{Giveaway is Closed}
And the winner is: Debora J
Congrats, Debora, I’ve emailed you!
Just a couple of months ago, I had the chance to meet a blog friend in person, once again. She’s been visiting my blog and leaving comments for a couple of years or so and I really felt like I already knew her. But, when she invited me over to her house for a weekend Biltmore Inspirations party, it just seemed like a great opportunity to meet her in person. I knew I would love her and I did! She is delightful and spunky and full of life. Lana Austin is a gem of a friend and I’m happy to have her here on my blog today, offering a giveaway to her new online shop, European Vintage Motif.
Let me tell you a little about Lana. Her husband is in the military and has spent lots of time away from home. At the end of last year, Lana emailed me and told me she and her family were moving to Italy for a few months.
(Lana’s 3 cute children)
Her husband, Tom, had been sent there for military duty and the whole family was going to join him. I was immediately excited for her, since I have spent some time in Italy myself. I knew what a treat she was in for.
Here’s the villa they stayed in while in Italy. Isn’t it so typically Italian and dreamy?
Lana and I at her house. By the way, I’ve decided to give up Biltmore Inspirations at the end of the year. I found out that these home party companies require a ton of time, which I don’t have since I’m blogging fulltime. I love what I’m doing, so I’m not going to keep pursuing Biltmore. The company and products are great, it just takes too much time for me to do it proper justice.
So, Lana spent about 7 months in Italy, traveling around Europe with her family. She took that opportunity to scout out flea markets and vintage shops, picking up all sorts of treasures along the way. Oh, how I envied that! If I ever get the opportunity to go back to Europe, I’ll be doing the same thing.
She picked up some beautiful pieces and brought them back with her.
Antique books
Old documents
Vintage linens
Vintage ribbon
Old keys
And, beautiful vintage Italian wine bottles. Oh, how I loved this!
{me, being ridiculously goofy with a vintage mongo wine bottle}
I’m happy to say that Lana was sweet and let me do a trade with her for that big ole’ wine bottle I’m kissing all over and now my sister is using is on a shelf in her bathroom. I fell in love with that big glass bottle and so we traded and I’m holding a giveaway for Lana’s sweet shop in return.
She truly has some beautiful things in her shop, lovingly chosen by Lana herself, one at a time. I know she had a ball shopping in Europe, from France, to Italy, to Belgium, picking up all these special items. She showed me several things when I visited her house and they were beautiful pieces.
All you have to do is click over to Lana’s shop, European Vintage Motif and look around. Tell me what your favorite thing is in the shop and come back here and leave a comment. ONE person will win a $50 shopping spree in Lana’s shop!
And Lana is also offering 50% off anything in her shop all through December!! How fun is that!
Great deals on vintage European items. If you order from Lana, to get the 50% off, put in code”awesomerhoda”. I did not come up with that code name, by the way. 🙂
That’s it! I’ll choose a random winner in a few days.
Oh the french keys…. I love that you can buy them individually because they are just so pretty and affordable. But I would love a little set of them. I would hang them into frames along our stairwell. Beautiful, antique and so french!
i can’t decide just one. i love the Italian table runner. i went to italy on my honeymoon many years ago and have some linen tablecloths and towels. I also like the italian chandalier and of course those keys i like too 🙂
I like the linen items. Please include me if this hasnt closed as yet?