When you get 500 women bloggers together, it can be quite intimidating, but I think for me the best part about a conference like Blissdom is bringing together women who have a passion for what they are doing and sharing and all of that just naturally spills out. Mommy blogging is really where this whole blog phenomenon started and now there are niches all across the blogosphere. We all know those in our own niche, but don’t know that much about even the bigger blogs out there who may be really well-known in the mommy blog world. And vice versa. They don’t know much about our home decor niche either.
I can’t say I learned a ton of new things this year, but it was fun even so. Last year, we learned more about the business side of blogging and our heads were spinning from all of it. My blog has grown in the last year and I’m grateful for that and I think that most that attend Blissdom are looking to grow their blogs to a professional level. I sure didn’t have a clue that it would be that way when I started blogging, so it’s nice to have a conference like this that addresses all aspects of blogging. And sharing ideas with the other girls in this niche was really a plus too. It’s nice to be able to bounce things off each other and I’ve found that asking questions of other bloggers is how I’ve learned more than anything.
This is Alli, who is well-known as a mommy blogger, as well as a pioneer in social media and she is the brilliant brains behind this conference. She and many other women put it together and did a seamless job with it all. The Gaylord Opryland was a great place to have this conference and wow, did we feel pampered and special. I’ll introduce you to some of the women I met and hung out with and then we’ll get to the topics of the conference and I’ll give a recap of what I took home with me.Â
Darcy and Edie. Darcy is a fantastic graphic designer, blogger and photographer. You might remember last year that Edie is the one I featured with the gorgeous turquoise kitchen redo.
Emily, Emily, Lindsay, Kimba – All great ladies to hang out with.
A blurry pic of Melissa and Nester, both of whom I met last year. It was great to see them again, even though we didn’t get to spend a lot of time together.
Kimba and Layla, both of whom I adore.
Melissa, Kimba, me, and Layla
Edie, Pink & Polka Dot (who doesn’t like to share her name) and me.
Beckie, Kimm, and Julia. I had met Julia last year and it was fun to reconnect and to meet all the newbies who came this time.
Kim, me, and Kate, who is just a bubbly and effervescent little sprite and I had a blast with her.
Me, Julia, Kimba, Kristen, Kate, Jessica
Traci, me and Layla. Traci, it was SO great to meet you. She’s so genuinely nice and sweet.
Me, Kate, Edie, Layla
And these 2 fun gals were my roomies, both from Alabama. We had the best time. Christy has a wonderful food blog called Southern Plate and her blog has shot up there. She is just about to publish her own cookbook of good down-home cooking. Shannon is my friend from Southern Beauty and she has a beautiful blog also.
Someone had the brilliant idea that we should pose like Charlie’s Angels. OK, so we are all blondes, we went for it anyway.
Shannon, Christy, and me waiting for Harry to come out and sing for all of us. That was so much fun getting to hear him in person. We all got to have our pics taken with him after the concert and if I find it, I’ll share it with you too. What a treat that was!
Julia, me and Kate
Sarah (Thrifty Decor Chick), Beckie, Julia and me. Really, the best part was putting names and faces together and getting to all be in the same place at the same time. Yes, pure bliss!
The group from InCourage had a nice suite set up for a big party and we stopped by for a few minutes and had a cupcake.
Our last lunch on Saturday was really fun, when the home bloggers sat at tables next to each other and we all got to catch up a bit and visit. Such a special time together.
They totally fed us well while we were there.Â
Kate, Emily and JJ from Blah Blah Blahger Blog.
My friend, Layla, did a hilarious video over at her blog, so check it out too. That girl should be on TV all the time. 🙂
So, what did I learn? I’ll give you a recap of the sessions that were offered. There were 2 going on each time, so we could choose the one that fit our needs the best:
Personal Branding – Defining You online
Connecting with Your Community of Readers
Community Chest – Community Powerhouse Sites
Striking a Balance – online and offline
Leveraging Social Media to Build your Business
Blogging with the Stars
Evolving into a Professional Blogger
Getting Published
Niche Blogging
Content is Queen
You can see that there were quite an array of topics covered and there were many successful bloggers on the panels sharing their ideas and insights.
Some of the things that I’ve learned for myself are this, not necessarily from the conference, but some things I need to do for me:
- Whether or not my blog continues to grow, I’m happy with the success I’ve had. It takes a lot of work to be a success at blogging and as I mentioned in this post a couple weeks ago, balancing it all is the hardest part and the thing that I need to work on the most. I want to continue to make my blog the very best it can be, but that also means keeping it all in balance.
- I set myself up about a year ago and began posting almost every day and I’m going to have to step back from that schedule and give myself some breathing room. So, instead of posting 6 or 7 times a week, you’ll most likely see me posting about 4 to 5 times a week. It’s just too hard to keep up the pressure of putting a fabulous post out there. Visiting and commenting on other blogs will have to take a backseat as well.
- I’ve got my own priorities here at my home that I need to put first. My husband (after God) has to be a the top of the list and blogging somewhere down the line. I have closets to clean and some projects to complete and I’ll share those as I can, but I can’t put pressure on myself to keep up with the frantic output of projects across the blogosphere and taking care of my own home is top priority.
So, the big word on my plate right now is this: BALANCE
Not always easy to do, but something that I must get a handle on. I love blogging and love all the connections I’ve made, but we all have to live our lives in a balanced fashion and stepping back from the computer when needed is what I’ll be doing.
Many of you are blogging for fun and if you never plan to take it to the next level, you may not even consider going to a blogging conference. The relationships are great and to me, that’s the best part of Blissdom. Friendships and cameraderie are the best! I hope this gave you a glimpse of what Blissdom was like and you can decide for yourself if it’s something you’d like to try next year. I hope to go back in 2011 for another fun time with all these girls!
I enjoy your blog tremendously! You are so beautiful and talented. I think you could be another Paula Deen-seriously.
Can’t beat the Southern gals–they are great! Thank you so much for sharing.
Sounds like a great time! I am amazed at some of these blogs I’ve found – I really don’t know how they write so much or keep up with it all. For me I’m happy with my own little corner of the blog world, keeping it nice and small so I can spend more time with my babies at home. It’s so different for everyone and that’s what makes it so wonderful!
Glad to hear you enjoyed your Blissdom!
Hi Rhoda! Oh, special to get to live a little of the conference through you! How sweet to see all the darling faces. Oh, I so agree with you about balancing life and blogging. I need to work on that too! When I first started, I thought I had to post every day and the pressure was getting to me! That was crazy! I guess this is something we bloggers will continue to deal with because we love it so!
Thanks for the great post!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia 😉
Thanks so much for sharing. I always learn so much from you. I’m at the hobby stage – not sure where I want to go- you’ve given me lots to think about. I’m glad you’re still going to be out there in blogland- whatever the frequency! You’re a true gem!
Thanks for sharing, it’s so fun to see all the pictures of all you beautiful ladies! Have a great week,I always love your posts and will always support you even if it’s 1 a week 🙂
What fun Blissdom must be. I truely read blogs to get inspiration for decorating and to get new ideas and recipes. Balance is a good thing. I don’t get the whole professional thing about it. I just pop in to see what new ideas you are sharing. Keep it fun for yourself and keep it real.
“Balance~~it’s a good thing.” Nancy from OHIO
I so wish I was able to attend Blissdom and have the chance to meet you. From all of the pictures, it looks like everyone enjoyed themselves. I commend you for taking the difficult step towards more balance in your life. I think it’s something all of us bloggers struggle with. Thanks so much for sharing your heart. You are such an inspiration!
Rhoda, thanks for sharing abit about what you got out of the conference. Many of us may never make it to Blissdom so we’re wide eyed and bushy tailed for any details! I appreciate it.
I understand the need to step back. Takes some self discipline for certain! I’ll be there right along with ya! Trying I mean. 🙂
Rhoda, I absolutely loved spending time with you over the weekend. Words can’t express how much I respect and admire you, how inspiring you are, and how much fun I had with you. I only wish we didn’t live an entire continent apart, because I’d be in your kitchen chatting away whenver I was invited. Forget a Blissdom event, I just want to make those nachos and hang out with YOU !
I couldn’t agree more about maintaining balance in life. LIfe is way too precious to waste it with too many hours a week behind a computer screen. We must breath deeply, take walks, explore nature, have down time, play, refresh and replenish, and step AWAY from the technology. Your words are so true.
Whenever you post, whether it’s six times or two times a week, or not at all, we’ll all be there reading your words and enjoying your photos whenever you do.
Big hugs
It was fun seeing you in Layla’s video, and I got a kick out of the Charlie’s Angels pose! I’m so glad I had a chance to hang out with you again this year.
I think I need to do what you did–sit down and write out the things I feel like I came away with from the experience. I haven’t had a chance to really think it through yet, so you’ve inspired me. Thanks! 🙂
It looks like you had a great time! I hope to make it there one year!
I can totally relate to the whole balance thing. I’m feeling a little overwhelmed right now and have to remember to keep my priorities straight. Thank you for sharing your experience it really is appreciated.
Hi Rhoda,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insights about Blissdom, and blogging in general. Even though we have readers, blogging is a solitary pursuit in many ways. I have often thought it would be nice to get together with other bloggers to discuss our experiences. I admire those who post everyday, because it takes dedication. I try to keep a balance, because I run a full time business and have a family. I have always strived for quality posts rather then quantity. Blogging is truly a passion of mine, and has been great fun. I definitely enjoy meeting so many interesting and creative people from all over the world.
What a great time! I hope I can make it to something like this in the future. I also loved watching your video over at Layla’s. So funny. And seriously, you need to brush you teeth more often. 🙂
Love your attitude, Rhoda. You are a true role model!
Looks like you all had a lot of fun!
HI Rhoda,
Sounds like it was a great time! And yes, balance is everything. I remember first discovering HGTV and decorating boards I was so in love with it all. But I had babies (now more!) to take care of and a husband and house. So balance is key.
I am a little confused by saying many blogging for fun? Isn’t that why most blog (besides having a l iving scrapbook online)? Most of the big blogs I read don’t have a business agenda. Maybe I’m missing what you are saying?
It was so nice to meet you this weekend! 🙂
Wow, you summed up my word for this year…balance. I love blogging so much, but my daily prayer is that I never forget God first, hubby second, kids, home..and blog is somewhere after all of that. Its nice to know I’m not the only one that struggles with this issue. Thanks for a peak inside Blissdom! I hope to be there next year! A girl can dream cant she…hay all my other dreams have come true, so why not that one too! 😉
Have a great day! Blessings!
Thanks for sharing your life with us.
I recently began blogging and quickly realized that I have many things which come before sitting down and pouring out my comments to the world. The goal of my blog is to encourge women in the principles found in Titus 2. So here is
my encouragement to you. Be a lover of your husband and a worker in your home first then show kindness to others. (us – your followers.)
Four to five days is just fabulous darling, or even less. Now, go and enjoy that man of yours!