The beauty of decorating is that we all have different ideas and tastes on what we want in our homes and here on Feature Friday, I like to highlight all of the diverse decorating styles out there. Today’s feature is Jenna, from Rain on a Tin Roof. She’s been blogging for a few years at Rain on a Tin Roof and her style is definitely colorful and very modern, completely different than my style, but I still don’t mind sharing out of the box decorating. There’s something for everyone in decorating styles, so I hope you enjoy this look at Jenna’s style. She calls her current house the 70’s landing pad, so I can imagine it was very much stuck in that era when they found the house. She describes her style as collected, vintage and modern and I think you’ll see that when you see her house.
Jenna hails from Chattanooga, TN, just up the interstate from Atlanta.
Enjoy the tour. Jenna’s not afraid of dark and moody or color or pattern or mixing things up.
Master bedroom and bathroom.
Her daughter’s room.
This is a shot from her old kitchen. She’s since moved from that house, but I think it’s a great remodeled kitchen.
This porch is from her previous house too, but it’s all about color.
I hope you enjoyed this tour off the beaten path at Rain on a Tin Roof. Stop by and say hello to Jenna!
Even though I am a traditional girl rather than modern, I love these rooms! I like a lot of color, and Jenna has used it brilliantly. The two pieces of furniture repurposed as bars really caught my eye. Who else spied the Nancy Drew books on the bookcase?!? Thank you Rhoda and Jenna for the tour, I really enjoyed it!
I immediately spied the Nancy Drew books as I am always on the lookout for them for my granddaughter – a third generation reader of N.D.! As a traditionalist I was nervous – but love to see someone embrace what they have and run with it. Liking the re-purposed furniture, too.
I just love Jenna’s style. Her personality really comes out in her design. Great feature 🙂
Yes, she has a very different style but she sure does put it together good!
Not all my style, but she definitely has style and runs with what she loves. I love the pops of Kelly green. The kitchen was great!
This was a fun post. Love her writing style, fashion sense and decorating style. So young and confident of what she likes and goes with it. I only wish I had that kind of confidence back then. I spent so much time worrying about what “people” would think. Who are those people I was worrying about anyway. Luckily I don’t worry about them anymore! Jenna is so cool – she’s got it right – everyone fly your freak flag and we would all be a lot less tense. Thanks Rhoda.
Rhoda, I love that you share different styles on Friday. Jenna has her own unique style and she does it beautifully. I love that her taste is her own and not cookie cutter! Happy weekend!
Not my style at all, but by showcasing different styles, you have something for everyone!
OMG I never comment even tho I frqeuently read your blog but I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE this space. I love black and white and seeing so much of it in this home makes me heart happy.
I’m a traditional gal too, but can appreciate and enjoy looking at all styles. It is wonderful how Jenna has collated and decorated her spaces. This was a fun post to view!
WOW!! Jenna has done a fabulous job of showcasing all her Mid Century Modern pieces with a little Hollywood Regency and Chinoserie mixed in as well. My favorite pieces are the MCM dining room chairs and table along with canary yellow MCM bookcase and faux bamboo end table.
I just go into MCM décor a little over a year ago so I really appreciate Jenna’s style and boldness.
Wow! Even though this isn’t the style I decorate with, I appreciated her unique taste! Her home is beautiful and very modern! She mixes color, style and vintage very well. Love her kitchen! Great use of color. I love that you feature many different styles on Feature Friday.