Welcome to all of you who are coming from the Hooked on Houses home tour. Hope you enjoy a tour of our master bedroom.
“Chester” is home and in place now and boy, howdy…do we love it. Talk about lots of storage, it holds all the socks, underwear, and workout clothes we have. My hubby didn’t see it until we picked it up & he was very happy with it.
You can see coming in the doorway is a huge French armoire. It fits nicely in this little nook and even though it’s big, it doesn’t get in the way. You’ll see more of it in a minute. The new chest just fits on this wall and I really love how they all work together. 1880’s French armoire and probably this chest is from around the 1950’s. As I mentioned earlier, when we picked the piece up, on the back is a tag from Thomasville. No date, but I think it’s at least 50-60 years old. Great condition. I just can’t stress enough how much I love these old pieces of furniture. If there’s one suggestion I could make to any of you younger gals starting a new house….build your bones with antiques. You won’t be sorry!
These older pieces are made SO sturdy and SO much better than anything out there new today. As I’ve said before, what could you get NEW for $400?? Not much, that’s for sure. Some crappy furniture, no doubt.
Check out the new lamps! I just love these cute little things. Have you ever seen something in a store & couldn’t get it out of your mind? That’s what happened with these lamps. I had some on our nightstands that I got 3 years ago, not expensive lamps at all & thought that I would eventually replace them. I was shopping a few weeks ago at Homegoods and spotted 2 of these lamps on clearance for $25, a great price. I didn’t get them, decided I didn’t need to spend the money. So, while I was out last week shopping for my client, there they were again. Still didn’t get them. But they kept nagging at me, so the next day I jumped in the car to see if they were still there. One was…for $18! Of course, I snapped it up, but was bummed there was only one, so I called the other Homegoods and they had another one. Turns out it depends on the date on how the mark-downs go, so that one was only marked down to $25. That’s fine too…regular price on them were $50 each, so I did get a great deal. Look how wonderful they look in here. It really makes a difference in the room just putting these lamps in too.

Nightstands are old too, probably from the 40’s or 50’s. They have 3 neat drawers inside that close away. Did I mention I love the new lamps? OK, I did.
Just in case anyone needs an idea on how to cover a boxspring on a sleighbed. This is fabric that I bought just enough of to sew onto a fitted sheet. It covers the boxspring perfectly so that when it shows, it’s not ugly! Mostly it’s under the coverlet, but a little of it peeks out.
I used a cream mattelasse coverlet and shams and bought all the fabric separately for pillows. The paisley and stripe came from Calico Corners. My mom sewed all my pillows for me.
Ordered these blue/yellow botanicals off Ebay and had them framed at Hobby Lobby. 1/2 price frames and a new mat and I was all set. They have great framing deals if you buy their 1/2 prices frames and let them put it all together.
Pillows closer
Looking from the bathroom. You can see we don’t have a lot of walking room in here, but it’s cozy and works for us. I could shoot the builder who didn’t push the outside wall out in that corner. They could have easily made the house square over there to accomodate more space in here. And I really hate only having one window in here.
There’s enough room in this little corner for a chair and ottoman. My mom sewed this slipcover several years ago and did a great job. Luckily the fabric I chose goes with a lot. I’d love to do a cream slipcover eventually, although with sitting here and lounging, it would probably have to be washed all the time. Found those 2 plaid pillows at a yardsale for $1 each. Mom made my window treatments too. All the oil paintings in here were found at yardsales.
An old china cabinet is perfect for hiding the TV. I did a makeover on this one last year and posted it here. You can see the changes it went through from when I first found it at an antiques place, all beat up. I used fabric on the doors that are from the pillow shams.
Closeup of window treatment.
Covered the lampshade with some silk plaid. A side table and magazine rack, both from yardsales are on either side.
Closeup of the painted armoire. I used some leftover wall paint from one of the test quarts from my downstairs blue bathroom. Went over it with a little woodstain to tone down the blue a bit. Added a few stencils too.
One of the yardsale oil paintings.
Here’s the top of that French armoire. This is one of my favorite antiques. It’s a monster and really a pretty piece. You can see how close to the 9′ ceiling it comes.
Again, you won’t find anything like this brand new.
My dear friend, Maureen, from Georgia gave me the 3 Italian prints next to the vanity. I love them! This is her own photography from her trip to Italy and she knew I loved these.
The vanity where I put on my makeup, another older piece. Do you see a pattern here?
Closeup of the mirror detail. I love this piece too.
Drawer detail. I just can’t get off my soapbox about buying antique pieces. I really did think when I was younger that antiques were way outta my league, but I found out they truly are not. You can get a nice older piece for about the same as a junky newer piece in many cases. If you haven’t tried antiques, think about it! Using old and new is what makes a home have that collected over time feel and not like you’ve gone furniture shopping in a weekend.

Hope you enjoyed the master bedroom tour. This is where we spend a lot of time and I wanted to make it a haven and it truly is. As I mentioned before, my hubby loves deep blue, so I decided to do blue and golden yellow in here. Those are a natural combo and I didn’t have any trouble finding fabrics. We’ve really enjoyed it. I think the addition of “chester” and the new lamps really make it special now.
I’m working this week with our church’s Backyard Bible Clubs, so will be very busy every morning. It’s sort of like Vacation Bible School. Have a great week!
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Hey Rhoda, would you mind if I use one of your pics in my blog tomorrow? I would like to show some pictures of the colors in my family room and also be able to use your picture as my inspiration. If it is alright with you, I would also give the link to your site in my post so that the readers could see the full room.
If not, it’s alright, I understand and not to worry. I’m just so excited at the moment that I can hardly contain myself!
Oh – how we love your bedroom!! Your antiques are so awesome – we love using them and agree with you – buy old NOT new!! It makes a room look so much more put together – classic, and like it's been there for quite some time!
Thanks for sharing!
Karla & Karrie
Thank you Rhoda! And I’ve already given you my thumbs up over in Julia’s comments as my favorite room of all on this whole tour!
Now, if I could find the perfect inspiration for my kitchen, dining room and living room I’ll be doing well!
I’m the kind that has such a hard time committing to color and this new home that we’re building (we’re still working on the floor plan ~ the foundation is not even poured ~ it’s gonna be a while) will be my very first home EVER with color on the walls. Ya know, other than the builder’s grade stuff.
Thanks again.
Thanks for the tour… with a room like that… you’d hate to go any where! Truly lovely and cozy!
Good Lord. I’ve found my dream room and sadly it’s yours and not mine. Wanna trade? LOLOL
Sigh. ;P
Hey Rhoda, just wanted to stop by – I know you know how much I love this room, since I want to replicate it at my own house. LOL!
Great to see you on the tour too!
Thanks for the tour !
Your master bedroom is beautiful–and clearly, it’s been a big hit with the blog party-goers. I’ve heard from a couple people that it was their favorite stop on the tour.
I love the pillows on the bed and the way you arranged them. Gorgeous!
Thanks again for joining the blog party, Rhoda! -Julia 🙂
I always love visiting you Rhoda…and your home is so warm, so elegant, so beautiful.
Your bedroom is restful and so pretty. It is such a welcome haven from the stress of the day.
You have a rich gift…
Hi Rhoda, found your blog over on the gardenweb site, and had to come over to see what you’ve been up to. Your home is absolutely gorgeous, but why should I be surprised~so was your home in GA!!
I’m happy to read that things are going so well with you, and you’ve started an ID business to boot~congratulations! You’re so talented, Rhoda!
I’m moving to Austin~build a house!!~at the end of August. I can hardly wait to get out of CA!! My dream is to open a home decor thrift store, with a few new things that i’ve picked up ‘on-the-cheap’. An article was in the Austin news regarding how popular thrift stores have become. I hope to make it more like a boutique, with lots of vignettes.
Anyway, glad to read all is well. Y’all take care now…hear?(practicing my TX drawl hahahaha)
Trish/from Passions and long ago, Great Impressions
Love your bedroom! I am going to re-do mine soon and I am looking for fabrics to use with my blue carpet( it is just to good to replace!) and I love the blue and gold buffalo ck. that you used for the pillow. Could you tell me where you found that fabric?
oops, Rhoda, I was talking about the pillow fabric on the bed, not the chairs. thanks.
so pretty. I love the blue and yellow combination!
Hi, Anon, it's been almost 3 years ago since I got that fabric, but I think I might have gotten it at one of my fabric stores in Atlanta & I don't remember exactly which one. I only got enough to do a couple of pillows & also covered the wall lampshade in there. Sorry! That's about all I can tell you. You might do a search online for Buffalo checks & see what you can find.
I love that color…What color is that? Screaming Meme
Love your bedroom! So beautiful! My favorite thing is the monogrammed pillow! I’m really enjoying your blog! Patti
Hi Rhoda, I have something for you over at my blog, come see, come see! 🙂 Bella
Alrighty, I’m ready to start this project – next week paint goes on the walls. 🙂
I have a little bit different color scheme than this but this is definitely my inspiration! Thanks for all your help a few months ago when I started gathering items.
I still need some lamps. Doggone lamps are hard to find inexpensively.
I just found your blog. Love it. LOVE THAT MASTER BEDROOM. Really, your house is really beautiful. Thanks for sharing your decorating ideas and yard sale finds. I live in the Memphis area, motivated to go find some yard sales now.
Have a great weekend