Back from a very nice Mother’s Day with my family in Atlanta and I’ll share some of that later this week if you’d like to see some pics. I’m still cleaning up the kitchen after being gone for a couple days and you’ll see pics VERY soon! I’m absolutely in love with the new granite. 🙂
In the meantime, let’s get Today’s Thrifty Treasures started…..I’ve got a couple things to share.
Sometimes that great little item just pops up at a yardsale and you have to bring it home. This cute little black desk organizer was only $3 and did I mention it’s black? So, of course it had to find its way to my desk. See those cute little ball feet on it? Love it.
It will be perfect to keep all the papers I have floating around my desk all the time in an organized fashion.
Let me just say one more time. I “heart” yardsales! They will spoil you, that’s for sure.
Found one more little item for my desk area. This cute leopard memo board was $1. This is actually the 2nd one of these I’ve found, so I decided to keep this one (instead of sell it to a friend). It covers up the outlets back here that I’m not using.
And makes a nice backdrop and a perfect spot for adding photos.
Yep, I heart yardsales.
How did you do with the sales this week? It’s time to share with Mr. Linky, so add your link below and let’s get started! Don’t forget to post a link back HERE from your blog too, so everyone can find the party. AND, be sure and post your thrifty post permalink and not just a link to your blog, please!
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Your Frugal Friend, Niki says
Ooooh I so want one of those paper organizers, but Id turn mine into a charging station for our cells and ipods.