I can’t stop taking pics! Hubby still likes Napoli (middle) the best and his opinion is a big one….but keep reading!
(New Venetian Gold)
This is a lot harder than I thought!
Thank you all for your helpful suggestions and opinions of granite, what you like and what you don’t. There sure are a LOT of opinions out there, that’s for sure. With that in mind, I’ve already changed my mind about the oil-rubbed bronze faucet. We do have hard water here and I do not want my faucet looking bad in 5 years. My hubby would be really aggravated if I got a faucet and then it was a mess in a few years, so I really need to get something that will stand the test of time and use. And after seeing a picture from Chris at Just Beachy, who has that exact faucet I was looking at…well, I’ve changed my plans now. I’m going to look for a brushed nickel and I think I’ll really enjoy that too. These first 3 pics are the actual slabs that I took a pic of today in the sunlight. They are all beautiful, so I know I’ll be happy with whatever I get, but I’m only doing this once and want to make the best choice for us.
(Autumn Harmony) This is much more black/gold than it looks here.
So, after thinking I had it all figured out, after reading each and every comment from YOU, I went back to the granite place and brought home a few more samples, most of what I’d already looked at. I think now it’s between New Venetian Gold (which someone showed me a pic of their kitchen with this in place and her kitchen looks SO much like mine with the same colored backsplash and everything, that I have to consider it too.
I still love the Napoli too and am going to stare at all of these all weekend until we can make a decision. I think any of them will work and look good. It’s hard to get a good pic of the backsplash. It does NOT in person look pink at all, but it’s a very strong golden tone, but I can’t seem to capture it well with the camera.
When I brought the New Venetian Gold home the first time, we thought it might be too gold, but I’m not sure now. The backsplash really looks pink here, but it’s not. It’s frustrating to try to get this on camera. I think it does have a red undertone, but it’s not pink.
Here’s the backsplash above the sink with the light shining on it…see how gold it looks here. I know…lighting is different all around, so some pics are deceiving with color.
Autumn Harmony (black & gold), Napoli, and New Venetian Gold.
Napoli and New Venetian Gold
Autumn Harmony & Napoli
I’m sure I’ll have a lot of differing opinions on this, but I thought I’d throw it out there anyway. I know I’ll never have a consensus from all of you, but feel free to give me your opinion. Me and my hubby will have to agree in the end, so I’ll let you know the final choice. I may very well keep the Napoli choice! I’ll be spending some time over at GardenWeb this weekend and looking through some kitchen posts. I know that site well and it’s a great source of information.
Hi Rhoda… Just weighing in with my vote for the New Venetian Gold…
Your grandmother-in-law is truly beautiful !!!
hugs – janice
You can’t go wrong with any of these choices Rhoda. We put in granite last year and went with Santa Cecilia. I love it. I love the little bits of red ruby throughout, yet some black, gold tones, and white mixed in also. The big test is the slabs themselves. It took 4 slabs to do my kitchen and each slab was slightly different.
P.S. Napoli was in top running for us too! Maybe we’ll use that one when we redo 2 bathrooms this year.
I know from experience how hard this decision can be…good luck and don’t worry, you’ve got great taste and will take everything into consideration. I can’t wait to see the finished kitchen.
They all look great. I know you are having a hard time finalizing your decision. I will be anxious to see the finished project. Have a wonderful weekend. Love & blessings from NC!
Hi, I just learned about your blog a few days ago…love it! My husband and I just built a new home. We have New Venitian Gold in an Antique Finish, with the Pegasus sink, and a brushed nickel Delta faucet. (See (bad) pic here, this was during construction: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_LP7adQ-iiNo/SWK8Ljizt_I/AAAAAAAAAnc/UcITWPnIIWo/s1600-h/kitchen.JPG). But – it really turned out beautiful. 🙂
I will be looking to your site for decorating inspiration! Nancy
I like the autumn harmony………
I like the Venetian Gold after seeing the samples with your backsplash.
I had Venetian Gold in my last kitchen and I really liked it.
Here is a photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/stefanier/448767579/in/set-72157600054577340/
love your blog! I hope you havn’t made your choice yet, but if you have just ignore me. I had the bronze faucets for almost 5 years in VERY hard water and it was no problem at all. We also had Venetian Gold granite and I did not like the way it developed pits all over the place. I think you should go with the darkest of the three choices, then the granite wont be fighting with your tile color as much and get too busy. We are rebuilding and I am going dark with the granite this time, and can’t wait to get to that stage.
Your backsplash looks just like mine and my countertops are the silestone version of Autumn Harmony. Napoli is my last choice. I just went through all of this 2 years ago and am so glad I went with something a little darker for the countertops. Good luck! I know it can’t be easy.
I actually debated your two choices in my kitchen and did end up with the Venetian Gold and love it. I also went with the brushed nickel faucet. You will be happy with either choice. They are both beautiful and it really depends on the slab you choose. Love all of your ideas!
ok I had to make a comment..hehe I have the Napoli granite and originally was going to get the ventian gold but when I went to the granite yard and saw the slab the ventian gold looked more “peachy” to me and the Napoli’s slab had more of the nautral tones in it and with mine the burgundy specks showed up beautiful with my cherokeered and yellow in my kitchen….I say go for ‘NAPOLI” 🙂
Hi Rhoda! I have the New Venetian Gold and I love it.
Have fun!
Oh this is so much fun! We did this a couple of years ago and I actually went with an almost black granite with blue specks and I should send you a photo of the faucet and sink that my hubby picked out all by himself, I was quite proud of him. It is something people always comment on when they see it for the first time. I wish we would have gone with something like one of your backsplashs, mine is more shiny and I like the muted ones better. Fun, I can’t wait to see it all done! Have fun Rhoda!
Hi Rhoda, I still like the Napoli for contrast of the light and dark.The other two will give you the look you have now.You already have a wood floor so I just think the Napoli will look fresher and not too monochromatic.Can’t wait to see!! Kathysue
I am sure you have already chosen, but I just saw this post. My parents have a LARGE kitchen, and they used Venetian Gold in their's and LOVE it! Their backsplash is very similar in color to yours, and their cabinets are a dark cherry. But in all honesty, all three are beautiful and I don't think you could go wrong no matter which you choose!
After looking at granite to the point of confusion, I’m thinking of using travertine. I know it requires upkeep, but would appreciate hearing someone’s actual experience.
I’m sure that you have chosen your granite countertop months ago. I just happened to be searching for my own countertop ideas . when I read some of your commets I can say I am having the same problem. I spent the day out at stone yards looking. I like the napolli I think. I have an all white kitchen. I don’t want to close it in by using too dark a granite and I don’t want to much color. What did you go with? I need help. thanks