I finally made a decision on the new camera. After much research, reading, agonizing, and angst, here’s what I’m getting, the Canon Rebel T1i. If you missed the discussion a few weeks ago about cameras, you might want to read this. Lots of good advice and opinions were put in the comments.
I could have gone either way, with a Nikon or Canon, but in the end, this one won me over and since I am already a Canon owner, it just made sense. I honestly don’t think I could go wrong with either brand and I’ve heard really good things about this one, so I’m sure I’ll have some fun with it. So, when I get it in I’ll be playing around taking a MILLION photos, so just be fore-warned about that. 🙂
I ordered it online from here, after getting a recommendation from blog friend, Chris, who just purchased this camera too.
Hope you all have a fabulous Memorial Day weekend. I’ll have Thrifty Treasures up in case some of you get out to some sales. I have no idea what I’ll find this weekend, if anything, but we’ll have the party anyway!
If you have a subscription to Better Homes and Gardens, you’ve probably already seen the wonderful article on fabulous author, Mary Kay Andrews, adorable beach cottage on Tybee Island, GA, the Breeze Inn. When I met Mary Kay in Atlanta at the Eddie shopping trip last year, she was still in the process of finding treasures for her beach cottage. It was SO FUN to see it in print and to read the article about Mary Kay and her family, so if you haven’t seen it yet, pick up a copy of the June BHG.
Here’s a link to Mary Kay’s blog, talking about the article and photo shoot. You will love the pics!
Just because I can, I’m sharing these songs with you!
We caught a Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir special on the NRB station the other night and I am just lovin’ these songs. We recorded it and I’ve been playing it over and over. I WILL be ordering some of this music. I have loved this choir for years and this first song just keeps ringing in my ears and this was the performance we recorded. If this doesn’t bless your socks off, nothin’ will!! If and when I get back to NYC for a visit (I’ve only been once, very short), I WILL be going to church there. This is about as close to heaven as it gets here on this earth. Has anyone been to Brooklyn Tabernacle?? I’d love to hear about it.
This is the kind of Gospel music I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! If you have time, PLEASE listen to both.
Thou, Oh Lord:
Heaven on My Mind:
Congratulations on the new camera, Rhoda! And thank you for sharing one of my favorite choirs ever! If you’ve never been to hear them in person, you simply must do it. Going to Brooklyn Tabernacle in NY is an amazing experience. And when the choir begins a number you will be on your feet feeling like you are floating toward Heaven! See all those amazing people with amazing and redemptive stories — all races uniting together praising God is gets all over you! Their CDs are awesome, but don’t ever pass up experiencing it in person if you ever have the opportunity!
~ Agape & Shalom,
~ Victoria
I am looking for a new camera as well. What do you plan on doing with the old one? lol hint!
Hey, Tami, I’ll be keeping the old one. I’m sure I will not want to drag around a big camera all the time, so the old Canon will be my backup. It still works good too.:)
Thank you all for telling me about your visits to Brooklyn Tab! Oh, how I would love to go there and hear Pastor Cymbala preach and hear the choir led by his wife. I read his book, Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire about their beginning at the Brooklyn Tab and loved it. You can’t watch those videos without feeling the annointing of the Holy Spirit in that place. I’d love to experience that in person, but for now the CD’s will have to do!
What a great and informative post, Rhoda! Gotta tell ya that your purchase and your reference to your friend Chris’s post have solidified my decision about my next camera. I have been deliberating since Christmas over whether to go Nikon or Canon. I’ve had both and just didn’t know what to do. The two of you (and your blog posts) convinced me to go Canon T1i. But I DO have a really important question. Could you tell me the type of lens (or two or three) that you ordered with it? And one last question, what is the difference between the web-site you purchased from and Amazon, since both of them cost exactly the same? Please stop by for some great Southern recipes too! Love Mary Kay’s books! I’ll look for your replies or just stop on over. Roz (bella)
Hey, Roz, I’ll leave this note here & come over to your blog too. I checked out Amazon again after you said the price was the same. Amazon is for the body only, but the link we bought from comes with the 18-55mm kit lens for that price, plus several other things, camera bag, small tripod, so I liked all of that. I felt like it was a really decent deal. I got confused reading online from all the merchants who carried this camera. Some were body only and some had the kit lens. You really have to read the fine print to know what you are getting.
I’ve heard from several others that the 50mm 1.8 lens is great too & that will be the next one I buy. They are only about $100, so not too bad. But, it will take me a little while to get comfortable with this new camera, so I don’t plan to add a bunch of new lenses yet. Hope this helps!
Oh, Rhoda, that second song just blew me away. It actually brought tears to my eyes.
Jeanie, I know, so glad you loved it!! I cried through that whole show when we watched it on TV. I have just ordered 3 of their CD’s so I can have it around all the time. Uplifting, praise-worthy music, I can’t say enough about it.
Thanks so much dear, for your kind reply and information. I am going to that site you referred to just as soon as I finish this comment. I enjoy following you and your thoughts!
Blessings, Roz
Oh Rhoda! Glorious music, great message. Thanks for sharing. Have a blessed day.
That is the camera I use and I absolutely love it. It has made my blogging job so much easier and I love how many fancy things you can do with it. Have fun!!
Just another reason I love you friend! MaryKayAndrews is an awesome author, laughed lots when I first read “Savannah Blues”
love that she loves (for real ) the treasures people give or thow away.
Gonna check on that camera !! blessings to you