Doesn’t this look yummy? I’m actually planning ahead this year and am going to make this delectible dessert for my man for Valentines Day. He loves chocolate, so this will be a winner, I’m quite sure. And it looks so pretty too. I’m going to take a shortcut on the swirled heart on top with something store bought, but the recipe actually shows how to make those too. And, I already have a heart-shaped pan that came with my Pampered Chef cheesecake pan, so I’m ready to go. So, in case you were wondering what to do for your sweetie for Valentines, here’s your chance to impress & make him swoon with delight. Chocolate cake always gets my man! You know they say that the way to a man’s heart is through his tummy…well, I think that’s absolutely true.
Here’s the recipe, I scanned it for you, so click to open it and copy from here. This is from the February ’08 Country Home magazine.
Valentines Treat
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Thanks Rhoda! I am so glad you found each other. It is always interesting to see how couples meet.
My husband and I so different. But we balance each other out. And at the end of the day, we love each other. Who could ask for anything more?
Hi Rhoda- Having known you for a few years now I am well familiar with your story, but very much enjoyed reading your words. It’s evident you and Peter have learned the key points to a good marriage and that you are happy! My Mom would make a heart-shaped cake each Valentine’s Day, but in those days, no heart-shaped pans, so she’d use this trick- cut a round layer cake in half, then piece the halves to alternate sides of a square cake layer of the same size that has been placed on-point, then frost. Fond memories of those cakes
Rhoda: I can’t wait for us to meet face-to-face and have a nice long visit. We have so much in common, from our decorating to our marriages…David and I have had our ups and downs in our marriage as well (older, more set in our ways, etc)but I know for a fact that he was sent by God to me (my mom said she “prayed him up”) and you can’t do better than a mama’s prayers! We are going on our trip in about two weeks and after we get back and the weather gets a little warmer, let’s plan a get together. (BTW I have your two rolls of ribbon)!
Love ya – Judy
I truly believe that being accepted just the way you are is one of the best things about a good marriage. I was so excited to see this recipie! I was in a doctor’s office yesterday waiting for my husband and was looking at this magazine. When I went to look at the recipie, someone had torn it out. So thanks for your thoughtful sharing. I love your blog!
Your story is very sweet and I am so glad tht you shared how you met your husband.
The chocolate cake looks absolutely delicious. Yes, I think you will definitely win you way to his heart!
Have a great week,
Rhoda, Thanks for sharing your love story…it was interesting to read and very heartwarming that you & your sweetheart found one another!
I can completely relate about being total opposites in many ways…but Bobby & I seem to balance each other out so well and I realize every day just how blessed I am by that man! God sure knew what He was doing when He brought us together! LOL
The cake looks delicious and I’m sure he’s gonna love it 🙂
Happy Wednesday to you!
1. I am a southerner by birth and heart.
2. I made Feller a heart shaped chocolate cake for his January birthday when he came home last month. (He is working out of state)
3. I met him online.
4. We are “older”.
5. I came out of a painful, 18 year marriage.
6. Feller has never been married.
7. We have been with each other almost 10 years.
8. We have yet to take the plunge. 😉
9. He is a geeky, MBA, MD, brainiac.
10. I am a junker, decorator, day dreamer.
Are you my sister?
What a wonderful story… Thank you for sharing such a personal thing with us. My hubby and I have been together 13 years plus 3 kids and every day is anew thing with new challenges…I am so glad you guys found each other.
Jen R
Oh Rhoda, what a great story. I’m so glad you shared it.
Please post pix of the cake & maybe the surprised look on your sweetie’s face when he realizes it’s for him.
The way to a man’s heart …..
hugs, DebraK
I remember when you and Peter met, Rhoda. I can’t believe it was over 4 years ago. It seems like yesterday! Neat reading your story, today.
The cake looks wonderful!
Scrumptious cake! Darling story. The two go beautifully together. Thanks for the recipe; I need to make that too.
Hi Rhoda, I’m trying to catch up on visting my blogging buddies. I’ve been behind because I’ve had so many other commitments lately.
So, I see the wonderful looking cake that Peter will receive for Valentine’s Day. I’m sure he’ll enjoy each and every bite of it!
I also enjoyed the “how I met my hubby” story. Thanks for sharing it.
That is a great story and it sounds like you have found a good man. The cake looks good. Thanks for sharing.
Cute post! Thanks for sharing!
just found your blog..nice story about meeting your husband…I met mine in the 7th grade…just lucky I guess. I am a designer/artist who lives on the ocean near Boston. I create products for manufacturers, design artwork, paint, craft, garden and decorate. Have 3 beautiful daughters and 9 little munchkins…stop by and say hello sometime!
carol eldridge
Hmmm Thank you I am going to give it a try…I do not like yahoo online etc…I do not drink,smoke etc..I live like a nun! Hard to find a spiritual match! Help!
Lovely 🙂
Happy Valentines!
Lovely story Rhoda…thanks for sharing…save me a sliver of that cake…
Hi Rhoda,
What a nice post!!
I loved hearing about you and your wonderful guy!!
I can’t imagine trying to date after all that time.
Glad you found a great man!!
I’m sure he will love that yummy cake.
Hi Rhoda! Bad me…I haven’t been by in almost a week. It’s been a wild, crazy and busy week for me, but things have calmed down and I’ve enjoyed getting to “catch up” on what you’ve been doing.
The cake looks yummy, but I’ll have to pass since I’ve given up carbs for Lent. I know your hubby will be happy though. I enjoyed the tour of your beautiful den and of your friend Mary’s house.