My parents, Iris and Al, in the early 1950’s.
I love my parents to pieces and think I’m one of the most blessed people on earth, because of them. They are the salt of the earth. Good people who raised me and my sister right. I’ve told you before that I’m a preacher’s kid. Dad has been retired for over 15 years now, but he was a pastor my whole life. My dad is 80 and my mom is turning 80 in May and they are in remarkably good health. This is what good living will do for you. They are children of the depression and it’s still etched in their memories. I wonder how we would be if we had lived through that period of time in our country.
We spent about 2 and 1/2 days with my parents last week and I so enjoyed having them here. They usually make it over to Birmingham about once a year and we go over there many other times during the year. It was my turn to host and cook for them for a change, since my mom has cooked and cleaned up after me my entire life. They are truly the best parents ever!
Mom looks great for 80 (in May) doesn’t she? I hope those genes are passed down to me, cause I can hardly believe they are getting on up there that fast. That means that I am too and I’m sorta in denial about that. But the hot flashes that have recently started tell me a different story. We’ll talk about that another day.
Daddy has always enjoyed working with his hands and last year I told him about a little project I’d like to get done under our deck, so he promised he would do it for me when they came over again. He’s a good carpenter and has built many things for me. I try not to ask him to do anything that will be too hard for him now, but Mom will usually tell me if he’s not up for something.
I really wanted to put in a lattice wall on one end of the deck to hide the ugly A/C unit and create more of a room feeling under there.
Good memories with the folks! They are dear to me. I’m realizing just how blessed I am when I talk to friends who have lost both parents. I’m so grateful for mine.
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What a wonderful visit with your parents you had!!
I love the lattice project and will be looking forward to seeing what you do with that great space.
One day I will come home with chicks….I hope 🙂
((hugs)) Rosie
You favor your dad. I am blessed to still have my 90 year old grandfather and my 84 year old grandmother. They live on their own – still drive (both of them.)He goies to the flea market some 30 miles away each Saturday and refuses to let anyone mow his grass. I cannot wait until summer to get to their house to sit and chat with them. They too are depression era kids and are so resourceful. Thanks for sharing your journey with us! You are an inspiration.
So glad that you had such an awesome visit with your parents. Oh yes indeed, you are a very blessed lady!!! My husband & I each have lost a parent (my mom/his dad)- boy, is it difficult…
Looking forward to seeing your patio area when it gets done – you always put together such inspiring spaces!
Have a wonderful day!
God bless you and your parents! It’s so nice to hear someone talk about their love for their family. Too often, we take those people for granted. My parents are gone and my dad was mentally ill but he did the best he could. As a parent myself, we see how infallible we are despite our best intentions. It’s a blessed thing to celebrate our parents and their love for us.
What a wonderful tme you had with you’r parents.It’s nice to hear stories like that.
I look forward to seeing you’r finished patio pictures.:)
I tried to talk my hubby into getting me some chickens and a pig.He just shool his head, called me a crazy woman and walked away laughing. I guess that was a YES!!
Glad you had a wonderful Easter.
Dear Rhoda, now I know why you are such a sweet lady – you have such beautiful parents!! So happy they are still vibrant and keeping busy at their advanced age. Well somewhat advanced – they’re not old, and I say that because seeing the big 65 looming in my future makes me feel young, ha! ha!
Great job under your deck – you will certainly make good use of this space I know.
Would love some of those fresh milled grits – one of the best things about living in the South are good grits!!
Sounds like you had a great visit with your parents! And they look great!
Can I just say I love stone milled grits and flour! Yum! When you buy it from country stores like that, they just seem more fresh and healthier! And those little babies!! So!Cute!
i love that you have those photos of your parents. that is priceless. good luck on your project.
So glad that you are making memories with your parents…time truly is short!
Yes, I did talk my husband into giving my daughter ducks for Easter one year. What on earth was I thinking?…I haven’t a clue. You know we had to buy two, because one gets lonely, or so they said at the local Feed and Seed. I must say they were very entertaining. They made memories, but they also made messes! Oh what we do for those we love!
Cherish your parents while you have them. My Mom died 30+ years ago in her 50s; my Dad was only 73 when he died in 1991.
I sure miss my folks, but glad you have yours and do love them so much. God BLess you ALL!
Your Dad did a good job on the lattice work.
Next time you see them, promise me that you will give them one extra KISS and HUG for me! (to honor my folks)
Betty in Oklahoma
My mom is 86 – she’ll be 87 in June and is a little firecracker! Just today she said she can’t wait until her b’day so we can go to my sister’s lake house and go by boat over to Sinclair’s (this is a tradition with her). She made homemade chicken salad for lunch today – yum!
Such a blessing that you still have your parents and that they are in such good health.
I can’t wait to see your finished backyard project. I’d like to think our backyard is on our “to do” list this year but we’ll see!
It seems like you shared a wonderful time with your family. Your parents both look fantastic.
My mother will be eighty this summer. She looks amazing, and has been blessed with good health. Ny father has been gone over twenty years. We all still miss him. It is very interesting to have a parent that lived in the depression. I can tell so many ways that it impacted my mother.
Thanks for sharing your special time with us. I can’t wait to see pictures of your new patio.
What wonderful parents and a wonderful heritage….treasure each moment with them…my parents died in l981 and l991…
Great yard sale finds…I have a bird like the one shown….
Your parents look great Rhoda!
Lovely job on the lattice. Can’t wait to see the patio. I know it will be wonderful.
My Granddad worked for MFA. I used to go up there to see the baby chicks. So cute. My cousin won several at an MFA convention, one year. They grew up to be rascally Banties. The little rooster jumped on my head and beat me soundly all the way to the front porch at Granny and Granddad’s. I was about 4 or 5! That’s a memory I’ll never forget…when I see baby chicks, I’m always reminded!
We got a date for the surgery today. That makes it easier to do the planning we need to do…it’s just over 4 weeks away.
What a sweet post. I feel the same way about my parents.
I can tell we live in different parts of the country…I’ve never had grits before in my life! I’m sure they’re good because I always here people from the South talking about them!
I share love for parents with you. The “chicken kit” reminded me of my maternal grandma. She raised chickens and sold the eggs (and prepared some for meat). When I was little and we visited in the spring she’d take me to the baby chick house and I just thought I was in heaven with all the cute baby chicks. Boy do I miss my grandma and grandpa and their farm!!
Our town laws forbid us from having livestock in our type of housing zone.
Hi Rhoda, I can see you had a wonderful time with your parents. You are blessed to have them. Mine have passed years ago.
Your parents look great for being 80 years old.
Looking forward to seeing that patio now that the lattice is up. Looks nice!
Reading your post about your parents was totally heart melting. You are blessed.
You brought tears to my eyes even though I was smiling and reading your story. Your dad and hubby did a great job! How wonderful that he is still able to do what he loves. Your mother is still a beautiful woman too 🙂
Thank you for sharing your day.
Rue 🙂
Rhonda…I loved seeing your parents. I can tell they just drip with sugar. What an awsome gift for your dad to be able to work like that.Your mom does look like a go getter.
Glad you had a good visit.