Everything that I’m reading indicates that wallpaper is back. What do YOU think? I know most of us have spent hours ripping down some ugly wallpaper that we got stuck with or got tired of after putting it up ourselves. Raising my hand, I sure have! And it’s no fun scraping, peeling, spraying hot water to get off those last tidbits of remaining paste and paper from those walls. And after all that hard work of scraping, I’ve vowed Never.To. Do. It. Again.
That is, until I see some beautiful pics like I’m about to show you. See if any of these change your mind. I’m on the fence. I could be tempted to do an accent wall OR a small bathroom, but that might be it, if I fell in love with just the right one. I’m still a big toile lover and this bathroom above is just so yummy to me in so many ways. I had toile wallpaper in my old bathroom in Georgia and loved it. I’ve learned when it comes to decor, never say never. Everything old is new again.
(Dallas News Photos by Natalie Caudill, Styling Katie Kieffer)
I really love the graphic lime green and black of this one. This one could tempt me. Maybe my office space?
(from Domino)
Another toile print and just on one wall. Very pretty.
(from Domino)
How about a bold stripe on the ceiling. Now, that’s eye-catching!
(Evan Sklar via Southern Accents)
Another pretty blue and white toile, always a classic.
(Michel Arnaud via Southern Accents)
A restful and classic bedroom with a beautiful damask paper.
(Ophelia from Graham Brown)
Something about this pic just makes me smile. I love the happy green chest in front of the golden floral wallpaper. It’s just fun to look at.
Oh, how I love this little bathroom with the map on the walls and even the valance is in the same print. So pretty and cozy, this space speaks to my Traditional side. (don’t know the source on the above pic)
(The World of Interiors Dec. 06)
More toile, this one in a luscious green.
(Tria Giovan via Southern Accents)
And how about this funky lime green paper in the foyer of a Traditional home. Love this! Probably wouldn’t have the nerve to actually do it, but I like the way it looks.
(From Graham Brown)
Love this fun turquoise and brown pattern. It would take a brave soul to do that one though.
(From Ideal Home Magazine)
A great way to add some impact is by putting wallpaper on the back of built-ins. I’ve used scrapbook paper for that, but actually matching the pattern of wallpaper would be a great look too, since it’s bigger than scrapbook paper. Lot of visual interest here! You could even add it to a thin piece of luan if you didn’t want add it permanently to a built-in.
(From Ideal Home Magazine)
Love this idea of adding this jolt of color with wallpaper behind the sofa table. You could also add some small molding on either side to really dress it up. Are your thinking caps on yet?
(via sugarblushstuff.blogspot.com)
This turquoise paper is so pretty and the whole room just has a nice and serene feel, even though the paper is a little busy.
(From Southern Accents)
This traditional dining room really feels warm and inviting with what looks to be metallic botanical wallpaper added to dress up the walls. Such an elegant space.
(from CanadianHouseandHome.com)
Even though this is a bold pattern, it totally works in this bathroom with the traditional vanity and simple sconces and mirror. I adore this!
(from CanadianHouseandHome.com)
One more beautiful blue and white toile print, another gorgeous diningroom.
(from CanadianHouseandHome.com)
And there’s always grasscloth for added texture, which itself is making a comeback. I remember this was really hot in office spaces back in the 70’s and 80’s and it has a fresh appeal here in 2010.
So, are you ready to buy some wallpaper yet? or are you scarred for life from long ago or recent removal woes? (been there, done that!)
I’m not sure I am either, but I’m really getting excited about the new possibilities that I’m seeing out there. I think in small doses, wallpaper is so fun. I just have to get the nerve to actually do something with it now.
I’ll be thinking on this subject too and will let you know if I come up with a space and a plan!
I’ve always loved wallpaper, but then I grew up with some really beautiful patterns. We still have a Laura Ashley tiny rosebud pattern on the ceiling in our library, and a Sanderson print in the den. I recently picked up two rolls of an Osborne & Little gold/cream damask paper at the thrift store for $10. each. Not sure what I’ll do with them yet… but it was too good a bargain to pass up. 🙂
Love Love Love Love Love Love these pictures, your right wall paper is back!
No wallpaper for me. In my opinion, the wallpaper in these pictures looks just like the ugly wallpapers of the past that I hate, hate, hate!
Hi Rhoda…I’m still a huge wallpaper lover…but I have to admit, I’ve stripped it from everywhere, except the baths. And boy, was it a lot of work! I could be tempted by the right one, though. I’ve been thinking of doing a subtle damask, tone on tone in my entry and up my stairway…always love that look when I see it in decor mags. I love a bold paper in dining rooms…but probably too chicken to try it since the memories of scraping the last paper off are still too vivid. LOL
Love the toile bath you showed in the first pic!
I do love seeing rooms like these with beautiful wallpaper patterns in them! I’m not ready to put them in my own house yet because I, like so many others, can’t forget what I went through peeling old paper off. Plus, I worked at a wallpaper store for a year and it might give me flashbacks. Ha. But gorgeous rooms like these are fun to look at!
Rhoda I love the beadboard paper, now I think you did a post on a kitchen backsplash done with beadboard w.p. or maybe i am thinking someone else..anyway, how do you think that would look???
Also, would love to use it also on the one wall in my bathroom, how sharp that would be as it is being done in lighthouse/coastal..
Hm. Pretty pictures – some my style, some not. But. We just bought our first house – entirely papered not to my taste. Two rooms down and a *few* more to go! I do like the upstairs hallway which an antique pinkish and cream damask that I LOVE! I’m leaving that, but probably nothing else because it’s just too busy for this gorgeous house of which my favorite part is the 100-year-old molding – which you can’t see around the flowers! So down it comes. But maybe in a different house that needed more “interest” – who knows. I’ve already said “never” to too many things!
Wallpaper has its place. The occasional bath, a discrete wall in a guest room. But like you I removed so much wallpaper, that I am not sure I want to tackle it again.
Also, keep in mind in 10 years we will be tearing down the “new” stuff again in disgust.
Hi Rhoda, It is Sue…Long time no see. I haven’t been around blog land much…..It looks like you are running a booming shop around here. Good for you, I know you put a lot of love and effort into your blog and it shows. Anyway, the reason I am writing is it see if you by any chance have the original source of the first picture in this lovely post. I am doing a bathroom and have to have 😉 that ballon wallpaper. If you don’t have the original source, perhaps you know where that paper is from???