No yardsales for me this week. We woke up Saturday morning to some much needed rain, so it was nice to just stay put and enjoy the drizzly day, cozy and dry inside the house.
I did manage to find a treasure though on Friday. I might have mentioned that we just got a 32″ flatscreen TV for the master bedroom. Are we the last people on earth to get a flat screen? 🙂 My hubby’s TV in his office is on the fritz and is about to go out. It was a $40 yardsale find from 2 years ago, so we got our money’s worth out of it and it was time to retire that one. It seemed the best thing to do would be to put the new TV in the bedroom, since that is where we seem to gravitate for most of our TV watching. So, the old armoire and TV in the bedroom went to hubby’s office where it fits in just fine with his colors too.
This left the 32″ flat screen with no where to land. It’s sitting temporarily on that $5 yardsale bamboo table tray I found. So, on the hunt I have been for the perfect piece to hold it.
On Friday, I hit the Bama Antique Mall in Leeds and came across this little gem. Now, this pic goes to show you that you do, indeed, have to look past what something looks like to see the potential in it.
If you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time, you’ll know that I would much rather find something used that is a solid piece, rather than a brand new piece of crap. 🙂
This piece is from a child’s room, but it’s the perfect height, width and depth for what I want AND it has storage. Extra points for that handy little door on the right. Lots of storage there. Those airplane knobs didn’t deter me for a second! 🙂 Nor did the little ugly doodads sitting on top. It even had a matching changing table, but I felt the need to leave that for someone else. 😉 For $100, I bought it, stuffed it in my trunk and brought it home. So, here’s my painting project for the week. It’s going to be painted a pretty soft blue/gray color, lightly distressed and some of my beadboard wallpaper will go in that door inset. I thought about adding some grasscloth wallpaper, but I just can’t see spending $25+ for a whole roll when I have extra beadboard wallpaper in my stash.
It’s all wood, in good condition and very solid. Perfect! I love the feet too. You can usually pull out drawers and look at the back of a piece to determine what it’s made of. Most of the time peering inside behind the drawers and looking at the drawers themselves will give you a great idea of how sturdy a piece is. This one has all wood drawers and all the hidden pieces inside are wood too. Score!
It probably wasn’t a super expensive piece to begin with, but again, what can you buy brand new for $100? Not much at all, as you know! And those cute airplane knobs? My friend, Sarah, said she loved them, so I’ll be shipping them off to her. She has a little boy, after all. I’ll be hitting up Hobby Lobby’s 1/2 price knobs and find some extra special ones for this piece.
So, in case you were thinking that if you saw a piece like this, you would only think “baby’s room”, I hope you’ll think again. Never just look at what a piece looks like at the moment.
Always look at the bones. Ask yourself these questions:
Is it a good size and shape for what I need?
Is it solid?
Can I personalize it for my space?
If the answer is yes, yes, and yes, then go for it! I love finding used pieces like this for much less than some MDF crap that you will find new. You just can’t beat shopping 2nd hand!
REMINDER from last week: I’m going to end the Thrifty Treasures party at the end of September for the season, so looking at the calendar, the last one will be scheduled for September 26th. I know you all love it, but by then it’s time for me to take a break. Hopefully, I’ll bring it back again next Spring! It’s been a fun party, but a break is good too. 🙂
Now it’s YOUR turn! What have YOU found lately? Add your link to the Linky list and remember our guidelines for the party:
- Add your permalink to the link list, which is the actual post that you did for this party, NOT your general blog url. To get the actual post, after you publish the post, just click on the title and THAT will be your party post url. PLEASE try to get the correct url in the first time! 🙂
- Please add my button to your post or blog OR at least link back to this post in your post. That’s all I ask. It’s common courtesy to link back to the person having the party, so that all of your readers can find it too.
- Please do NOT link to an Etsy shop or something similar (even if you think it’s a fabulous deal) or I will delete the link. This party is for sharing thrifty finds from yardsales, thriftstores, or something along those lines. If I see that your post is not really on track with this theme AND you don’t link back, I’ll delete your link. Sorry, but I’d like to keep the party consistent! IF YOU SEE THAT YOUR LINK HAS BEEN DELETED, IT IS PROBABLY BECAUSE IT IS NOT IN LINE WITH THIS PARTY THEME.
You are not the last one. I am still using a $100 15″ tabletop model my son bought me when he worked for Best Buy, so at least 10 years ago. Do you think I have shown appreciation enough and can trade up? It still works great, so I can move it to another room.
Out saling I saw a 32″ (not flatscreen) for $20 but to me it looked huge!
How do people fit in a 46″ or 52″ tv? You have to design a room around one.
Rhoda-Some mother to be is going to be very envious! I think it was darling before, but will enjoy its new life as an “adult” in your bedroom 🙂 I am so happy I finally have a garage sale find to share!! Thanks for letting me join the party!
We have finally updated all our tv’s to flatscreen. Bedroom, kitchen and greatroom. Bedroom and greatroom are both in antique armoires as I like a tv to be hidden and not a focal point. We neither one do alot of tv watching. Looking forward to seeing how your cabinet turns out!
Way to see the potential in the piece Rhonda! I totally would have thought boys rooms. But I do have two young boys who love airplanes!
Mary Ellen
Nice find. Can’t wait to see what you do with it! I love that it has drawers and an area covered by the cabinet door.
And no you are far from the last, there are lots of dinosaur TV’s around! We just upgraded to a flat screen recently as well.
That cabinet is going to be perfect after you work your usual magic on it–can’t wait to see the finished product. We are all going to miss your blog party. I truly hope you decide to start it again in the spring.
Love the knobs..They are just so darn cute
Love the dresser – so beautiful! Love those knobs too..they will be perfect for your friend’s little boy!
Hi Rhoda, commenting for the first time here and joining the party too. I’ve been lurking for a while and love to mooch through everyone’s fab bargains. I so agree with you about seeing through what something looks like on the surface to what it could become. I buy stuff like that all the time. Your dresser – or should I say new tv stand – is a perfect example. Have fun doing it up. Bx
Ooooh…can’t wait to see how you make it over! Great questions to ask abt pieces.
What great finds! I love your drapes! What a great way of thinking out of the box! I can’t wait to see the finished cabinet! It is going to be wonderful! Now I need to talk my daughter out of her changing table. lol I took mine out of the bedroom and now going to make use for my computer, printer, ect in it. I am now of need for another cabinet in the bedroom for a TV! I shall keep this in mind! Love the idea!
Going to miss your Thrifty Treasures, I sure hope you do bring it back again, wish I could visit every week, for I do love it so!
Great piece! It will look great when you get through tweaking it! I too, got a flat screen for our master bedroom. I was browsing magazines and websites and came upon an idea for my tv. It was an antique mantel attached to the wall with the flat screen above it. As I was driving down the road a few days later, there sat my mantel in someone’s yard for sale! I got it for 25 bucks!!! I have attached it to the wall and am going to have a mirror cut to fit the opening for the “fire box”. I am having a blast decorating this piece! I can just see some “his and hers” stockings this Christmas holiday on my mantel! I enjoy your blog and read it daily. Thanks for the inspiration!
Angie from Tennessee
Hi Rhoda,
I’m with you on finding a solid piece of used furniture instead of something new made of poor materials! You have some fantastic finds this week!
That dresser has a ton of potential–excited to see what you do with it.
I linked up! & also i added your general button to my page so everyone can see it at anytime. check my blog out if you get a chance & follow back please!
Can’t wait to see the finished product! Agree whole heartedly about looking at the bones of a piece.
Can’t wait to see the finished product!
Rhoda, dear Rhoda, Some of the words in this post are not up to your ladylike Southern ways! Please don’t offend my delicate ears with your displeasure at modern products that are not well made. You can do better!