The weekend got off to a good start, when on Friday, I was returning home after running some errands and saw…yes, a yardsale sign right in my own neighborhood. It was a 2 day sale and I almost didn’t go by, since it was already 12:30 and most of the time, the good things are long gone by then. But, that day turned out to be different. These folks had LOTS of great stuff, antiques and collectibles. I took a quick look around and this shabby cabinet caught my eye. It had a Sold sign on it and was marked $25 (she had originally marked it at $40), so I asked if it was indeed Sold. They said that the people who wanted it changed their minds, so it was mine. Yippee! She bought it at Lakewood Antiques (for I’m quite sure much more than I paid) in Atlanta, one of my favorite old haunts, that is sadly gone. So, this means something special to me, since I spent many a Saturday at Lakewood, browsing the treasures.
It’s shabbied up just right with chippy white paint. See the handle, one of those old-fashioned wooden turns. And it’s quite large at about 3×3’ .
Cute, huh?
Shelves inside will be great for display. I’m thinking dishes. But, the question now is: Where do I put it?? Here are my choices, so y’all can help me brainstorm this. Anywhere in my house will require moving things around, which you know I don’t mind doing.
A logical place would be to take this black shelf down in the downstairs guestbath and put it above the toilet.
Or, how would it look over my cupboard in the kitchen? Filled with dishes. I’d have to rearrange all of this but it could be done.
I could take down one set of shelves in the diningroom and add it there OR how would it look over the sideboard instead of the mirror. I’m in a quandry. Where do I put it? I love it, so I’d really like to put it in a good spot, even though it means rearranging things. It may be too shabby to put in the dining room. I wish I had an extra wall in the kitchen, but maybe over the cupboard would be good.
At the same sale, I picked up this large Wedgewood creamy white platter for $3. It’s a beauty too.
Delicate details on the edge.
And stamped on the back. Anyone know anything about Wellesley Wedgewood? I sure don’t, so fill me in if you do. It’s even engraved in another spot with Wedgewood on the back.
Found a frame for Fifi’s painting that I just showed you, for $2. See, this always happens, when I need something, it turns up in a short time. That’s the beauty of yardsales! Now, this one will have to be painted, but for $2, that’s a no-brainer.
Remember those green napkins from last weekend? Found 4 more in almost the identical fabric (minus the white trim), these were $1 for all.
And I just love this little beauty for $3. A pretty candolier that will go outside somewhere. Maybe under that gazebo that we will probably put on the deck. 🙂 This one is pretty big and I just love it. I can add candles there all around the flat curved part too.
So, that’s all I bought this weekend. I did good, huh?! Now, let me show you just 2 things that I saw that were great buys. Of course, I have no room for them, but this is the kind of thing I see all the time out there.
This was a gorgeous set of painted furniture, full size bed (headboard & footboard), dresser, which you can’t see, but it was really pretty with a nice mirror attached too, and this chest, all for $300. How cute is this?!
And this piece was in my neighorhood too, same place I bought the shabby wall cabinet, great lines on it, wouldn’t it be beautiful all painted up? $130, a steal! In case you aren’t convinced that yardsales are great, this is just a small sampling of what is out there, at least in my town.
So, those are my prizes. How did YOU do this weekend? You know how to play with Mr. Linky by now, so add your post and let’s get Monday rolling.
Remember to please link back to THIS post in your post, so that everyone can find the party. And that’s just common courtesy with blog parties. And also remember to add you permalink (your blog party post url, NOT your blog url) please! Some of you still don’t have that right!
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Rhoda…What a darling cabinet! I think it would look adorable in the bathroom with jars of bath salts, rolled up towels, chunky soaps…..what a fun weekend you had! 🙂 Thanks for hosting Thrifty Treasures…its so fun!
Hi Rhoda..I love that little cabinet you got. I have a similar one that is still sitting in my office because I can’t decide where to put it. That hutch would look awesome painted. I always keep an eye out for something like that. I hope I linked up properly, not quite sure if I did it properly.
Neat shabby cabinet Rho!
Hi! Mr. Linky is gone! I was hoping to catch up on the other blogs I didn’t get to earlier.
Rhoda, thanks for fixing my problem. I am new to blogging so I don’t know a lot about this permalink ie. , from what you are saying and as I read it I just put my heading to my post for url rather than my actual blog address?
Do NOT touch that dining room, it looks perfect. I would definitely hang it in the bath – it would be perfect there ! Love those other two finds as well. You have a good eye !
🙂 Kate
Rhoda, I am so sorry that I forgot to link back to your blog the other day. My brain is not what it used to be–not that it was all that great to start with! I’m remedied the faux pax! (Hope I spelled that right.)
I like the cabinet in the downstairs guest bathroom. I think it would look absolutely fantastic there. (along with your ‘special’ little touches) I enjoy your blog. Thanks for sharing your life with us.
I just love the shelf! Can’t wait see where you put it! Love the iron candle holder! What great buys!
Terrific finds. I love the shelf.
That bedroom set is fabulous!
What a lovely blog!