Something to ponder…
With our economy in the tank and things looking pretty bleak out on the job front and in our own pocketbooks these days, what is the one little thing that you do that gives you a big dose (or a little dose) of pleasure? Something that doesn’t cost a lot?
For me, it’s my morning cup of cappuccino that I mix up myself.
I hardly darken the doors of Starbuck’s ever anymore. Oh, it’s a treat to go there occasionally, but at almost $5 bucks a cup, just not worth it. My hubby loves the bean grinder I brought home from a yardsale and so every morning, I hear the whirrrrrr of that little gadget as it grinds up the morning beans for our java.
It’s not a real cappuccino, but it’s close enough for me. I buy flavored syrups by Torani and have them around for my coffee treat and those various flavored creamers that are in the dairy case these days. Caramel Machiatto, White Chocolate Mocha, Italian Cream, all of those make me giddy to have my morning cuppa and I flavor it up just for me. I use my Goodwill Italian frother to foam up some skim milk to go on top and add a dose of cinnamon-sugar.  Ahh, pure bliss! 🙂
And how about something as simple as lighting a pretty candle on the table for dinner? I left these out from our little dinner party the other night and decided to just light the cute thing and enjoy it for ourselves.
Now that’s simple!
How about you? Let’s start a list that we can all refer back to. What is your simple and maybe inexpensive little pleasure that makes life enjoyable for YOU right now?
In spite of the economy, those trials and tribulations that we all have, and even the stormy weather some days?
Do tell?
Love my coffee also. Grinding your beans rules. I also love making pizza for the family. Making the dough from scratch and adding all kinds of toppings. Candles!
I love this post!
Some simple pleasures include, a $1.00 movie from Redbox and popcorn in the luxury of my own home! Homemade cookies — yum! Having friends in for dinner rather than going out. Yardsales! Candles. Library books. The joy of using coupons! Oh, the list is endless….
One of my favs is driving through the countryside on a beautiful day; stopping along the way to take pictures. Usually of old barns and houses!
Others include bubble baths by candlelight, baking breads and cakes. Of course, a thrill at the cheap find in GW or junk store.
A sweet phone call (to or from) a friend.
It was unexpected when my husband was laid off in January, I worked for a much larger company (we both were in insurance related careers) and we were confident my job would be ok, at least for a while longer…I was laid off in March, last day in April. We are so grateful that my husband has found another job – unfortunately it means we eventually have to move from the home and city we both love, and for a long time we will have to live apart. We are grateful though, we are doing better than many. The little pleasures I find myself enjoying – taking my son to the playground, enjoying raking leaves with him, spending more time with my parents and friends, waking up early even though I don’t have a job to go to and enjoying the quiet morning with a cup of coffee and my creme brulee creamer, reading the Bible and planning our day before he wakes up. Lighting a candle in the house (or 2 or 5!) I am actually grateful for my current unemployment – my job was too high stress and too time consuming and I was missing so much of his life – and mine. I try to focus on that, and try my hardest not to dwell on the future – to worry about what is or isn’t coming, the strains on our marriage, the move. I think this whole experience has been a huge lesson for me in trusting God when I can’t see the “how” and “when” and feel out of control. I am learning to cherish each day, but I admit I do also mourn for some of the lost plans and the harder changes face.
I’m like many of the other people…….there are so many to list!
I love being able to go for an hour run—alone! It clears my head and helps me be a better mom to my 3.
I love our little town’s new second-hand shop. There are many treasurers in there for $1!!
I also really like going through the automatic car wash. Doesn’t that sound ridiculous? We NEVER did that as kids and it’s such a luxury now, but I get a thrill every time!
Great post. I bought an Aerolatte at Bed Bath & Beyond last year, and it’s been the best investment. It’s such a treat to make my own coffee-lattes at home.
My other simple pleasures? A candle-lit shower (not a bath person), curling up on the sofa at the end of the day and watching General Hospital (yes, I boldly said “General Hospital”), cooking a nice breakfast on Sunday mornings while listening to Van Morrison….ahh, heavenly :).
ooh goodness I have lots
nice coffee like you…home made ‘restaurant’ dinners…long pamper sessions in bath….my DIY Sugar Scrub (Origins Copycat)
oh and flowers, from the garden if possible or a budget bunch then get creative with it
having less money and these times, including starting our own business in the midst of it all has actually been an interesting ride
Hi Rhoda,
love all the simple pleasures mentioned but one of my favorites is that my H gets up every morning and makes coffee for me. It’s a little pampering that makes me happy. Then I’ll sit in my favorite chair and read the paper. He even brings me refills.
Another simple pleasure is pajamas. I just love my pjs.
Oh and Rhoda, another simple pleasure is knowing that Southern Hospitality is only a click away!
Come on over to grab my Thanksgiving button and spread the word, we’re gonna dish about turkey and more.
Listening to uplifting music. Taking a hike and listening for the quiet, capturing those moments of stillness in my mind. Doing Zumba! Sitting outside, around our fire pit (from a yard sale this summer), cooking up hot dogs and s’mores with the kids. Watching a Netflix movie and eating popcorn. Making a cup of coffee, making a big brunch for Sunday breakfast. Inviting family/friends over for a potluck.
I am with you on the coffee. I buy flavored coffee and brew it at home. It’s nice and relaxing.
I also like to use our ‘good’ china for everyday meals.
Getting the newest books from the library.
Thanks for a fun and thoughful post!
Hi Rhoda….For me it’s all about fragance in the house. I love the smell of candles or the little peebles you put in the vacumn or anything that you sit around to add to the home’s aroma. We have a cappucino maker & love that too….enjoy your coffee fix 🙂
Oh, good post Rhoda. Today I did one of my favorite things. I spent the entire day with my mom. We met for breakfast and then went to some of our favorite small stores at their Christmas Open Houses. We didn’t buy anything all day long, but had a blast getting ideas and just spending time together. Another personal favorite at home is fresh sheets. If I could do it I would have fresh sheets every night! I also love sitting in the sunroom in the evening and talking with my husband about our day. Just wonderful times.
A quiet weekend at home with projects to do always brings me happiness. A good cup of morning coffee while sitting at my clean desk, looking out the window and writing is also a very cheap pleasure. Cooking a good meal from scratch. Reading Jane Austen. I could go on and on, but I won’t!
Lastly, when I take the time to sit down and watch a movie, having my cat (or foster kittens) curl up in my lap – well, there’s not much cozier than a warm, fuzzy kitten with it’s purr motor rumbling. 🙂
My favorite is an afternoon cup of tea with lots of milk and sugar, sitting at my computer and reading blogs like yours for inspiring and pretty ideas.
For me, its falling asleep with the TV on! Seriously. I love the light of the tv that is just enough to feel like an old friend’s hug but not enough to wake you from your sleep. The TV in our bedroom has a timer on it and goes off an hour or so after we fall asleep so as not to waste electricity. Weird… I know. But there is something oddly comforting about it. I can remember being a kid and leaving the TV’s on during stormy nights for weather updates. I think that is where it stems from.
Oh and a well stocked pantry of free stuff from my coupon shopping… that too! LOL
Looking through my stash of decorating magazines and books.
Enjoying my morning cup of tea while checking out the latest on my favorite blogs.
Reading the latest books by my favorite authors.
Re-reading my Miss Read books.
Reading anything!
Hi Rhoda,
Love your blog and great ideas! My secret little indulgence is a cup of coffee with half a hot cocoa packet stirred in and a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top! Yum!
I love going to the library, getting new books and coming home to read. I also love lighting candles and just being still with music playing.
Wow, what a great post and what great food for the soul. When I read the other’s comments I realize just how many little things there are out there that bring me pleasure-what a great thing to think about. I love the look and feel of a room in my house after a deep cleaning- I could just sit and look at it for hours. A long bath and climbing into fresh bed linens makes me feel like I am the most blessed woman in the world!
Girl!!!!!!! I am right there with ya!!!!!!!!!! Makes ya feel like you are on vacation….!!
What a lovely post. I comfort myself through background music, scented candles, special teas and coffees. I must ask:
WHERE DID YOU GET THAT GORGEOUS VOTIVE? Thanks for your time. Martha