My friend, Debbie, has been working hard on her house the last couple of years and the familyroom is one area that came together well. I showed you this room before, but she has added a few things since then. And if you missed her pretty bedroom that you can see straight through the door above, click here for that tour.
I helped her with some of the furniture purchases and she put the rest together. It’s a cozy and warm room that welcomes guests.
The fabric covered ottoman is a nice touch in here and the rusty reds and golds are easy to live with.
Look how great the fabric I found at the yardsale looks in Debbie’s room? I had a 1 yard piece left over from the throw I made and gave it to her to make these great pillows for the sofa. Not bad for a $10 yardsale remnant.
Debbie also jumped on the beadboard wallpaper bandwagon (click here if you missed my project last year) and they spruced up her powder room with it and chairrail. Looks great, don’t you think? I love how it added some architectural interest to this tiny space.
We shopped an antique mall and that’s where she found most of these accessories. I love this green metal shelf.
Totally cute space.
A couple of botanicals finish off the wall.
She loves green too!
Just a reminder, I have beadboard wallpaper in my shop, so click over there to check it out. Next week, we’ll be doing a little promotion with a 10% coupon too, so if you are in the market for this wonderful wallpaper, it will be a good time to purchase.
And, I’m very excited that I’m in the process of getting a total bloggy makeover that is much overdue. I cannot wait, so be on the lookout in about a week to see the new and improved Southern Hospitality!
Wow, this sure looks AMAZING! I just don’t have energy to redecorate these days 🙁 I’ll just enjoy watching it here ’cause it takes way less energy 🙂
~WOW! Her home is spectacular. It is right up my alley in every way. Love the gorgeous fireplace and the furniture. Beautifully done!
Debbie’s home is remarkable! She has great style and everything is so very pretty!
Happy Easter, Rhoda!