Hey, all you thrifty shoppers!
We’re about to start a brand new edition of the Thrifty Treasures party for this year, so if you’ve been chomping at the bit to show off some great finds, now is your chance.
I only have two things to start the party with, but I love this find that I stumbled across down in Destin at the big Goodwill. It was hopping in there the day we stopped by and I spotted 2 of these burlap shades. With the senior discount (oh yeah, I will take that anytime I can get it, now that I’m 55!), it came out at $7.50. It’s a huge shade and I have plans to install it in a hallway or one of the rooms of my new fixer-upper house.
I love it!
You can see how big it is, since it is sitting on this loveseat and takes up half of it. Not sure how I can get it up on a ceiling yet, but I’ll figure that out later.
It was WAY too cool to pass up and the price was right, so home it came with me.
Last Friday, I stopped by a big yardsale on the side of the road and out of all the treasures junk there, I came away with this 50 cent white pottery planter. I love adding plants in these old pottery pieces to sit around on a table. It will get put to good use.
I just love the imperfect finish on these old pottery pieces.
Before we get the party started, I want to give a shout-out to one of my sponsors, Saturated Color. Beth has the most gorgeous vintage art prints in her Etsy shop and she is offering a 20% discount right now on everything in her shop. Use this code: SOHO20
But, shop fast, because the discount is only until Wed. evening this week!
You will love what she offers and when I’m in my house again, I feel sure I’ll be bringing some of her art prints home with me. Isn’t this botanical above just yummy?! I hope you’ll go and check out the sale!
So, are you ready to join the first Thrifty Treasures party for the year? I do think I might be getting my yardsale/thrifting mojo back! 🙂
So, what did YOU find this week?
There are a TON of parties out there to highlight all your projects, so please let’s keep this one about thrifty finds that were bought 2nd hand! Not a great sale from the store, or a recipe, or just a plain project, but 2nd Hand finds only!
And please DO NOT go back in your archives to OLD posts and link up. Let’s keep this party fresh and current! If you have already shared your find in a previous party, DON’T share it again! Please, girls, I don’t want to have to delete links.
- Add your permalink to the link list, which is the actual post that you did for this party, NOT your general blog url. To get the actual post, after you publish the post, just click on the title and THAT will be your party post url. PLEASE try to get the correct url in the first time!
- Please add my button to your post or blog OR at least link back to this post in your post. That’s all I ask. It’s common courtesy to link back to the person having the party, so that all of your readers can find it too.
- Please do NOT link to an Etsy shop or something similar (even if you think it’s a fabulous deal) or I will delete the link. This party is for sharing thrifty finds from yardsales, thriftstores, or something along those lines. If I see that your post is not really on track with this theme AND you don’t link back, I’ll delete your link. Sorry, but I’d like to keep the party consistent! IF YOU SEE THAT YOUR LINK HAS BEEN DELETED, IT IS PROBABLY BECAUSE IT IS NOT IN LINE WITH THIS PARTY THEME.
Again this year, I’ll be highlighting great finds from the party, so if you want your find highlighted, PLEASE link back to the party. Only those who link back will be considered for highlighting the next week. Thanks!
Thanks for hosting! Glad your party is back!~
Rhonda, I am checking your blog often looking for remodel of your new home. I know you will have some terrific projects to share. Give us the
details and pictures so we can copy your ideas (hope you don’t mind if we copy). You are so creative and talented with decorating. Good luck with your house which you will make into a home. From a middle Georgia fan.
Hey Rhoda, as a “senior” myself, LOL, we have to take the perks where we can get them! Love that white pottery bowl. Just linked up, thanks so much for getting the party rolling again!
Glad your party is back 🙂 Love your finds! I’m sharing my $5 habitat restore chair makeover!
Thanks for hosting,
PS. it’s almost Haven time 😉
Hi! I am new to your blog, and I’m not 100% sure about the linky things. I linked this to another party about a month ago, so you might want to delete this. I did link back to your blog. At 52, I’m a little slow when it comes to all this stuff!
Oh this will be fun Rhoda! I’ll have to start thrifting so I can party 🙂
Hey Rhoda- wanted to party so bad did’nt really qualify my find- which are by the way 350 bottles of “old” wine! 🙂
Yippie -my favorite thing to do is scour thrift shops for fun finds! Sharing my 70’s retro needlepoint today.
First – Thanks for hosting this fun event again!
Senior discount is a good thing. 😀 Looks like you got some nice bargains.
Hi, Rhoda! Thanks for bringing back Thrifty Treasures. Is there any way to change a title under the picture after you have read it? Bold it, etc.? For instance if I stop on #10, leave the computer and return -ready to begin with #11- is there any way to show me I ended on #10? I’m sure that would be help to all who enjoy this party. Love all you do!
Sharon, I don’t think I have control over that at all. I just link up the Inlinkz code and that’s it.
Such a great party idea. I wasn’t blogging … in fact, bloggers weren’t even on my radar … when you used to host this soiree.
And now that you’ve brought it back it’s given me a big giant swift kick in the you know where to get out of Target and Home Goods and back into Salvation Army. The timing couldn’t be more perfect with yard sale season kicking off soon here in Chicago …
Wow! This is my kind of party! There isn’t much that is in my wheelhouse, but thrifting is one of my favorite things in the whole wide world.
If I was still living in the US I would be All. Over. This. every week. But, I’m not, and I don’t have access to those gold mines of possibility. I have a few items left from my last trip to the states in January … yes, I go to Goodwill on my American vacations … and will be sure to link them up.
Otherwise, I will just be entirely jealous of what everyone else has found for a steal. And do have a few other thrifty finds I’ve posted about over the last few months that I’d love to link up if it’s OK with you?
Thanks for hosting,
yay! I am so glad this party is back!! I have been posting my thrifted and yard sale finds each Friday for the last 4 months or so. So I am glad to have somewhere to link them up 🙂
Just had a great yard sale weekend yesterday will post it next Friday but today I am linking up a bunch of jewelry I got for $0.75 at yard sale last week! 🙂
Love your finds too, Rhoda! For the lampshade – Young House Love did a shade in their office – maybe you can hang yours from the ceiling the same way 🙂
Thanks for the reminder of what they did! I remember seeing it now that I’ve looked again. Maybe that will work for me too!
So pleased that Thrifty Treasures is back! Now that you’ve closed on the house I know you will be finding a lot of ‘new to you’ treasures on your ‘[yard] sale-ing expeditions’ that will transition the house into your home. I would have purchased that beautiful burlap shade myself. I know it will look great no matter where it ends up!
Your Friend,
Great finds, Rhoda! I love the shape of that shade! So excited for thrifty season (yard sales!) to start back up! I’ve linked up my chandelier but I couldn’t get an image to show. 🙁 I’m pretty sure the issue is on my end though. I usually have to upload but it still didn’t work for some reason. But I’m all linked up at least!
Have a great week!
Hey Rhoda! What a great party concept! I linked up an old ice cream maker that we found buried on our property. I know it was purchased at a thrift store/garage sale, but I’m hoping it falls into the same category 🙂 Thanks for hosting. I will definitely be back next time!
*oops….I meant “…it WASN’T purchased…”
Have a great week ahead!
I’m so happy for you that you got your house, Rhoda! I can’t wait till you’re in there decorating and enjoying every minute of it.
Thank you Brenda, I’m very excited!
I can’t wait to see what you do with your shade, Rhoda! I’m sure it will look spectacular wherever you put it. I can see that piece of pottery planted with some succulents. I’m so glad you’re doing this party again because I’m always finding things at an auction I attend each week.