Back with Part 2 of the Serenbe HGTV Green Home that will be given away to one lucky person this year. Wouldn’t that be nice?
If you missed Part 1, you can catch it here.
I know many of you said that this modern style is not your cup of tea, but I can appreciate all different designs and I enjoyed touring this house very much. It might not be my personal style either, but it was fun to visit in person.
Exterior, modern and contemporary with stone base.
Heading upstairs to the other bedrooms, one of the neat features is the open staircase and windows.
Upper staircase is floating.
A whimsical light fixture hangs in the large stairwell. I’m not sure if this was an improvised fixture or was purchased exactly like that, but I have to say it was unique. I’m a little more of a traditional girl when it comes to lighting.
One of the guestrooms
Chevron fabric in gray and white.
I do like that red painted cabinet.
And those botanical are pretty cool too.
This wrapped mirror in the hallway was made from recyled metal, I heard.
In the hallway upstairs, is a long counter especially for crafting. Great place for kids to do homework or draw and paint.
The laundryroom was pretty with the penny tile on the walls. Penny tile is definitely a hot new trend now. Have you seen it yet? It’s about the size of a penny.
Organized and pretty.
This was a really neat bunkroom too and I loved the colors in here.
Perfect place for kids to hang out.
Greens and grays, pretty colors.
I do like that floor lamp too.
Nautical rope lamp was cute.
Bulldog artwork in between the twin headboards upholstered in chevron.
Mix of fabrics.
Another view of the staircase coming up going into the guestroom.
Upstairs bathroom was sleek and stylish.
More tile and concrete counters with shells in here as well as the kitchen. I do love the trend of putting tile on one wall in a bathroom and just might try something like this in my house.
Liked the tall shower curtain in here too, all the way to the ceiling.
View of the railing with wires in between.
Exterior shot from one of the floors above.
All in all, a very stylish house that I thoroughly enjoyed visiting.
We all have our own styles and what we are comfortable living with and that’s what makes the world go round. I’m sure whoever wins this house will be smiling really big!
My friend, Lynn, who owns that beautiful beach house I shared with you, is having a fantastic multi-family yardsale at her Historic Marietta home on Saturday morning (that’s tomorrow!) from 9-5 pm. Furniture, antiques, home decor, rugs, some young adult clothing, something for everyone!
McDonald Street off Whitlock Avenue, near the Marietta Square. Don’t miss it! I hope to make it by early, since I have my painting party. But don’t go too early, she won’t be ready.
Mary says
Love that red painted cabinet…I wonder if its painted with ASCP?
Crystal says
The bunkroom looks so fun! I love the mix of fabrics and colors, fun but not too childish.
Kelly @ Talk of the House says
Modern definitely doesn’t work in this house, but I can see this easily in the apartment for my son. Love all the red they used, and that bunk room is absolutely precious! I like that green too.
Serenbe is a pretty neat place…love The Blue Eyed Daisy!
kathy says
I bet it was fun to see in person. I love that red painted cabinet, too.
Edith says
This house looks very northern European to me. It’s a perfect marriage of practical contemporary products with accessories that look back to a simpler time. It’s not fussy and yet warm.
Phyllis says
I’ll have to stop by Lynn’s garage sale.Thanks for the tip. Liked the house too.
Amanda Eck says
These are great pics Rhoda. Im loving the kids space with the great colors. Have a great weekend!
Amber B. says
I am so glad that you shared these. I watched the special on HGTV but I wanted to see all of the details. 🙂 The kids’ rooms are great. I have 2 boys and could see doing more modern, fun fabrics for them as teenagers.
Krystle @ Color Transformed Family says
Modern is not really my style either but there are still a lot of great things I love about this house. I love the craft area and all the beautiful tile. And lately I have just been head over heels for rooms with bunk beds.
John@RemodelingBIBLE says
The chevron design with the matching breakfast set is absolutely a winner. Thanks for sharing this. 🙂
Kathy B. says
I enjoyed the tour very much, but the floating staircase freaked me out….I can’t do them. I even have recurring nightmares about them. Must have had a bad experience in a previous life. Rhoda, just so you’ll know even more weird things about me, I at times had palpitations when I drove over Spaghetti Junction. Whoa!
Thanks for the pics!
Lisa @ Paintbrush and Screwdriver says
you took the words right out of my mouth! They’ve always scared me, even now. Glad I’m not the only one 🙂
Barbara says
If anyone wants to give me a free home, I’ll take it! Yes, the stair lighting is pretty funky, but that’s an easy fix. Love tha laundry room, pops of green and the doggie picture!
Tardevil says
First, I want to say I saw on Facebook the lights you got at Ballard’s, and I love the green one! I had looked at them for a project I had in mind. You got a steal of a deal on them. This is not the taste of a house I would want to buy, but it is nicely designed, and like you, I like the bunk room with the green, best. I think the thing is, the design works well for the ‘green theme’ they were going for, even though there is probably not a lot of it I would use in my own home…to each his/her own. Hope you will post an update on your paint party next week! I bet things will be looking much better after that.
Brenda says
I really do not care much for the style of this house, but some of the furnishings I do like. Thanks for sharing!
Helen says
I simply love the Green Home …. enter every day, twice! My son and daughter-in-law live in Roswell ~ I can’t imagine anything nicer than being close .. or better yet, we could all live in it!
Jeanie says
Am I the only one who freaks out at backless stairs? I just can’t do it. Love the bulldog painting!
yvette says
When will the winner be announced/publicized?