As I mentioned in my last Nashville post, we also hit a few antique stores in Franklin, TN and that was a lot of fun. Antique stores and junk type places are more my speed than trendy gift shops any day, so we asked directions to the nearest antique places and found a whole street waiting for us on 2nd Ave.
We hit the jackpot with City Farmhouse and this place had plenty of eye candy. I got a few comments via Instagram about this place too, so I know it’s a popular spot in Franklin and I can see why.
Next stop, Winchester Antiques, a fun shop filled to the brim with lots of goodies.
Antiques and Home Décor had new and old things mixed in.
Loved this copper table, so unique.
T. Nesbitt and Co. was a fun browse too. Lots of vintage inspired things.
That was our antiquing jaunt in Franklin. Very fun place to shop and I’m sure we barely skimmed the surface of places to see. I heard mention of PD’s from a few too and apparently that’s very well known, but we didn’t know about it and had limited time so I guess that means I have to go back again! That would be great! We thoroughly enjoyed Franklin and Nashville!
We did go downtown Nashville for dinner both nights, once at Southern Steak and Oyster bar and the second night at Merchants Restaurant, right in the heart of Broadway St. It was crazy busy when we were there, since Taylor Swift was doing concerts 2 nights in a row. Things were crazy in town, but really energetic too!
The winners of the Lutron Occupancy sensor giveaway have been posted and the winners emailed!
Hi Rhoda,
I wondered if, when you wrote the Nashville post, you made it to City Farmhouse. I stopped by their shop last November on trip home from FL. She has quite the following on Facebook also (nearly 30K), and works hard picking & styling. Kim & her husband are hosting their inaugural pop-up sale this weekend (Oct 10-12), and it promises to be a good one. Ki Nassauer (Flea Market Style) will be there too. I’m up to my eyeballs in wedding planning & home maintenance projects or I’d be there! Thanks for the pictures of the other stores too – I never made it to those (Mr. P. was a tad upset once I put my orchard ladder in his SUV after my stop at City. 😉
Looks like you had a great time on your trip.
I’ve also heard great things about Franklin and of PD’s and can’t wait to go one day. Also, I hear the monthly Nashville flea market is a must attend.
West of the Square Designs
Hi Rhoda, I can’t for the life of me figure out what a PD is. Could you tell me please. I love all your adventures. Thanks
PD’s is located in the old train station at the end of 2nd avenue. Great place to find just about anything home decor related. Lots of overstocks, furniture, art, etc. One of the local’s favorites. 2nd ave is home to many antique shops. I wish you could have made it to The Bagby House just off Main Street located in an old Victorian home (ghost included). Kris not only has wonderful home decor, but is a talented floral artist and decorator. Franklin is a fabulous town full of fabulous shopping and people. True southern hospitality awaits you!
Oops, The Bagbey House. Sorry Kris. He is on Facebook.
Yes Rhoda—you barely skimmed the surface. You did hit some of my fave haunts including the Iron Gate. Next time—dont forget to to stop in The Registry where you will find wonderful tabletop and home decor.
Rhoda, I lived in Franklin for 5 years almost 30 years ago. They had the most wonderful antique stores even back then. I went back about 8 years ago with some friends and really had a great time shopping and eating. I am going back to Nashville for the GA-Vandy game in a couple weeks and because of your blog am planning on hitting the shops in Franklin again. Thanks for reminding me that it truly is a pretty little town with wonderful people. It is especially pretty at Christmas — wonder if they still do the Christmas tour of homes?
Franklin Tenn is one of my favorite towns on the planet to visit. I have gone a total of 11 times. I love Williamson County and it’s rolling hills and gorgeous homes. I was so excited when I read this post. To be there and go antiquing! OMGOSH I can’t imagine anything I’d like better.
So fun.
So glad that you had a nice trip! Looks like you found some nice antique shops to explore.
I am so glad that you posted the shops that you visited in Franklin as I plan to make a trip there real soon! Thanks Rhoda and glad you had a great time!
“Demos” is a good restaurant downtown Nashville too. And if you get a chance, try “fruit tea” in one of the shops in Franklin. I had it there but can’t remember which restaurant it was. Yummy!
Thanks for this post! Means so much to me as we have had a limited time in Franklin (especially looking at shops) and hope to move there next summer. This helps me to get even more excited.