Squeeeaalllll, it’s finally OUT!
It has been almost a year ago that Better Homes and Gardens, Kitchen and Bath Makeovers came to my house for a photo shoot with Lisa Mowry, a local field editor who has produced stories for many years for that magazine, as well as many others. It felt like the day would never get here and I would actually get to hold a copy of this glossy magazine in my hands, but it has finally arrived!
It’s the most surreal thing to see yourself in print and I was giddy with excitement as I finally spotted it on the shelf at my local Publix. At last!
Another blogger friend, Jenna from NY has a kitchen she designed featured on the cover, along with the whole story in the magazine too, so it’s fun to see many other blog friends featured in the magazine as well. Bloggers are rocking the magazines now and that is so much fun to see!
I was so happy to see they did a 6 page spread on my kitchen (3 double-sided pages). Seeing my kitchen being featured in one of my favorite magazines is a dream come true for sure!
And it is exciting to see all the hard work that my dad and I put in this renovation pay off now with the features. Another blessing to add to my many things to be thankful for.
They even got a nice shot of the dining room in there, looking into the kitchen. I love the article and really enjoyed reading it all. My dad got a mention by name, which I love. The whole magazine is full of some great kitchen and bath ideas from regular folks like me who have done lots of DIY projects and improved their spaces, so take advantage and pick one up right now. They will be on the newsstands for a couple of months, I think. Be sure to look for BHG: Kitchen and Bath Makeovers. There are a couple of other Kitchen magazines from BHG too, but this is the Makeovers edition.
So, just wanted to let you all know that it’s out and on the newsstands now! It’s so exciting to see this in print and I will treasure this moment forever. My guest bath will also be featured and I think it will be in the summer edition.
Thank you ALL for being my cheerleaders along the way!
Sooooooo well deserved! It is wonderful to see the fruits of your labor featured so nicely. Congratulations!
Congratulations Rhoda, I am thrilled for you and will be heading to my local stationery shop in New Zealand to see if they can obtain a copy for me. Like you, I have seen mention of bloggers in these lovely magazines and it is really exciting to see this happening and for them to be taking us seriously. I can only but dream that maybe the same thing might happen to me.
I will let you know if I manage to get a copy here in NZ.
Lee 🙂
Rhoda, I couldn’t be happier if it happened to me! You have certain earned your success and I’m celebrating with you!
You and your Dad are really “top of the line in decorating.” You both should be very proud of yourselves.
This is wonderful news. Well done to you and your precious Dad.
Wow! Congratulations Rhoda. Fantastic accomplishment! I have been a long time reader of your blog, and I am so excited for your recognition in a National Decorating Magazine. I will be heading to the store to pick up a copy. Enjoy this time.
I seen your kitchen in magazine and now I found you here. Love your blog! Congratulations!
CONGRATULATIONS!! I feel like I have been watching you from the beginning and I am so excited for you! The article is awesome! I love your entire house redo and I love your dad 🙂
So happy for you!
I have followed you since your early years in Birmingham. You have been through some hard times in the last few years, but I think you are way over the top now. Congratulations to and your Dad for a job well done…..
Congratulations, Rhoda! I’ve been a reader for years, and am so happy for you!
So deserved! You & Dad are published! Super cool accomplishment! Love your blog & dad! Congratulations!