Adventures in Decorating, Thrifting, Cooking, Fashion & Gardening
Wallpapered Office Nook
Office Paint color: Dutch Boy Colony Green
For details on the updates with wallpaper and paint in the office nook, click here.
Reader Interactions
Carol Wilcoxsays
I absolutely love the wallpaper. Could you please, please, please divulge the pattern name and manufacturer???
I just found your blog today (I guess I’m kind of a blog-virgin) and I simply adore your beautiful decor — you are soooo talented.
Please continue to keep us all updated on your wonderful work and may God bless and keep you in his care. 😉
Carol, it is Graham and Brown, Cotswold Green. THank you so much!
Becky Beesays
I just found your website Rhoda and I LOVE your Office Nook. My bedroom is my sanctuary, but you’ve inspired me to make my home office a second sanctuary. Thank you for sharing the photos of your lovely home.
HI, Aimee, got that chair at one of my fave shopping spots, Homegoods!
i love how this looks. I like the wall paper you picked, it is fitting with the whole theme you got going on. where is it from? and was it difficult to lay on the wall? btw, love what you did with the bookshelf, i see you personalized it by adding a background to each shelf!
Im SOOO glad I found you today! SEVERAL years ago I printed out a copy of your “office nook”……somehow I misplaced the picture and was devastated! I turned my house UPSIDE DOWN! lol
Today I found the bookshelf on Pinterest! YAY!
What an inspiration you are to me! Im so excited. Thank you.
Beautiful! Would you be able to tell me details on the wall shelves? Love this, we have a small area in living room and need to find the right shelving to make it an office book the is useful.
Oh just saw, ballads designs
Hi There! I wanted to stop by and thank you for your wonderful creative inspiration with this beautiful space. I hope you don’t mind but I had to share your post with a blog collection of “Craft Room Organizing Inspiration” I wish you an inspiring day! ~Lil Miss Katie’s =)
Might be a weird question… But where do you hide your CPU tower for your computer? I love the look of your office & the desk but was wondering where to put the CPU tower?
HI, Nikki, that’s my old office, but now I have a laptop in the new one and I don’t really try to hide the cords. It’s plugged in along with a big monitor and wireless keyboard, so I do have some cords showing. Hard to keep that from happening!
Hi Rhoda! I recently moved to a new house and I have an office nook just like this one! I was just at lost with it and your design has given me amazing ideas to shape it up! I have a nice desk pretty much like yours and the shelves. So I will go ahead and add the details to make it as beautiful as yours. Thanks!
I absolutely love the wallpaper. Could you please, please, please divulge the pattern name and manufacturer???
I just found your blog today (I guess I’m kind of a blog-virgin) and I simply adore your beautiful decor — you are soooo talented.
Please continue to keep us all updated on your wonderful work and may God bless and keep you in his care. 😉
Carol, it is Graham and Brown, Cotswold Green. THank you so much!
I just found your website Rhoda and I LOVE your Office Nook. My bedroom is my sanctuary, but you’ve inspired me to make my home office a second sanctuary. Thank you for sharing the photos of your lovely home.
Where did you get the chair? I really like it, an inspiring look for dining chairs. I have a table but no chairs at this time.
The chair is from Homegoods, one of my fave shopping spots.
I love the papers you put in the back of the shelves. That’s a great way to add personal style to a book case!
Where did you get your desk? I absolutely love it!
HI, Michelle, the desk is Target online. Love my desk!
I have been looking for a chair exactly like that?? I love your blog and I would love to know where you found it!!
HI, Aimee, got that chair at one of my fave shopping spots, Homegoods!
i love how this looks. I like the wall paper you picked, it is fitting with the whole theme you got going on. where is it from? and was it difficult to lay on the wall? btw, love what you did with the bookshelf, i see you personalized it by adding a background to each shelf!
Im SOOO glad I found you today! SEVERAL years ago I printed out a copy of your “office nook”……somehow I misplaced the picture and was devastated! I turned my house UPSIDE DOWN! lol
Today I found the bookshelf on Pinterest! YAY!
What an inspiration you are to me! Im so excited. Thank you.
where did you get the shelves? thanks. love the room
Hi, Denise, the shelves are from Ballard Designs.
Hi Rhoda,
Where did you get the letter “R” in the background. I just love your office. Thanks!!
That is a long ago find from TJ Maxx, if I remember right.
Hi I really love that Target desk, what specific desk is that, model?? Thanks!!!! I am really going for this look!!
HI, Cristy, It’s the Madison, here’s the link:
Beautiful! Would you be able to tell me details on the wall shelves? Love this, we have a small area in living room and need to find the right shelving to make it an office book the is useful.
Oh just saw, ballads designs
I love the desk! I have been looking all over for one like that where did you get it?
I thought this was so cute I decided to feature it on my Top 5 Pins of the Week post! Come on by!
Hi There! I wanted to stop by and thank you for your wonderful creative inspiration with this beautiful space. I hope you don’t mind but I had to share your post with a blog collection of “Craft Room Organizing Inspiration” I wish you an inspiring day! ~Lil Miss Katie’s =)
Might be a weird question… But where do you hide your CPU tower for your computer? I love the look of your office & the desk but was wondering where to put the CPU tower?
HI, Nikki, that’s my old office, but now I have a laptop in the new one and I don’t really try to hide the cords. It’s plugged in along with a big monitor and wireless keyboard, so I do have some cords showing. Hard to keep that from happening!
Hi Rhoda! I recently moved to a new house and I have an office nook just like this one! I was just at lost with it and your design has given me amazing ideas to shape it up! I have a nice desk pretty much like yours and the shelves. So I will go ahead and add the details to make it as beautiful as yours. Thanks!