If you’re looking for a cheese ball recipe for New Year’s Eve, this is a good one my friend, Debbie made and I tried. I love all the flavors in here, so if you’re not completely tired of cream cheese after the Holidays, give it a try. Of course, you can serve it with any type of cracker that you like.
2 pkgs. cream cheese
Small can crushed pineapple
1/4 cup chopped green bell pepper
1 cup nuts (1/2 inside cheese ball and 1/2 outside)
1 TB Lowry’s seasoning
2 TB chopped onion
Let the cream cheese sit out awhile, so it’ s easier to work with, then mix all ingredients together well. Takes awhile to mix it all up. Then, mold into a ball and cover the outside with pecans.
Very tasty!
Sounds great!! I’ll have to give it a try.
Dear Rhoda,
I hope you have a wonderful new year!
Happy New Year, Rhoda!
The cheeseball looks great!
That sounds yummy! Thanks for all the great, inspiring blogs this year, Rhoda. Looking forward to 2010! Happy New Year!
This just sounds yummy. Love it. I so hope you and all your family have a very Blessed and Happy New Year. Hugs, Marty
That looks delicious! I’ve never made a cheese ball before, but this seems easy enough for even me to tackle.
Happy New Year, Rhoda! Thanks for all the sharing you do with us!
YUM….hubby’s gonna love this !!!
I hope you have a lovely New Years Rhoda….
Looking forward to what the new year has to hold for all of us…I wish everyone out in Blogland…much love, good health and prosperity….thanks again for being so nice to little ole annon. me….
All the best,
xo Kathy 🙂
Tired of cream cheese?? Never!
Thanks for all your inspiration throughout the year, Rhoda! I’m so glad to have met you this year.
Every blessing for a wonderful 2010!
Oh my goodness, this recipe may force me into the kitchen – no small feat! When you say “Lowry’s Seasoning”, is that any particular seasoning? Forgive my ignorance…I wonder if McCormick’s Seasoning Salt is similar? What flavors are we aiming for? (Can you tell I’m trying to avoid a trip to the grocery store?
I will have to give this a try. The pineapple ingredient sounds interesting. I bet it was good. Sort of sweet and savory rolled into one.
Happy New Year, Rhoda!
Just copied it!
Making this tonight Rhoda!
Thanks & Happy New Year to you in the South from way out here in the Northwest!
I have to admit…
gonna miss being up on the hill…in the country…in Bankston, Alabama…with my family this year!
First year to EVER to apart!
I’m trying to be a ‘big girl!’ :0)
I was lazy, and bought a tub of Rondele for tonight. Next year I vow to try your recipe…maybe sooner! Happy New year Rhoda. May 2010 find you, and your family, healthy, and happy.
This is my favorite cheese ball. I’m making it sometime over the holiday weekend. I do it a bit differently – no nuts inside. In fact, I use the lite creme cheese which makes it soft enough you can even do it as a spread instead of a ball. For Christmas it is pretty rolled in coconut – looks like a big snowball! The combo of flavors is wonderful.
Happy 2010 Georgia Gal!
Thank you, Rhoda! I’m always on the look-out for a fun new recipe to try. 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful New Year!!
Sure sounds good
That looks SO GOOD. I am going to make it for a snack tomorrow!
I also LOVE what you did with the shower curtain! I am going to have to order a white one just like it now!
Thank you for the recipe. Have a blessed New Year!
: )
Julie M.