It’s summer and traditionally that means that people travel. Â A lot. Â I have been on my share of road trips over the years and there’s really nothing more exciting to me than packing my bags, hopping in the car, and heading out on a fun road trip, to a known or unknown destination. I tend to like to travel just a few hours by car and if it’s over 8 hours, definitely prefer to fly, but going to a new exciting place is so much fun. I have always loved to travel and today I’m joining a group of Southern bloggers who are all sharing some of their favorite Southern cities.
I’ve shared parts of my hometown of Marietta, GA with you before, so today I’m doing another recap of my fair Southern town. Â And you just might get some ideas of some Southern road trips you might want to take too. Â Enjoy the fun virtual tour this week of the South!
Here’s a little more about my life here in Marietta, GA. Â My family moved to Marietta back in the summer of 1963 from Florida. Â I was 6 years old and my memory of life truly began here in Georgia. My dad was a pastor then and we came to Marietta for him to begin a new pastorate here in Marietta at the First Assembly of God church. Â He would pastor there for 27 years before he retired.
Life was a lot slower back then in Atlanta and of course, the technology we have today was just a glimmer back in those days.  It was the days of black and white TV, playing outside in the summer, catching lightening bugs at night, enjoying homemade ice cream and watermelon during the summer months, and generally enjoying 3 months of glorious summer when school was out. It was about road trips to North Carolina, swimming in the community pool, and lazing around in the heat playing outside all day long.  We didn’t get a color TV until I was in the 2nd grade and I vividly remember my dad plugging that thing in and turning it on for the first time.  There was a cartoon of Foghorn Leghorn playing at the time and life would change after color TV.  Oh, the sweet memories of childhood.  My childhood was right here in Marietta.
The Big Chicken is a well known Marietta landmark and everyone seems to know about it.  It’s a KFC chicken restaurant now, but started out as a local place.  Here’s a good look at more about our town from
Driving into the downtown area of Marietta, you will pass lots of gorgeous homes on Church Street, which is a one way street straight to our Marietta Square. Â Heading out of the Square, you’ll be on Cherokee Street, with equally pretty historic homes.
I didn’t grow up in Old Marietta, but have admired these old homes my entire life.
I shared a post earlier this year about all the historic homes in and around the Marietta Square.
There are lots of beauties like this one.
The Marietta Square itself has definitely been revitalized over the years that we’ve lived here. Â Back during my childhood years, there were plenty of shops there and we shopped on the square often. Â I remember a Dunaway drug store, women’s clothing shop, men’s clothing, Saul’s Department store, and Coggins Shoes. I wish I could remember everything that was there.
The Square has changed quite a bit from my childhood days, but the charm and quaintness of it remains the same today and actually it’s better than ever. Â There are loads of shops and restaurants and it’s become a great place to hang out on the weekends.
The famous Brumby rocking chair company still has a shop on the Square.
Tsunami is one of my favorite restaurants and the Australian Bakery has some wonderful desserts. Â There’s a new shop just to the left of this building called Rocket Fizz and we’ve been in there several times. They sell nothing but retro sodas and candy. Â So fun to remember the candy of our childhood!
The old original Strand theater has been renovated as well and that is such a good thing. Â It hosts concerts, shows and special events and there is a rooftop bar area that isn’t that old, looking out over the Square. Â A great place for a special events party!
The rooftop bar is up there where that railing is.
These pics are from 2011, but the square has been a part of our lives for a long time. Â Lauren had her bridesmaid luncheon on the square.
The Vineyard Cafe is still there and still a great place for a girl’s day out or luncheon for a group.
It was such a memorable time.
I have such fond memories of growing up here and the brick sidewalks harken back to the charm of olden days.
I’ve done my share of walking these brick sidewalks myself.
The Marietta Square fountain has been renovated over the years too. Â I remember when I was growing up there was a goldfish pond here and we loved looking at the goldfish. Â Now it’s a fountain spraying water and in the middle of the square. Â The fountain is a great meeting place too, when someone is trying to find you.
We spend a lot of time at the Square, eating and shopping and walking through the middle of the square you never know what you’ll see. Â A spring wedding, perhaps? Â These folks were right on the bandstand getting married and it was so fun to see. Â This is where concerts are held the last Friday of every month during the summer. I haven’t missed one of those in awhile, we love them and they are free.
This is part of the crowd that gathers during the concerts on the square. Â Live music and dancing and everyone brings their food and beverages for a fun evening outdoors. Â I even go out early to put out my chairs and blanket to save a spot.
And this is where you’ll find me and my guy, Mark. Â We have been to two concerts so far this year and will continue throughout the summer. It’s a great spot to people watch, eat some good food, and listen to live music.
And if you are strolling by on the sidewalks, you just might see us up and dancing to some Swing music. So much fun! The pic is blurry and bad, but you get the idea.
It’s a lovely place to spend the day and evening, watching the sun go down.  I do love my Marietta Square, home to so many of my childhood memories.  I’m so glad that historic squares like this have been preserved for future generations.  The buildings wouldn’t be the same if they were torn down and new buildings built and I just love the feeling evoked here on the Square of Marietta.
Do you have a fun hometown memory that you enjoy too?
Don’t miss the other bloggers on the tour with me today and the rest of this week. It’s fun to travel even if it’s only through your computer.  Someone suggested we open up a link party for others to join and share their Southern cities too, so we are doing that on Saturday. If you have a post to share, get ready to link up on Saturday!Â
Southern State of Mind {Atlanta, GA} | Restless Arrow {Belton, SC}
Southern Hospitality {Marietta, GA} | Our Southern Home {Caswell Beach, NC}
Unskinny Boppy {Birmingham, AL} | Maison de Pax {Austin, TX}
Atta Girl Says {Greensboro, NC} | 3 Little Greenwoods {Aiken, SC}
Dixie Delights {Savannah, GA} | Slightly Coastal {Fernandina Beach, FL}
Uptown Acorn {Grand Isle, LA} | The House of Wood {Nashville, TN}
11 Magnolia Lane {Southern Pines/Pinehurst, NC} | The Turquoise Home {Huntsville, AL}
Duke Manor Farm {Pendergrass, GA} | Domestic Charm {Charlotte, NC}
Our Fifth House {Charleston, SC} | At Home with the Barkers {Greenville, SC}
Simple Stylings {Mount Pleasant, SC} | Refresh Restyle {Bishop, GA}
you just might get some ideas of some Southern road trips you might want to take too. Enjoy the fun virtual tour this week of the South!