Back a few years ago, I stumbled on The Plunderosa while traveling down to Gulf Shores on a girls’ trip we took down there. Â Here’s the first post I did in April 2009. Â This was when I still lived in Birmingham, so it’s been awhile. Â Can you believe I’ve been back in my home state for going on 5 years now? Â Where has the time flown? Â It’s been a good 4 and 1/2 years, let me tell you.
So, back to heading down to the beach at Gulf Shores. Â This time I went with my friend, Karen, and the route from Atlanta takes us down through Montgomery, AL and through all these small towns. Â The Plunderosa is in Loxley, AL, before you get to Foley and on down to Gulf Shores. Â It’s a great place to stop and browse, so if you get a chance, do it. Â You know it has to be good with that name!
I had met the ladies who run the shop back in 2009 and when I stopped in this time, they remembered a blogger stopping in and blogging about them back then. Â I knew it had been at least 5 years, but it was actually longer. Â I told them I was back and would share it again. Â Met the owner and she was so nice too and all of her wares come from trips to Europe. Â Who would think you could see all of this in a small town in Alabama?
There are some gorgeous old and vintage large pieces of furniture and some of these, you’d have to have a humongous house to fit them.
Sorry some of these pics are blurry, but when I’m running around taking pics like this, it can’t be helped.
This old gray cabinet was just magnificent. Â See those jars inside? Â Those are pickle jars from Europe.
I bought that one on the left marked at $45. Â She gave me a discount, down to $36 (and no, I didn’t ask, she was just nice!). Â It will be fun to find things to use this for and it’s an unusual piece.
I loved all the furniture pieces and how unique many of them are.
I asked them about the painted pieces of furniture and she said that most of them come this way already painted. It’s amazing to me how all the chalk paint companies are picking up these vintage colors and they are trendy all over again.
She said that most of their pieces are not repainted at all, they are as is.
From huge wine bottles to large pieces of furniture.
Dough bowls, they have so many different things.
Individual chairs.
I didn’t price a lot of pieces, but the prices I saw for some of those large pieces was pretty reasonable for what it is.
Old pine pieces were pretty.
She said someone came in and bought a couple of these HUGE old cabinets and that the lady was going to design a new kitchen around these similar pieces. Â I love that idea!
Tons of shutters were there.
So, that’s another visit to The Plunderosa and I hope you enjoyed browsing as much as I did. Â I can’t buy a lot of stuff these days, since my house will only hold so much, but it’s still fun to look. Â It’s a great stopping point if you are heading to Gulf Shores. Â Just look for Loxley on the map and you’ll find them!
Thanks for posting this! I live in Elberta just a few miles for Loxley and it has been maybe 5 years since I went here and it was not this neat and organized. I will return thanks to your post. Have a blessed day!
Wow! What a great place! I loved everything. Sure wish I lived closer. So many wonderfil pieces of furniture. Thanks so much for the tour.
I wish there was a location much closer to me. I never see this kind of stuff.
It’s all the kind of stuff that I like.
Love the Plunderosa….. I saw shutters that I really need so maybe a trip to Loxely is in the near future Thanks for sharing
How Fun! I would love to have a place like that, close enough to shop in. It might be a blessing in disquise ~ I would want too much ;-D
Thanks for sharing!
Oooh! I may have to take a little trip one day soon. Looking at those painted pieces made me think of a novel I recently read. One of the characters liked to buy old painted pieces from Europe and restore them to their original wood. Later, the character had the opportunity to work in Europe and became disillusioned when he found out that furniture makers were making pieces and painting them to look old and worn and shipping them to the U.S. It kinda made sense to me since I lived in Germany many years ago and I rarely ever saw painted furniture unless there was a scene or a design painted on. Now I am curious. Guess I’ll have to take a little trip to Plunderosa and have a look for myself!
That’s interesting, Carol. I’ve never heard that and hope it’s not true.
Alabama,here I come!?
Hi Rhoda. I just clicked over to visit you from my friend, Kim’s (CoziNest) post, where she shared your link. I live in Baldwin County and love the Plunderose, too! A couple of years ago I drove by and saw several old sections of iron hand-made fencing from Eastern Europe leaned up against the outside of the building. I had been searching for a unique railing for a small library space upstairs but could never find enough running feet of anything…until that day. It was perfect and enough to fit. I’ve shared my library on a blog post…Here’s the link: if you would like to see my treasured pieces that I purchased that day.
Thanks for sharing the current treasures that are available in the Plunderosa. I’m due another visit down that way.
Rhoda thanks so much for highlighting The Plunderosa. We go to Gulf Shores 4 or 5 times a year, but I’ve never been there. Now, thanks to you, I have one more reason, or excuse, to take one more trip very soon.
Thanks again!