Here it is all finished! It really fits in the room better now, so I’m glad I went ahead & tackled it. I loved the old version, but it was time for a change. Thanks for taking a peek & I hope you like it too!
This is the striped fabric from my bedding & I used a dotted blue & brown ribbon to trim it out. I’m really happy with it now!
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Jen says
Rhoda- It looks great! I know you must be thrilled with it. Sorry about the spill! I am jenjen1220 from GI but I don’t post too much anymore. I find that I get a lot out of the blogs and don’t think to check the boards as much. Jen
diana says
wow that is a transformation ! Looks like a new piece! Great job.
Daisy Cottage says
Oooooh ~ LOVE this version Rhoda! Yes, this is perfect for your room ~ adore the addition of the fabric too! I knew you would create something wonderful!!!!! If there were emoticons here, I’d give you “2 thumbs up” 😉
Terri says
I love it – it is perfect for your bedroom!
I took the “tour” of your home and I was wondering if you did all the decorating yourself. Your home is gorgeous!
oneblueegg says
Rhoda! This is a fantastic make-over! well done, I love it!
Christy says
Hey Rhoda-it’s me ChristTNT from GI. I just saw you posted on a blog that I read and wanted to say hi. I’m excited that I found you! You always have such great creative things to share. How are you liking Birmingham? Can’t wait to browse your blog and see what you’ve been up to. Take care!
Anonymous says
OMG….Rhoda! I luv it, luv it, luv it! Sweetie, you did it again. Like I’ve said before, you’re so talented. It really fits your room. Thank you for sharing.
Rhoda says
Thank you all for stopping by. I’m honored that you’d take the time to comment..thanks!
Christy, great to see you again!
Judy, I’m so glad you like it too! Thanks for stopping by to visit.
patty van dorin says
I love what you did with the cabinet. Change is good and so refreshing. I just did a major change in my living room.
Kelleigh says
Hi Rhoda, the cabinet is beautiful the fabric is a perfect touch. Have enjoyed visiting your blog today. Kelleigh
Christy says
It was good hearing from you! I love the new look of your armoire. The color is really pretty.
Belle-ah says
Just gorgeous! You are so talented. LOVE IT!
sumiyeh says
I love the idea of re-purposing an old armoire. My question is this: I have some large, heavy items that don’t have any suitable storage place in my typical townhouse kitchen cabinets. I’d like to get an old armoire for them, but the kinds I’ve seen at thrifty places all have such lightweight shelving which I’m afraid wouldn’t hold up to the heavy duty job they would be pulling. Any ideas on *strong* armoire resources. Hint: I don’t want to pay more than $75 for the furniture :D, that’s not including supplies.