship group sang there last month :-)!
We try to do ministry partner stuff with them.