It’s amazing, this blogworld. Just put the word out that you’re having problems with a product and the right folks show up to help. Denise and Rhonda are two chalk paint stockists, with Color Me French, here in the Atlanta area and they got the word that my sis and I had some wax problems with her table and chairs. I got an email from Denise volunteering to come over and save the day. I had first met these ladies down at Scott Antiques market, where they have a booth set up to sell Annie Sloan chalk paint.
How cool is that? and how sweet are Denise and Rhonda to come over and repaint the top of our orange table?
We got the first-hand scoop on the proper way to apply this cool wax and now we are experts. Not really, but I think I’ve got it now. Somehow in looking online at the how-to’s of chalk paint and wax, I missed the most important part:
Once you apply the wax with the round brush, then go back and rub it in and off the surface of the paint with a soft t-shirt rag. The wax needs to be wiped into the paint and then you let it dry. Then you go back and buff with a soft t-shirt fabric. That’s the secret that I somehow missed. Apparently, putting on the wax is the most challenging part of using chalk paint. But, it’s easy once you know this step.
Denise and Rhonda stopped by with a fresh can of Barcelona Orange and applied it to the top of the table, right over the wax that we had already applied, that was by now completely dry.
You can see the difference in the fresh paint going over the old wax. After it is dry we will then go back with wax again and this time rub it in and off the paint.
Completely covering the old wax surface.
Back to orange paint again.
Denise then demonstrated how to add wax to the painted chairs. She brushed on the wax with the round brush, jabbing it into the surface and covering the whole seat.
Then, she immediately went back and smoothed in the wax into the paint, removing excess as well.
She did that all over the chair, brushing the slats, legs and back. Again, immediately going back with the t-shirt and rubbing the wax in and off the paint.
It will not leave a hazy finish when you do it like this. Then it will be time to buff down the wax.
Cover all the painted surface with wax, rub it in and off, then let dry over night and go back and buff to a slight sheen.
Here is the wax after buffing with a soft T-shirt. That’s it! The correct way to apply wax. Wasn’t that easy, after all?
Amazing what the right method will do. Now you know. Do not leave your wax on the surface, it must be wiped into and off the paint, leaving a smooth wax surface to dry. Nothing hazy about it then.
I am sure I’ll have lots more projects with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. It’s fun to work with and creates a beautiful finish!
Don’t forget the BIG Annie Sloan workshop on March 29th, here in Atlanta and you can meet Annie in person! In case you’d like to sign up, go here for all the info! Don’t miss the giveaway below too.
I’m joining my friend, Kate for her Spring Fling Craft party. This is sorta crafty with paint! Don’t miss the fun, be sure and stop by over there and you’ll see tons of fun and inspiring spring projects to get you in the mood for the season. I’ll be up on Tuesday with Spring Door decor and Sarah’s party is next Thursday, with more paint projects.
Hi, I can’t attend the workshop ;0( but will love to try her paint and wax, I found you through Pinterest and subscribed to your blog, love it! I’ve been thinking about painting my dining table in blue! kind of old french style. Thanks Gina Florencia
I was disappointed by the lack of information that came with the product and have had similar wax issues. (Annie, are you listening?). I will try this method and see what happens. Thanks so much!
This was great info! Thanks so much for posting it. This paint is so addicting, I can’t stop painting stuff at my house and now my husband has bought me a couple of pieces to paint and sell!! ha
Perfect timing with this post for me too! I’ve had trouble with the wax and I was missing the same step you were. So sweet of these ladies to come help you out and clear it up for the rest of us!!
Ooooh I needed this last night! I waxed a little rocking chair and thought maybe I should go over it with a cloth. Totally chickened out! I only used a light coat of wax, so hopefully a second coat with this method will be all I need. Thanks for the tips!!
I love your blog. I use a horse hair shoe brush for buffing, it works like a charm. When using the dark wax, I add a little mineral spirits. It makes it much easier to work with:)
This was a great post. I have now painted probably 30+ pieces w/ the ASCP. I have been using an electric car waxer to get the finished sheen on my furniture. Works like a charm and saves my aching wrists (bad corpal tunnel ). I vacillate between AS clear wax and Johnson’s paste wax. Both products work wonderfully can’t tell a difference on the finished pieces. The biggest difference I see is that the AS wax is super soft, almost like Crisco which is easier to push into detailed areas like carvings etc.
Rhonda not sure where you are located in Atlanta, but I would like to invite you to come to Queen of Hearts Alpharetta. We now have a stockist selling here in a booth every day of the week. I have a booth here and it makes it so convenient to pick up paint and wax whenever I need it.
Thank you for the mention of Queen of Hearts Alpharetta. I am the stockist who sells Annie Sloan paint there and I would love to have a visit from Rhoda. I met Rhoda briefly in Atlanta at the Annie Sloan tour last week. What a great day we all had, mingling with Annie!
I have done about 5 pieces with the ASCP and I’m having trouble with the paint rubbing off in spots when I wax. Am I moving to the waxing step too quickly? The paint feels completely dry to me.
Amanda, I am having this problem too, wondering if you found an answer.. I figured it was b/c I am using the Briwax – are you using ASCP wax?
Yes would be my guess. If the paint comes off with the wax, then it isn’t dry. Especially on 2nd/3rd coats where the paint is pretty thick. No worries though as it’s very forgiving. Just let it dry, paint where you rubbed off, let it dry and re-wax. This is great down the road too should you scratch or scuff the furniture.
Can you tell me how to clean round brushes after waxing?
HI, Naomi, I was told to just clean brushes with soap and warm water. That should clean it fine.
Thanks so much! I made same mistake, but in our defense, the can doesn’t say whether to buff before or after it dries! I wish I had found this before I tried it. I do LOVE Annie Sloan’s Chalk Paint, though! Congrats on your new house by the way! It’s going to be gorgeous… can’t wait to see how it progresses!
The Annie Sloan Chalk Paint love has escaped me, I don’t get it.
First of all, I have to say I am not a fan of real distressed furniture. Perhaps that is the downfall for me. I have done a few pieces and I think you can get excellent results with flat wall paint and regular waxes, like Briwax, for an 1/8 of the cost. Not having to prime is not such a big deal. When I read all these thrilling posts about the ASCP, I feel like I am the child saying the Emperor has no clothes. Am I the only one???
My question is not with the wax but the way it is painted. I have read many people are having problems with brush painting it on. But what I noticed in your pictures they are brush painting it on. Did they or you thin it down with water? And did you brush paint it on? Thanks I am getting ready to do my first project and wanted it to turn out right.
Sheryll, used the brush to work it into the paint, but you don’t put too much. A thin coat (no, no water) really worked into the paint, then go back with a rag and wipe it into the paint even more, so it’s not hazy but you can see it is worked in. Then you let it dry and go back later and buff it to a shine.
Thanks for sharing this how-to re: ASCP waxes. I’m working on a chair and have applied and buffed my clear wax base and now have a coat of dark wax resting on it. I’d like to do another coat of clear wax to really seal in the color and dark wax but I’m not sure if I’m supposed to buff the dark wax first and then apply the final clear wax or if I should just put the clear wax on top of the unbuffed dark wax. I’m loving this process and toying with the idea of starting a part-time business using ASCP exclusively. It’s a “joy paint” and each project makes me so happy and more fulfilled! Thanks for any advice you can offer.
VERY helpful blogpost. I have a question about using wax on a table. I have plans to paint three tables currently and was concerned that waxing wouldn’t protect them enough from daily cleaning from food spills. Do you need a poly protective coat after waxing? Thanks for any help.
Your table is beautiful! Nice color choice. I was wondering, have you eaten on the table? I don’t think the wax could withstand heat from a plate or even a spill. What have you experienced?
HI, Stephanie, this table is a craft table, so not to eat on. But, I’ve seen several bloggers paint dining tables with Annie Sloan and wax them so I do think it would work fine on a dining table.
great thank you for your quick response:)
Loving the Barcelona Orange. So, in the end, how is this table/chairs holding up? I’m having a terrible time committing to a color … but thinking of brights?? Tx
Thanks for the instructions. I just started using Annie Sloan Chalk paint and LOVE it, but have been intimidated by the whole wax process. My pieces were coming out blotchy and I didn’t no why. This now explains it. I was using a brush, then waiting about 10 min and then buffing with a buffer…Question is, now do I have to paint over again to get rid of the blotchy look or can I add more wax and do it the proper way?
Sondra, from what I understand you do need to paint over again and then rewax. That’s what we had to do to get rid of the blotchiness.
I want to paint my kitchen table but worry that sitting hot dishes on it will melt or change the appearance of the wax