Since there are so many of us who love the bargains of yardsales and thrifting, I thought it would be fun to share our finds every Monday, so for the next few Mondays (don’t know how long we’ll go), I’m going to put up Mr. Linky and all of you who have been out hunting the bargains can share with everyone what you found. I go yardsaling most every weekend and sometimes I find several great things and sometimes just a few little things, but I’ll be sharing my finds too and showing you what I do with them. I have to be very selective these days, since when something comes into my house, another thing needs to go out. We’ll call it Today’s Thrifty Treasures, so join me here every Monday and I’ll do this at least for the next few weeks if everyone enjoys it. Grab the button for your blog and be sure to link back to my blog too, so everyone can participate. Spread the word!
Edited to add: OK, Ladies! I’m going to have to do a little tutorial on how to play with Mr. Linky. Once your post is done, click on the title & you will see a long address in your browser box. COPY THAT url and post into the Mr. Linky box, since THAT post will be permanent in the links and months from now, someone can click on your link and find your post. Don’t just paste your BLOG url, but the actual post url. Got it, OK good?! I just had to go change a bunch of the links to the actual post.
And just to be fair with this, please post a link BACK here to my blog telling your readers about the party every week when you participate (whether you post my button or not). So now you know how it all works from week to week. Thanks so much!
Even though my collection is not expensive ironstone (I wish!), which is out of my budget for the most part, I just can’t seem to get enough of this white creamware and my eyes are constantly on the lookout for bargains at the yardsales. And luckily, I seem to score pretty often on it too. Found this pretty soup tureen, which has become one of my favorite things to collect in white, recently at a yardsale for $8. A steal! It’s nice and large too.
With a cute little lid and a perfect little ladle.
It’s a nice addition to the sideboard. The bunny tureen adds just a bit of color in here too.
Ahhh, it’s so pretty, I could just stare at it awhile.
Never get tired of the creamy white dishes.
I just started my collection in January of last year and just love how it all goes together, with the varied white and creamy tones.
OK, what did YOU find over the weekend? Anything exciting? Do share the treasures. Just add your permalink to Mr. Linky AND add a link back to this post so your readers can join the party too.
Powered by… Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets.
Beautiful. I also have a collection of white creamware. Great score!
Love those pieces!
Very nice find! I also love creamy dishes too. My everyday are white porcelain and the lighter tones simply make food look soooo appetizing.
Thanks for the linky party. I look forward to seeing the latest collected.
It’s a beautiful tureen! Great price, too! You’ll probably like the white shell-shaped ceramic placecard holders I found!
You’ve got me interested in white dishes too. I bought a stack of four white plates a few weeks ago
at a thrift store. They were all taped together so I couldn’t see if they matched. One of them is a Homer Laughlin piece and I love it!
I’m mixing the white with my older dishes and they look great! Can’t wait to see what everyone else found this weekend! I got a really cute little sewing machine!
Oh I am all of a sudden with you and on a constant hunt for white dishes and serving pieces. I love your tureen. It is just fabulous. I will have to take some pics and join the fun. Thanks for a great event. Hugs, Marty
Rhoda, I posted last weeks find since I was busy all weekend, I had to join the party! This is such a great idea.
I love your creamware, your tureen is beautiful. I’m off to see what everyone else found. Mary
I love your white pieces! I’m always on the lookout for them too. Unfortunately, it is very hard to find them in my area. Maybe I’ll get lucky some day. 🙂
Hi Rhoda! Oh, I adore your creamy soup tureen. I’ve found a couple and am loving them and want more! lol
Be a sweetie,
Shelia 🙂
Love the tureen and the idea for thrifty Monday. I have nothing to link as I posted a garage sale day last week. But…hmmm…this gives me an excuse to go hunting this week so I have something to post next Monday!
We have something in Baltimore called The Book Thing. It’s all of the free books you can carry, cart or drag out of there. People donate books and other people take them. I got a few great free books today! That was my Thrifty Monday on Sunday!
Just posted about my weekend garage sale loot. I found a cool old fence piece (7 ft. long) to use as a trellis!
Pretty! I can’t wait to check out everyone’s links.
Rhoda, I have started a collection of white/creamware and love it. Your collection got me inspired. Gotta tell you this, I found a clock this weekend, for $7, but I remembered you got one for $1, so I decided I wouldn’t pay any more than $2 for any clock. It worked. Thanks! Linda
Oh I need that soup toureen!! Just Gorgeous!!
I went to some garage sales on saturday. Did find some pretty vases that match my living room great. Did you know I love’s just one of those things I’m always drawn to. Oh and daughter got a panama jack cowboy hat.
I’ll be joining in soon! I love that soup tureen! Love it, love it!
See you tomorrow!
Great find, Rhoda!
Rhoda…this sounds like fun! I haven’t had much time for shopping lately but I’d love to join in some week if I do come across some treasures…you never know! 🙂 Susan
Hi Rhoda –
Love your new tureen. Simply gorgeous! I’m always on the lookout for white pieces too, I think they are so romantic. And, I love the “Today’s Thrifty Treasures” such a great idea…I couln’t help but join 🙂
You have recently gotten me interested in it, though I have no pieces yet. My hubby, the kids, and I were driving through our little village here in England, when I spotted something that resembled creamware. I’m hoping if I go there today or tomorrow, it will still be in the window. I’ll let you know if I get it. 🙂