Happy Friday and welcome to another Feature Friday! Meet Stephanie with The Seasoned Home. She lives in the cutest Cape Cod home in Fairfield, CT and I think you’ll enjoy her little spot in the world. She’s a brand new blogger and I found her on Instagram recently and thought her house was so cute and charming.
Come along and see her home, inside and outside. Stephanie is a wife and mom of 2 kids. She loves decorating and decided to get online and share her decorating and home with the world.
Isn’t this the cutest Cape Cod? I love the white picket fence and the blue door.
Decked out for the 4th of July or another Patriotic holiday.
So charming and picture perfect.
Her hubby recently built them window boxes and those are adorable. What charm they add!
Cute blue front door.
Inside the entry way.
Living room
Dining space
Dining and kitchen combo.
What a pretty table setting!
Love her kitchen!
The kitchen is super charming too.
Great view to the neighborhood.
Powder room
Daughter’s room
Master bedroom
And some beautiful outdoor spaces to enjoy.
A screened porch is great to have as well as the outdoor deck space. Lots of room for entertaining.
And that’s a look at Stephanie’s pretty Cape Cod. I hope you’ll look her up on Instagram, she’s active over there.
I am so over all these monochromatic color houses with NO color. That’s why I like your home so much better. I love color!
Very pretty and calming. She did a great job decorating.
can’t help but notice how she brings the pink from the outside – through the window – with those pink geraniums and the neighbors shrubs across the street. Clever. The beautiful pink plates with the roses is another charming detail. And I’d love a bedroom with the pink roses wallpaper. Thanks for sharing the photos, Rhoda.
This is just the sweetest, most charming home! Her deck space reminds me a lot of yours! xo