Our girl’s trip to New Orleans was truly a wonderful time with me, my sister, my mom and niece. Memories like this don’t happen every day, but I’m so glad I got to go along on this trip.
We crammed a lot of fun into our few days in New Orleans, arriving and heading to the French Quarter to see what we could see as dusk was falling on Friday evening. I took lots of pics of the architecture and food. Fun times!
I’ve been to New Orleans a handful of times, the last being in 2003 with a friend of mine who was taking some classes at the Baptist seminary, before Katrina devastated the city. It was nice to see that many of the homes that were damaged have come back. Lauren told us about the area where she lives and how even it suffered from flooding. Her future in-laws house flooded and they had to rebuild over the course of a year’s time.
Driving to the Quarter, I found some pretty architecture to shoot pics.
Lots of cool buildings in this historic city.
This will be Lauren’s new street, once she is a married woman. Say it like this: chop-a-too-lis
I thought this was an interesting structure.
We parked near Jackson Brewery and got out for some strolling the streets.
The architecture of the city has always fascinated me every time I have visited.
These old balconies and buildings certainly are similar to Paris.
My cute little mama and Lauren walking ahead of me. This was Mom’s first time to this city. She thought it was interesting, but it probably wouldn’t be somewhere she’d love to come often. She was a trooper though and kept right up with us.
We walked as dusk fell and I tried to take as many pics as I could before it got dark.
The church at Jackson Square towers majestically over the crowded streets.
Walking by Cafe DuMonde, we decided to come back later for dessert and coffee.
You never know what you will see on the streets in the French Quarter. Yep, a little different entertainment. Strange, actually. 🙂
Mardi Gras is about to be celebrated this month. Never been, but don’t really want to.
Lots of horse drawn carriages, waiting for tourists to take a spin.
We walked in a cute clothing boutique.
Check out these plates on the walls. Very creative display!
Lauren and Mom waiting on the sidewalk.
A sweet little outfit on the sidewalk.
I adored all the gas lanterns all over the city.
More beautiful architecture.
My sis walking in an antique store.
With lots of interesting things inside.
Right off Royal Street.
Peeking through the fleur de lis fence around Jackson Square.
The horse statue and fountain is so beautiful.
We were getting hungry, so stopped here for a bite to eat. It’s right on Jackson Square and a tourist spot.
I had a fish sandwich. Food was just OK, not fabulous.
Night shot of Jackson Square and the fabulous St. Louis Cathedral.
We left a little room for cafe au lait and beignets at Cafe DuMonde.
And yes, they are as fabulous as they look! Powdered sugar was flying around the table as we scarfed these down and enjoyed every single morsel.
I’ve got lots more to share of our wonderful time in The Big Easy. I have a feeling I’ll be going down that way a little more often, now that Lauren will be living there with her new hubby.
Lauren was born in Louisiana and it’s really ironic that she is marrying a Louisiana guy and will be living there once again. I’ll have lots to share on all the showers and wedding plans too. It’s going to be a gorgeous wedding and I’ll be sure and share as much as I can with all of you!
Beautiful pictures and what a fun week-end with your Mom, Sis and Neice. Can’t wait for more pics. Weddings are so much fun!
So glad you had a good time! Your photos are gorgeous!
Lou Cinda 🙂
Loved seeing your pictures. I first went there on our honeymoon and have been back many times since. Love walking the streets and wandering into shops as you did. What a fun place. Hope your sisters wedding there is wonderful.
Hi Rhoda, thanks for sharing this lovely tour. I gave you a shout out today-stop on by and help us celebrate.
I haven’t been to New Orleans since I was 16 and that was a few moons ago. I enjoyed the pics and glad you had a get away with the girls in your family. Can’t wait to see all of the wedding pics!
SO glad you guys had such a great time! I must say, I’m itching to go! 😉 lovely photos!
Wow, I’ve relived it, thanks so much for showing us the FQ through your eyes, loved it!
How fun! I wish I could have come!
I gave you an award on my blog! Go to http://poopieandmerd.blogspot.com to check it out! Congratulations!
Great photos, especially the one of the cathedral. Gorgeous!
So glad you had fun.
I live in Mobile, AL and this is the “birthplace” of Mardi Gras. We are considered the family friendly version. There is less traffic, less tourists, and still tons and tons and tons of parades and goodies. We moved here recently and have been learning about the history of Mardi Gras and everyone we meet always wants to share the traditions of Mardi Gras with us. It has been fun hearing stories and participating in the traditions and I haven’t had a drink yet! Its a ton of fun, and while I would love to see how big NOLA does it one day, for now I am content with everything Mobile has to offer.
Rhoda – I too am from New Orleans and would move back in a heartbeat!! Thanks for sharing the pictures. Sorry about the bad luck with the food – it really is the best! And you should go back for Mardi Gras sometimes – all anyone sees on TV is what goes on in the French Quarter – Mardi Gras is a wonderful family celebration in other parts of the city. I wish I could be back this year but no luck. I’m glad you enjoyed it (other than the misfortune of the food, it’s a shame the tourist places really aren’t the best).
Have never been there so the photos are appreciated!
I’ve always wanted to go to New Orleans. Now I feel like I have. Thanks for the pics.
I have never been to New Orleans and have never really wanted to go, but seeing all this beauty has made me almost change my mind. : ) I do love the beautiful architecture!
NOLA is one of my favorite places in the world! I am from LA and have lived here all my life, but NO is like stepping back in time to a French town. I loved that you got a picture of LaPavillon Hotel. We just stayed there in August for our anniversary and I would recommend it to anyone. So glad you had fun and you are more than welcome to come visit LA any time. Check out some other parts of the state as well1
Hi, all! It was a whirlwind trip & so much fun. I did get a little bit of scoop from Lauren on the Mardi Gras festivities & she did tell me that many areas celebrate in a real family-friendly way & that the French Quarter version is not the real version of Mardi Gras, so I was happy to hear that. I might enjoy the family version very much, so if I got the chance I would see it for myself.
We unfortunately didn’t have enough time to dine at some of the best restaurants, but you can bet when I go back again, I’ll find some of them to try out too. I have a feeling Lauren & Philip know all about where to eat well.
We did get some home Cajun-cooking at Philip’s mom’s house & that was wonderful! Thanks for stopping by to read about my adventures.
You got some beautiful shots! I really love the coral and teal together on some of those old structures. A very inspiring color palette!
Such beautiful shots! Thanks for sharing. I’ve never had any desire to go to NOLA but when I see these photos, it changes my mind a little. 🙂 Glad you’re having a great time!
Aside from the Mardis Gras, this looks so much like Charleston S.C. with all the wrought iron, gas lamps and beautiful architecture.
Hi Rhoda, I would love to visit that area. I’m going to one of these days. The architecture is truly beautiful. Looks like you’re a lucky lady having such wonderful ladies to share your life with.